Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Thank you Shed They are looking OK. If you are close as I get you can definitely see they are outdoor girls. Lots of blems and Banana Jealousy looks awful to me. 🍋
Can't wait to see your harvest Keith! Loving the progress 🙌 👏 helps me as well! Everyone has different experiences and being able to grow with everyone on has opened me up to infinity possibilities. Never would tried this hard if it wasn't for all the support from you guys and friends and family. Your doing great and I'm loving the journey your on friend. Good luck and hope your doing well. Not that you need the luck 😉
Good morning all I have some pictures hope they come out OK










I trimmed a little more off of her. Her buds look fine, but her leaves look like hell. Most of the leaves are covered with dried milk. I almost want to spray her down with the hose but that will not help the PM, and it is humid as hell out today. The Banana Jealousy was said to be mold resistance. This was the only plant with PM. 🍋
As you can see the Banana Jealousy looks awful with the PM stains. It does not rub off, so I think it is dead PM. As I said earlier the flowers look fine all white pistils no brown flowers. I did not notice anyone else having a PM problem with them it was wet earlier this spring and that is when I got the PM. I hope the plant is ok just ugly looking. I have a question can you use citric acid during flower? If so, I would like to be able to spray the other plants if needed. 🍋
If the milk isn't working I'd spray it every 3 days with the canola oil mix as soon as the sun is off it. Even if it browns a few pistils it's better than losing the harvest to PM.
I have a question can you use citric acid during flower? If so, I would like to be able to spray the other plants if needed.
Citric acid will work but does more pistil and leaf damage than the canola oil spray, which is why I've switched.
As you can see the Banana Jealousy looks awful with the PM stains. It does not rub off, so I think it is dead PM. As I said earlier the flowers look fine all white pistils no brown flowers. I did not notice anyone else having a PM problem with them it was wet earlier this spring and that is when I got the PM. I hope the plant is ok just ugly looking. I have a question can you use citric acid during flower? If so, I would like to be able to spray the other plants if needed. 🍋
I know it sounds laborious, but wiping the leaves would be better
Thank you Roy. Congrats on a nice win last month it was well deserved. 🍋
Cheers Keith, that's a very kind comment
GSC? If you haven't tried it, you're missing out big time lol
Thank you Stone I appreciate the kind words. But mine do not compare to your giant trees. I will tell ya I love growing these plants I keep learning new things from all of you here at 420. :thanks::lot-o-toke:🍋
Yeah, we're not here to compare. Just to learn and have fun doing it. Your plants are gorgeous!
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