King's Headband 818 - Indoor - Coco - Mars Hydro LED - Winter Grow

Cheapest gallon of extractohol is $80. Assuming I haven't spent additional money to recapture that, it's gone after one use. A 20 ton shop press is $190 at harbor freight, plus the cost of the aluminum blocks and the heating element probably another $200. So for under $400 you have a lifetime supply of rosin at the price of 5 gallons of extracohol, with no waiting to evaporate the alcohol.

Not that I'm getting either, just an interesting comparison :). I'm sure there are pros and cons as well. Floor space being one of them ;).
I have to go with shed on this one bro ✊
I’d buy a bigger press if I could, @Kingjoe83 1 good press on a hair straightener should give you enough rosin for an evening.
I’m going to try it so should I put like a gram or two in parchment and press and see what happens I gues what do I do with the hard bud that’s left ?
It used to be here until about a year or so ago then it started showing up in the state stores and it's pretty cheap. I watched growchy use it so i was wondering.
Extractohol is 200 proof (100% alcohol) and Everclear is 190 proof (95% alcohol), which means that there's 5% water in it. I don't think it makes much difference but the water takes longer to evaporate than the alcohol.
Joe, sorry to burst your bubble but that kind soil is completely cost-prohibitive for shipping. I looked into two bags shipped to my place and it was going to cost close to $200 US. I actually spoke to Phil Kind on the phone and he told me that they wouldn't ship it at all if it weren't for demand. They use Amazon for shipping only, or local pickup.
I'm sure I'll see you soon, I've got 50 to 60 gallons of Vans stank soil cooking as we speak.....I can fill your pail.
Really looking forward to 45 days from now. His soil (My batch), will be 60 days old by then, at which point I will drop 6 - 8 ATF plants into it. I've got a killer lineup for my first initial grow in the Stank soil. Thats my May lineup lol.
Been trying to find Stanks recipe for soil. The link in his sig doesn't work? Don't suppose you have it laying around Guy?
Extractohol is 200 proof (100% alcohol) and Everclear is 190 proof (95% alcohol), which means that there's 5% water in it. I don't think it makes much difference but the water takes longer to evaporate than the alcohol.

Except in California the only EverClear we can legally purchase is 151 proof --- I instead buy Extractoahol from the link on the site. It is cheaper than the ethanol they sell on Amazon.
Yea it takes a little longer but the same process, what did you need to know Joe?
I’ll post on your wall when it comes off to hockey night try tonight if questions I’ll ask on your wall bro . Also see if it works then I’ll post pics of turn out and how I went about it .
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