Kandy Kush Closet Grow

Pissing tomatos, chillies and basil FFS!
I'm 33 and stuck at my parents house. My dad is a weed nazi prick. I have to wait till 1 month before the 1st frost to start this year :-(

Ive even got a good growcab that could fit your Kandy in nicely.

My life sucks! I just wanna grow!
Sorry to hear that......hopefully the weather breaks early this spring

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
I wouldn't chop it early mate even with overdrive, and the little whiles look like nats mate have you got a bug catcher in there them little flies are nightmare they lay there eggs in the soil so get one in while you can

Newbie Grow
Yeah the gnats themselves arent bad just a nuisance but their larvae will destroy your roots. If you allow the top layer of soil to dry out it makes the enviroment inhospitable to them

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
Just do it earlier rather then later but I only top my autos once the lst then

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
Yeah I read that as soon as your 3rd set of leaves start to come through top them then you get another 2 weeks for good veg growth and recovery they recover quite well I did it with my pals auto and worked a treat then lst it to bring up more branches the same level as your 2 new colas

Newbie Grow
Got some purple guys

Sent from my SM-G900F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Yeah I read that as soon as your 3rd set of leaves start to come through top them then you get another 2 weeks for good veg growth and recovery they recover quite well I did it with my pals auto and worked a treat then lst it to bring up more branches the same level as your 2 new colas

Newbie Grow
I topped my auto acid at the fourth but it got to four nodes super quick and the topping didnt seem to stunt her

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
I think this pic shows the benifit of topping a lot ha . It's not an auto though

Sent from my SM-G900F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I think this pic shows the benifit of topping a lot ha . It's not an auto though

Sent from my SM-G900F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Man shes lookn gud very nice indeed how long did u veg her for

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I'm also curious how long you vegged them before you topped, quite new to the scene here. I'm considering topping one of my plants, about 18 days old now, split her fourth node already. Curious wether I should wait for the fifth node to top or if I'm good to go.
I top after the third node and let it grow a bit and then top again and again . I vegged it for like 4 weeks I'd say . Lst and attempted a scrog but I felt like it didn't need it .

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