Keffkas Seedsman Comparative: Purple Ghost Candy

Hey @Roy Growin should I bury this bud union?

No, that's a crown, just mulch it before Winter
You could dig it up and split the roots every 3 years or so if you want to spread more plants around
No, that's a crown, just mulch it before Winter
You could dig it up and split the roots every 3 years or so if you want to spread more plants around

What would you recommend for splitting roots? Pulling the azaleas apart was a nightmare
What would you recommend for splitting roots? Pulling the azaleas apart was a nightmare
Depends on exactly what it is?
Maybe one of these two?
Purple loostrife is an invasive all over the Great Lakes region, especially beside highways, and liatris a native species known for nectar production and, IIRC, a sweet scent.

I grow the blazing star, I've got plenty of seeds saved from my plant last fall. You're welcome to have a good lot. They come back every year.
No, not noticed anything like that

I was logged out of my account randomly. When I went to login my phone warned me my password was compromised as part of a data leak, but I use a different password for every account/website so I don’t know how that would’ve happened with this password. I changed the password and sent Marc a message about it in case there’s some tomfoolery happening.
I was logged out of my account randomly. When I went to login my phone warned me my password was compromised as part of a data leak, but I use a different password for every account/website so I don’t know how that would’ve happened with this password. I changed the password and sent Marc a message about it in case there’s some tomfoolery happening.
Might be an idea to log out and do a scan, most IT guys {including me} use Malwarebytes
There is a free version with no shit attached

What was that plant? Looks like a rambling sapling - dog rose?
Storm knocked trees down and we went low power for the 3 worst days we could’ve possibly done in this grow. The Blue Thai will be fine but the PGCs very likely will have taken a pretty heavy hit.

I used LED lanterns to keep at least a bit of light and rhythm going but I could only do so much to mimic a 4’x4’ 1000W fixture. Tonight will be the first night I get a good look at the situation. I’m not hopeful, I expect the worst.
I expect more from men, and maybe that’s my fault. I expect more than you complaining that immigrants and gay people make your life harder. I expect more than you being concerned with what another person is doing with their life. I expect you to be better than a grown man messaging teenagers inappropriately. I expect every man to be better than they’re apparently capable of.

At least my sons get the role model I always wanted.
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