KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Flower Day 55

Brainstorm Haze #1












I have a portable washing machine similar to the Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine that I put the trimmings in a mesh bag and place inside the washing machine, I then fill the washing machine with cold water and ice cubes and set it for 2 cycles. I then place my 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble bags inside of a 5 gallon pail then drain the washing machine through its discharge hose into the bucket. I then remove each bag one at a time as I drain the liquid from the bag. The trichomes are gathered in the bottom of the bags and are removed in different grades and pressed in a pressing screen to remove excess water. I then take my
Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press and press the hashish into convenient sized disks.

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine bubble magic 5 gallon mini washing machine

5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit

Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press large piranha aluminum pollen t-press

All this cool way of making things is neat. Would love to get a chance to try one out. It looks like it would save tine :thumb:
Very pretty, KJC. Those girls are showing their pearly-pearls. ;)
Awesome pics KJC, what are you using for a microscope?:thumb:

I am using a 25X-200X Magnifier USB Digital Microscope Video Camera Endoscope High Speed DSP that I purchased to take trichome photographs.
This is the first time I have grown Brainstorm Haze so I must go by the breeders recommendation for days to flower. At this point I expect Brainstorm Haze to flower for another 29-35 days to reach a total of 84-90 days.
I am comfortable growing plants with this method. When I first started growing cannabis I grew several small plants and nutrient burned them, on one plant all the vegetation died except the tips on 2 lower branches. The plant had 2 lower branches that I bent downward to keep the plant with a new set of clones at optimal distance from the lights. As the nutrient burned plant grew it grew new growth from the nodes that produced a cannabis plant with branches reaching upwards from the nodes of the 2 main branches. When flowered the nutrient burned cannabis plant's branches stretched and each produced a cola. This produced a shorter plant with many more colas then on a plant grown without Low Stress Training. Due to height restrictions and growing Brainstorm Haze a sativa dominant haze the branches were tied down.
she looks milky already. what are the pistils looking like? that's a great camera.
she looks milky already. what are the pistils looking like? that's a great camera.
here are the Flower Day 51 photographs, you can see the pistils are a mixture of white and withered pistils.





thank you for the pictures. please keep us updated since you have the technology. :high-five:
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