Keffkas Seedsman Comparative: Purple Ghost Candy

Light flip +7, It’s a jungle in there. I’m gonna jump in and clean everything up tonight or tomorrow night so there’s not wasted time on branches I won’t keep.



It’s soft, opaque, and brown/tan. Also 5$ for 50 ft on Amazon, made by rain bird. It seems built to my specific complaints
as long as it is colored. anything semi see through promotes algae and other growth in the lines. it's why most lines in hydro are black.
there's outdoor stuff that won't work for indoor as well.
as long as it is colored. anything semi see through promotes algae and other growth in the lines. it's why most lines in hydro are black.
there's outdoor stuff that won't work for indoor as well.

Yep, I’m very familiar with algae, stupid ass pool smh 😂

The polyurethane would be fine for outdoors, it’s just too stiff for the delicate complexity you need to run lines indoors to containers. Maybe if I had beds it would be more acceptable.

I would really prefer to run my main all the way through the room and just branch close to the containers. However, running a 1/2” line multiple feet across the floor indoors is asking for problems.
Yep, I’m very familiar with algae, stupid ass pool smh 😂

The polyurethane would be fine for outdoors, it’s just too stiff for the delicate complexity you need to run lines indoors to containers. Maybe if I had beds it would be more acceptable.

I would really prefer to run my main all the way through the room and just branch close to the containers. However, running a 1/2” line multiple feet across the floor indoors is asking for problems.

we ran lines for 200 plants in the med grow.
In my room with the pruners like:


Bloom is banging now. Gorgeous green stems that are so fresh you can see the moisture. The plant is running in every direction. In the process of tying down and trimming up. Everyone will be a minimum of 4 feet





I love home schooling my kids. We don’t do actual schoolwork or anything like that. They pick a topic they’re interested in learning about and we learn about it. I also sprinkle in lessons along the way for stuff they’ll need to know. For instance, my 9 and 13 year old both are learning how to fly a plane. They know how to budget, maintain a checking account, and pay bills. A couple days ago we built a dog house from scratch so they learned about building a floor, cutting wood, drilling, etc. They both know how to compost, vermicompost, plant, water, etc.

I always have a bit of concern as to whether or not I made the right decision educating them myself. Any time you do something the average person doesn’t, there’s some concern, some wondering about why others don’t do it. However, when I look at the things they’ve learned compared to the things their cousins have learned in school, I’m pretty confident I made the right call. Regardless of what happens, they’ll have the knowledge and skills to be able to provide for themselves and their loved ones in any situation.
Looking good in there Keff :high-five:

Thanks MB! The stink settled in last night. I walked around the corner and the smell hit me in the face. We don’t even have buds yet, I may need to look into filtering the air a bit if it gets too strong.
Thanks MB! The stink settled in last night. I walked around the corner and the smell hit me in the face. We don’t even have buds yet, I may need to look into filtering the air a bit if it gets too strong.
I use one of my wife's nylon pantyhose :hmmmm: socks, I put 2 or 3 dryer sheets in it and wrap it around my exhaust fan, it blows a nice fragrant smell through the house :smokin:
I love home schooling my kids. We don’t do actual schoolwork or anything like that. They pick a topic they’re interested in learning about and we learn about it. I also sprinkle in lessons along the way for stuff they’ll need to know. For instance, my 9 and 13 year old both are learning how to fly a plane. They know how to budget, maintain a checking account, and pay bills. A couple days ago we built a dog house from scratch so they learned about building a floor, cutting wood, drilling, etc. They both know how to compost, vermicompost, plant, water, etc.

I always have a bit of concern as to whether or not I made the right decision educating them myself. Any time you do something the average person doesn’t, there’s some concern, some wondering about why others don’t do it. However, when I look at the things they’ve learned compared to the things their cousins have learned in school, I’m pretty confident I made the right call. Regardless of what happens, they’ll have the knowledge and skills to be able to provide for themselves and their loved ones in any situation.
Sounds like they're learning the things school based kids should be.

I am curious, though, as to how you incorporate drag queen story hour into your curriculum. Or maybe that's one of the things you're ok with them missing out on. :hmmmm:
At this point in time we will take a moment to reflect. I’ve run this entire grow with nothing but water and dirt. The amount of effort I’ve put into these plants is so minimal and such low cost they deserve the title “weed”.

We have 4.5 feet tall plants in 3 gallon containers and 4 feet tall plants that have been topped 3 times. Everyone is colorful, shiny, and hauling ass.

This is where the genetics really come into play the most. If the genetics are clean, we have nothing to worry about. I could light poison these plants without a hermie and I will show it. If the genetics are strong I will be able to poison, stress, and push these plants with zero hermies. So far they’ve been able to handle my stressors with minimal issues. However If they herm on me we will know the line is unstable.
First step in light poison stress testing. I have a dark sheet that doesn’t allow light through. I will place this sheet over half the room. I will then proceed to hit the other half with a variety of lights that mimic all sorts of scenarios. I will turn the fixture on for 5 minutes at random times. I will use my phone flashlight, LED flashlight, lanterns, as well as turning the lights on in the next room and guiding the light into the grow. I will do these things for about 2 or 3 weeks. That’s enough time to ensure there’s sufficient poisoning and is also similar to most common poisoning scenarios.

This process will give me a control and an experiment. Good luck @SeedsMan
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