I'm sorry, I mean the defoliation of plants, when is the last one due?
That's what I thought you were asking. :Namaste:
Personally I'm not a big user of defoliation.
When stretch is finished I clean underneath.
I leave everything on them otherwise. Everything.
So I'm the wrong person to offer anything on the timing or benefits.
Perhaps someone who actually does it could give us another suggestion. :yahoo:
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks for the tag Kanno! It's a bit late now but I would have recommended taking off everything down low at least a week before flipping to push all new growth to the net and beyond.

But in terms of post-stretch thinning (which can be 3 weeks but is often longer with sativa/sativa leaners), I take all the branches that won't make the canopy or will be larf-producers because of their small size. I take the branches but leave the fans (like Bill) that are growing where they attach to the main nodes since fans can be important as a light gatherer and plant resource.

Depending on how much greenery is left under the net after that it might be a good idea to make sure you have extra airflow down there.

Also, and this is completely personal, I take off lower flowers on the branches I am leaving because I hate trimming larf. I try to take anything that won't grow into the main flower on the end of the branch, but like I said, that's just me. :)
When stretch is finished I clean underneath.
I leave everything on them otherwise. Everything.
Def. agree on waiting until stretch is over this time, then you be you. Also, I'd think about raising the nets up a bit and let the plant come to it as it stretches so you still have more ability to widen the plants out and fill any holes/corners. I don't know what the expected stretch on anything you have will be, maybe you do know, but the net's there to help you place the tops - so I try not to start it too low and that way I keep my options open.

Plants look unbelievably healthy, K. So nice. Vipar Spectra sure has some nice gear going right now; I'm glad they chose to sponsor us, and going the other way, I think we do a lot of good for them too. What a beautiful relationship.

You are 'smokin'hot' in those SIPs, under those lights - and making the whole damn team look good by association. :thumb:

Hulk Smash!

PS, I will be saying that every time. It's deserved; I mean, look at that magnificent green beast! We should give you the nickname "Maestro".
Thanks for the tag Kanno! It's a bit late now but I would have recommended taking off everything down low at least a week before flipping to push all new growth to the net and beyond.

But in terms of post-stretch thinning (which can be 3 weeks but is often longer with sativa/sativa leaners), I take all the branches that won't make the canopy or will be larf-producers because of their small size. I take the branches but leave the fans (like Bill) that are growing where they attach to the main nodes since fans can be important as a light gatherer and plant resource.

Depending on how much greenery is left under the net after that it might be a good idea to make sure you have extra airflow down there.

Also, and this is completely personal, I take off lower flowers on the branches I am leaving because I hate trimming larf. I try to take anything that won't grow into the main flower on the end of the branch, but like I said, that's just me. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by @InTheShed, I was defol doing it last week before flipping. But it's a fact that I was afraid to remove more, even though I thought it was enough, but the more I removed, the more it grew 😂 next time I'll try it more thoroughly, I also don't like to cut larf.
Def. agree on waiting until stretch is over this time, then you be you. Also, I'd think about raising the nets up a bit and let the plant come to it as it stretches so you still have more ability to widen the plants out and fill any holes/corners. I don't know what the expected stretch on anything you have will be, maybe you do know, but the net's there to help you place the tops - so I try not to start it too low and that way I keep my options open.

Plants look unbelievably healthy, K. So nice. Vipar Spectra sure has some nice gear going right now; I'm glad they chose to sponsor us, and going the other way, I think we do a lot of good for them too. What a beautiful relationship.

You are 'smokin'hot' in those SIPs, under those lights - and making the whole damn team look good by association. :thumb:

Hulk Smash!

PS, I will be saying that every time. It's deserved; I mean, look at that magnificent green beast! We should give you the nickname "Maestro".
Thanks a lot @ReservoirDog for the compliment but I'm not feeling Master yet but thank you. I have one more net in reserve that I can use when they stretch out or extend it a little before the stems harden, that could also be a solution or not?
That's what I thought you were asking. :Namaste:
Personally I'm not a big user of defoliation.
When stretch is finished I clean underneath.
I leave everything on them otherwise. Everything.
So I'm the wrong person to offer anything on the timing or benefits.
Perhaps someone who actually does it could give us another suggestion. :yahoo:
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks a lot @Bill284, your advice is always welcome 😉
Thanks a lot @ReservoirDog for the compliment but I'm not feeling Master yet but thank you. I have one more net in reserve that I can use when they stretch out or extend it a little before the stems harden, that could also be a solution or not?
yes, second net is viable, using two is an excellent practice. I see it so infrequently I started assuming no one was doing it, my bad. Thank you for this lesson. :Namaste:

