Kandy Kush True Aeroponics - 1/3HP Pump - 600W HPS - Jungle

Okay, I think I got the situation under control now


Left flank:


Right Flank:


Three hopeless rows were removed to make room for better ones:




The modular design played a big role in making this work:

my understanding is that with 3 wks of veg you are going to need at least a sq ft of room per plant. I have seen some extreme defoliation techniques that may be a solution but plants are usually subjected to this process throughout the life cycle. In your situation I would pull out even more plants along each tube and tie the remaining plants up.
also roots do not like to be to clog up in the tubes which is why I prefer 6" or even 8" tubes. One final question: Have you noticed any Iron deficiency, my understanding is that UV can cause Iron to precipatate in solution.
I did not see any visual signs of any deficiency whatsoever, but I am just a beginner and could have missed it
I somewhat sold on the awesomeness of BPN nutes looking at how fast these things grow back without any sign of weakness
Stems are somewhat fragile compared to stems grown in soil, but they grow much much faster in aero than in soil, so no wonder

I made a stupid mistake vegging them for too long, but as I said earlier, I wasn't happy with SOG no-veg technique returns from the first grow and wanted to see what happens if I give the plants lots more time to stretch. Things just got out of control too quickly.

My next grow I will veg for just 10 days, and then remove all the side-growth and flip the switch to 12/12
The grow after that I will not veg at all. I will then calculate the difference in returns per time from all 3 grows and will go with the winning strategy after that

I just won a metal 10'x6' grow-tent on ebay for $200 - it is 6.5' tall and will have much more headroom for the next grow!
It will house a similar setup with twelve 8'-long rails and 4 plants per sq.ft SOG
I was thinking of going with round pipe instead of fence posts, but I hate to change something that's already proven and works...

I am bought into the thinking that SOG is faster than growing full-blown plants and should provide better returns with minimum messing around in the end. In my opinion, vegged plants take too much room, require too much time to bloom completely, and need way too much care...

The lights should be on now - I will go take some pics
I honestly forgot the name of the breeder, but I am pretty sure it is the same as everyone else's and yours too. From searching the net, I found out that most people who grow Kandy Kush got it as a freebie, and can't stop growing it. I bought a 5-pack of seeds and this seed was a freebie too. All the strains in the end got "weeded out" as much weaker and less sticky compared to KK

Camera-phone pics sucked - no "backflash" feature as like on my canon make it impossible to shoot the room with the light in the picture... and the canon is with my wifie
Andriod, intesting journal I'm subscribed. I grow hydro: flood and drain, DWC, haven't tried aero yet. I agree with skyrocket on the water temp. Keep it below 80F. 65F - 70F is optimal. oxygen is key for hydro res. invest in a water cooler or charge water more frequently or as I do freeze water in a 3l soda bottle and put in res when temp go above 80F. I also use H2O2 periodically to increase oxygen and prevent decease in roots.

As for you space issue I would tie them down and grow horizonitally. be careful not to break stem, they are very bendable though. I'd recommend against supercropping since its in flower stage and they will just grow up toward the light after repair any ways. lst is another option just google it. lst is to much work for me. Good luck!
Think outside the box - there is plenty of oxygen in the air, this is not DWC, and roots are healthy, why would I suddenly invest in a chiller, start putting peroxide in water and aerate the res? If there is no problem in the first place?
just a suggestion bro, imho regardless of the hydro method your water temp should be 65-75 degrees to keep the water oxygenated. If your happy with your roots/results great don't rock the boat. you might be able to maximize your results and prevent problems from occuring. just tryin to help. :;):
Re: Kandy Kush True Aeroponics - 1/3HP Pump - 600W HPS - Blue Planet Nutrients - Jun

Wait 2-3 weeks and harvest - that's what I'm going to do
Plants get light. Not all parts of the plant get it, but it seems to be sufficient for them.
The shit looks wacky and crazy, but they are flowering and seem to be doing well.
I'm guessing that lack of light in one place gets compensated by the light other parts of a plant get
Re: Kandy Kush True Aeroponics - 1/3HP Pump - 600W HPS - Blue Planet Nutrients - Jun

Actually, they do get burned, true that. Anything closer than 6 inches does.
What I've done to avoid the burning, was this: I pushed them out of the direct contact with the light to the sides and they continue to stretch on the side of the lamp. Of course, I had to trim the hell out of the ones in the middle - the area right below the light is actually open (you can't really tell that from the picture). Most of the plants have outgrown the lamp height, so now they sort-of surround it.
Vegging too long was a stupid idea, and now I am paying for that.

P.S.: Kids, don't give your plants steroids, or you going to end up like this.
Re: Kandy Kush True Aeroponics - 1/3HP Pump - 600W HPS - Blue Planet Nutrients - Jun

nice plants ...I'd try hanging the light vertical
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