KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Sorry should of left off the quote, but in my defiance their worth another look.
Congrats Judge John.
congrats brother! how's it smelling over there?

The smell filled the house within minutes of Brainstorm Haze #3 being taken out of the grow room. Brainstorm Haze #3 smells Fruity with a light hint of mint and has a very, very strong aroma.

Hi KingJohnC,
So how close to harvest do you stop with the nutes? I see you flushed but are you continuing to go back to a reduced amount of nutes? Or straight water? (sorry if I missed it in the post)
Thank you :)

General Hydroponic Flora series 3 part nutrients only requires a 7 day flush, with PH adjusted water, or PH adjusted water with a flushing agent. We did not use a flushing agent in our grow.
The smell filled the house within minutes of Brainstorm Haze #3 being taken out of the grow room. Brainstorm Haze #3 smells Fruity with a light hint of mint and has a very, very strong aroma.
sounds like you got some of the Stargazer's traits in that phenotype. the mentos/mint is usually the teller. the best part is yet to come.
Harvest Day

Brainstorm Haze #3


























I wish i had a willy wonka "smell-o-vision" monitor.
Congratulations on your harvest John who is King :cheesygrinsmiley:
I believe Brainstorm Haze #1 smells most like citrus and Labexperiment says Brainstorm Haze #1 smells like zesty with hints of musk, We both agree that there is no mint smell to Brainstorm Haze #1.
Very cool KingJohnC ! Do you wash your buds ? Or do you just clip and dry ?
I use disposable vinyl gloves and when I harvest a plant I start by cutting the branches off 1 by 1. I take the branch and first strip off all the fan leaves. I then use a pair of Fiskars Micro Tip Pruning scissors and trim all the sugar leaves flush with the bud. Fiskar Micro Tip Scissors are recommended by the arthritis society. I then take the trimmed branches and place them in my drying rack to dry for 5-7 days or until the buds just break off the stems. I then trim off the buds from the stems and place the buds into storage containers. I take the buds out of the storage containers and place into a large bowl for 10 minutes per day for 10 days.

My drying rack


Fiskars Softouch Micro-Tip Pruning Snip recommended by the arthritis society Softouch Micro Tip Pruning Snip

drying racks

2' Dry Rack w/ Zipper Openings - perfectgardens

I have a portable washing machine similar to the Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine that I put the trimmings in a mesh bag and place inside the washing machine, I then fill the washing machine with cold water and ice cubes and set it for 2 cycles. I then place my 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble bags inside of a 5 gallon pail then drain the washing machine through its discharge hose into the bucket. I then remove each bag one at a time as I drain the liquid from the bag. The trichomes are gathered in the bottom of the bags and are removed in different grades and pressed in a pressing screen to remove excess water. I then take my
Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press and press the hashish into convenient sized disks.

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine

5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit

Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press large piranha aluminum pollen t-press

THANK YOU!!! I have been trying to work out which method of curing and drying to use. There are so many different methods and I really didn't know which to use.
Greenhouse say put it in brown paper bags at 6-10'c....that's like a fridge?!?!
420s post on it also metions a fridge if I remember correctly but surely there would be some issues using this method?

I like this way, my friend has a rack for me already and containers are easy to come by.
Thanks for taking the time out to explain this to me my friend
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