Onward, Maestro Hulk! (that's a Marvel comic character - he's the Incredible Hulk, but in far, far future when he has become a genius, rational Hulk, highly talented in warlordism and spreading his ' Tzar-like total power over vast territories in post-WW3 USA. He's outlived all the Avengers and Xmen of the past by a millennium. So now, he's little bit cranky.
Hello everyone, it's finally here and after eight weeks of vegetables we have the first day of flowering for both Hulkberry and the four Paradox girls. Their hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. So it was time to finally let the @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO and KS5000 run at 100% and judging by how the girls look today it's going to be an incredible ride. All the plants look very healthy and I'm very curious to see how much they will stretch after being turned over. So now it's time to show how the girls are doing on this glorious day 😉

first up is Hulkberry with his XS1500 PRO...

Next up are the four Paradox plants with KS5000...

Thank you all for stopping by and please let me know when next time girls cut @Bill284, @Jon, @Azimuth, @StoneOtter, @NickHardy ,@ReservoirDog, @InTheShed , @KeithLemon, @HashFart thanks for the tips everyone is welcome 👍🖖
Wait a minute - the Hulkberry is “He?” Damn @Kanno26, and I tell people you’re really good at this too.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They look utterly amazing. You have some very sexy screen stuff going on there too my friend. It looks like you’ve been doing this forever.

Didn’t you ever read She-Hulk?

Lmao! Great work Kanno26. This will be a great show. And as far as my eyes see you have your light game completely under control. In that regard I have one suggestion: check the numbers more closely as they get closer to being done. I’m sure you’d like to eliminate those pesky foxtails? If so, that’s most likely a function of light later in flower. If it were me, I’d toss that out and get some feedback from your core. I bet you with a minor tweak to whatever you did last time you can eliminate them if that’s your desire.
I'm sorry, I mean the defoliation of plants, when is the last one due?
I love when someone opens this rabbit hole. I’m staying out of this one. I’ve learned my lesson.
The @ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro packs a much bigger punch than its innocent size would seem to indicate. I tried to go from 50% to 75% today on the scrog on the VS tent and it bounced them from 650 to 950!!! Had to let it stay at 50%. What a great problem to have!!!
Hello Jon, the VIPARSPECTRA 2023 new arrival XS1500 Pro grow light has an optical lens design that ensures more concentrated light and less light loss. It achieves the most uniform PPFD for optimal photosynthesis and growth, ensuring plants absorb balanced PPFD in each corner, enhancing balanced growth for healthier growth and higher yields.
Hello everyone, it's finally here and after eight weeks of vegetables we have the first day of flowering for both Hulkberry and the four Paradox girls. Their hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. So it was time to finally let the @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO and KS5000 run at 100% and judging by how the girls look today it's going to be an incredible ride. All the plants look very healthy and I'm very curious to see how much they will stretch after being turned over. So now it's time to show how the girls are doing on this glorious day 😉

first up is Hulkberry with his XS1500 PRO...

Next up are the four Paradox plants with KS5000...

Thank you all for stopping by and please let me know when next time girls cut @Bill284, @Jon, @Azimuth, @StoneOtter, @NickHardy ,@ReservoirDog, @InTheShed , @KeithLemon, @HashFart thanks for the tips everyone is welcome 👍🖖
Looks better every time :thumb:
Hello everyone, here we are on the third day of flowering, the girls are starting to stretch and we'll see when I have to add a second net to the Paradox, the only thing that scares me a little is how terribly dense they are, but when they stretch and the last defol is done, everything will be fine for sure like this they look like the PARADOX girls under @ViparSpectra KS5000 ...

Now the second tent with Hulkberry and two XS1500 PROs is starting to fill the entire screen beautifully and I think the hulk is a bit more airy than the Paradox but the hulk is alone and there are four girls. And this is what tent number two looks like...

Thanks to everyone for stopping by growers 🖖
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