King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

How many do you have outside now?

Think in my neighbours yard we had 6-7 4 doing well due to location of light all day
Plus the white cheese nukem you see here :)
No only have two white cookies under the mars reflector 144

Some pics this morning
white cookies feminized Week 4 day 4 flowering think I'm not allowing pots to dry out efficiently enough? But the froth is building. I'll get a jewelry loupe shot soon

Oh my god, a printed catalog??? What year is this?

Sorry just to lazy to type it all using brian. work smart not hard no? ....
Damn king!! I looked into Canadian citizenship bro. Just for grins. Wow. U guys don't play about letting riff raff in. A little scuffle here & there & bam!!! No entrance for you!! Lol. Looks like way more hoops than I expected. Don't blame ya though. You guys have a beautiful piece of heaven there, & cant be blamed for wanting to protect its beauty, peace & community. Maybe a short visitors visa one day!!
Great day dude. Plants looking fantastic. Great day to you and all who read this. :thumb:
Damn king!! I looked into Canadian citizenship bro. Just for grins. Wow. U guys don't play about letting riff raff in. A little scuffle here & there & bam!!! No entrance for you!! Lol. Looks like way more hoops than I expected. Don't blame ya though. You guys have a beautiful piece of heaven there, & cant be blamed for wanting to protect its beauty, peace & community. Maybe a short visitors visa one day!!
Great day dude. Plants looking fantastic. Great day to you and all who read this. :thumb:

Come move I'll vouch for ya. We can just say we're brothers from different mothers ... lol
Come move I'll vouch for ya. We can just say we're brothers from different mothers ... lol

It said like 6 years before you can apply for the .....shoot, I forget the proper name so please excuse me if I say it incorrectly, but 6 years to get your Canadian card? Anyways, lol. You could say I was your employee training to grow all ur plants. :thumb: I also watch that Canada border show on Netflix. People are a trip I tell ya. Sunny & hot as balls here.

Ps. Spoke to guy at advanced nutes. Andy answered phone. I was like....hey I remember hearing about him on joes thread. U r more than correct about him sir. Phenomenal what that guy knows. Super cool guy too. More time shooting breeze than discussing nutes and stuff. Lol
It said like 6 years before you can apply for the .....shoot, I forget the proper name so please excuse me if I say it incorrectly, but 6 years to get your Canadian card? Anyways, lol. You could say I was your employee training to grow all ur plants. :thumb: I also watch that Canada border show on Netflix. People are a trip I tell ya. Sunny & hot as balls here.

Ps. Spoke to guy at advanced nutes. Andy answered phone. I was like....hey I remember hearing about him on joes thread. U r more than correct about him sir. Phenomenal what that guy knows. Super cool guy too. More time shooting breeze than discussing nutes and stuff. Lol

That's what I'm saying great company to have around . I'm good to be using an. But I want to able to get to 800-900 ppm. Is hard with ph perfect . I don't there is so much out there moon . And yes it's a Canadian citizen card bud.
So seeing some new growth finally. Letting dry but longer think I was over feeding watering
So pennywise as requested I hope it's okay but here I am giving product placement but hey this app deserves to be recgonized fir allowing us to educate ourselves with some awesome guidance .
Rep the best app ever best community best buds just the best . Here is the kicker has nothing to do with me being happy my T shirt came in today to huge shout out to all the mods once again for selecting by journal for the month of July 2017. This will never be forgotten , 1 truly a greatful dude .

Much love from
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