King Tut In RDWC

Root rot, try an Enzyme Cleaner
I use Hydroguard which is an enzyme cleaner according to Botanicare. I had it a 50% over the recommended dosage before the havok started. I always use that much. But it didnt stop anything. I understand Z7 is good stuff. But the local store wants $75 for it.

Im cleaning my diffusers right now. Its where all this started

The plants font look terrinle on top, but the roots are getting hammered meanwhile the plants i put in soil look great

So i flushed again. Plants were mopey, so being the good dad i did it again. I also cleaned the hell out of my diffusers with bleach, an air compressor, and a 1/3 peroxide to water solution. These were where the snot hung out. Im going to use peroxide for the inoculent instead of Hydroguard from now on. Penny jas a point, i wonder if Z7 would have sorted things out. Im going to use just the trio for nutes for economy sake for now. Keep it simple for at least a week. If that doesnt work then i have a new plan that may compromise the very nature of this thread. I want to pull this off, but if this newest evolution if my grow doesnt work then drastic times call for extreme measures.

Just keep using the hydroguard, it will help and simple is always better

I dont know bro. Ive lost a bit of faith in our buddy hydroguard. It was there before the CHUDs showed up and ot did mothing. I feel i have to use stright peroxide in the interim. Im gonna go 1 pint per week until the damn things start smiling. If it doesnt happen very shortly drastic measures may be in order... i have a plan! Haha stay tuned folks! You remember my last grow... is it me!? Ive been collecting nightmares in the beginning. But the end of the last one came out very well thats Penny! Youre a good clown after all
hydro guard is a root inoculant used to prevent damping off not fight bad bacteria
peroxide, especially strong enough concentrations to cause burns kill everything, good and bad including your hydroguard
i'd go with a thorough system clean and maybe a water soluble fungicide
what kind of organics goes into your hydro solution?
hydro guard is a root inoculant used to prevent damping off not fight bad bacteria
peroxide, especially strong enough concentrations to cause burns kill everything, good and bad including your hydroguard
i'd go with a thorough system clean and maybe a water soluble fungicide
what kind of organics goes into your hydro solution?

I tried a additive called Super Nova. It was recommended to me. It says it was cool with hydro.

Ive used quite a few other organic additives, just got one that i shouldnt have. Lesson learned. I use peroxide anytime something needs cleaning for that reason... it kills everything. I have a plan to salvage this grow, but i still need to put some things together
I had problems with any roots above the water line using hydroguard, since switching to Z7 not a worry in the world man. Get your ass on ebay and grab some its not 75$ since i'm paying 55$ to have it shipped to canada at a premium.

I gotta do that. There's another place that has gallon jugs... saw that today. They have another one called nuke em. But ill find Z7 dude. Thanks
Z7 is awesome stuff, I was in pretty much the same boat you’re in when I first tried it and it saved my grow big time.
Ive never heard a negative thing about it. I should have pulled that trigger a long time ago
Rich Farmer turned us on to it
I see its wildly popular, not just here. I have to say, what i had was virulent. I kind if doubt it could do anything once this crud took hold. I could very easily be wrong. My basis for this judgement is based on the fact both peroxide and bleach had no real affect. My hydro store, that doesnt sell it, can get the quart size Z7 for $55... a little better.
So. I switched to the darkside. My hydro rig is broken down and mothballed for now and soil has blown in. I ordered 7 bags of FFOF and 6 smart pots to see what a whole season of just soil would be like. I dont expect it will be anything like my last season.

I tried like hell to get hydro going but that stuff just wouldnt go away. I would clean everything then disinfect the roots. The next day they would get worse. The second i put the first two in soil the were happy as fuck. The next two needed the roots disinfected again, but quickly turned around... i tend to give them what theyre asking for.

So this grow is officially the King Tut Reluctant Dirt With Compunction thread RDWC. I wonder how many rules im breaking... it started out legal.

I will be adding a couple in the middle if i can find something quick

So there you have it Dawg. Pretty anticlimactic. I had to build ot up a little
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