They are looking good buddy :thumb:
Going to be the smelliest house around soon :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laugh:
And you are going to be very busy manicuring all of that weed :goodluck:
Looking forward to the finished product

Thanks Absorber and yes it will be a bit of trimming. 🍋
How about a place to hang them to dry Keith? Do you have a place picked out? They'll need some air but not a lot and 60% rh ish when possible.
Don’t forget about it being dark. My basement is perfect for it. Usually runs in @ 60-60something RH and around 70-73 degrees F. Happy growing my brother. CL🍀. :thumb: :circle-of-love:
For doing quantity they are life savers my buddy got one last year and put everything through it but the colas and saved couple weeks forsure
Did he trim it wet? I tried it dry but the leaf hugs the nugs so does close to nothing.. just made a awkward trim bin for me 🤣
Did he trim it wet? I tried it dry but the leaf hugs the nugs so does close to nothing.. just made a awkward trim bin for me 🤣
I use it on buds that are just dry enough to go into the jars for curing.
There's a bit of leaf left on them, but not much.
Here's a post of the results.
A couple more turns probably would have taken them off, but then it can start to snip off bits of bud.
If I plan to use my bowl trimmer the plan goes into motion at the beginning of the harvest. I only remove the large fan leaves from the plants and nothing else. Then I dry them either in the fridge or by hanging them. Once dry, I removed the buds from the branches and run them through the trimmer in order to remove all of the remaining small leaves.

My time-saving not only comes from not having to hand-trim but also from only taking the time to remove the large fans during the initial takedown.
Did he trim it wet? I tried it dry but the leaf hugs the nugs so does close to nothing.. just made a awkward trim bin for me 🤣
Personally i throw them in the trimmer once dried enough to hand trim them. I will throw the non cola’s into for a rough trim then. Then will hand trim for the final product.
Most people start with wet trimming and after a couple of grows and bigger harvests you realize you have to optimize and improve on your methods.

The buds will die off slower and dries better with dry trimming IMO. I remove the larger leaves but that's about it. Wet trimming also breaks the cell membrane barrier all over the plant making it more prone to be inoculated by bacteria and rot during drying.
How about a place to hang them to dry Keith? Do you have a place picked out? They'll need some air but not a lot and 60% rh ish when possible.
I have two rooms one in the attic and cellar. :thanks: :thanks:
Most people start with wet trimming and after a couple of grows and bigger harvests you realize you have to optimize and improve on your methods.

The buds will die off slower and dries better with dry trimming IMO. I remove the larger leaves but that's about it. Wet trimming also breaks the cell membrane barrier all over the plant making it more prone to be inoculated by bacteria and rot during drying.
That's the main reason I don't wet trim in the bin but was planning on trying some hand trimming wet as them leaves hugging the nug p me off lool

If you trim bin wet you have to net dry? And keep turning buds?

I'll try a few ways when I harvest this weekend 🙏
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