Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Kali Mist CFL Scrog Grow Journal - 05-19-13

Beautiful Plants Crimbo :xmas:

Kudos and Reps for the DE Tutorial pics.

Most people here are doing things for the first time,

so Information and experiences shared and explained are worth more than gold.

Viva el Crimbo !


Ole! Thank you Rico, I fall into that category myself. I could used to the name Crimbo lol

Reminds me of a joke on the simpsons when bart writes his name on the wall and homer says... If bart can be el barto, I can be el Homo! lol
I dont think it will change the actual colors of the tops it just enhances them
Yes purple strains can show better color if the temps at night get around 55 and some just turn color all by them selves with out the cooler temps. that is dependent on the strain:)

Cool beans fish cakes :) Your a fountain of knowledge
Pretty sativas, Crimson!

I agree - great canopy management.

I like how close to even your tops are, my goal in my current LED test grow. Going to be hard with 3 plants of 3 different strains.

Thanks crawdaddy, personally I felt my canopies were very uneven lol. I'll try to do it better going forward :)
That does sound tough to scrog 3 different strains, with your experience I'm sure it wont be a problem for you though

Pretty sativas, Crimson!

I agree - great canopy management.


thank you kindly graytail
I managed to catch an adult fungus gnat, I wanted to see what strength H202 (hydrogen peroxide) would kill it, if it all. Turns out 1 part h202 3 parts water nearly instantly kills the adults. So thats the solution I watered all 3 plants with. Turns out the fresher the soil is, the more it bubbles and fizzes.

I thought I'd share some pics of my 3rd plant being that its a part of the same harvest. I'm pretty excited how she's turning out being she had no veg time and is under a single 55w CFL :)

Originally she was supposed to be my early flowering plant of the 3 so I could sample the buds early and test an expirement without any veg time. Unfortunately she took forever to produce flowers after the 12/12 switch, She also appears to be lagging behind my other 2 so no early sample lol. I'm unsure if the no veg time caused the longer flowering process or if the GLR light schedule the moms are on sped up their flowering process.

Kali Mist Clone - Flower Day 35 ....... Total Days - 48 08-04-13

Just remember that the H2O2 will kill the bacteria in your soil also. good and bad.
I managed to catch an adult fungus gnat, I wanted to see what strength H202 (hydrogen peroxide) would kill it, if it all. Turns out 1 part h202 3 parts water nearly instantly kills the adults. So thats the solution I watered all 3 plants with. Turns out the fresher the soil is, the more it bubbles and fizzes.

I thought I'd share some pics of my 3rd plant being that its a part of the same harvest. I'm pretty excited how she's turning out being she had no veg time and is under a single 55w CFL :)

Originally she was supposed to be my early flowering plant of the 3 so I could sample the buds early and test an expirement without any veg time. Unfortunately she took forever to produce flowers after the 12/12 switch, She also appears to be lagging behind my other 2 so no early sample lol. I'm unsure if the no veg time caused the longer flowering process or if the GLR light schedule the moms are on sped up their flowering process.

In my previous experience I have noticed that if plants are not mature enough, even if put in flowering cycle, will not start flowering for a period of time. I assume it has to do with the level of hormones in the plant. Was the plant a clone of the others? or a clone taken at same time? or was it from seed and planted later? When I was growing on the Big Island in the 90's I could plant seeds in December and they would still veg for 2-4 weeks before showing their sex. But if I took a mature plant and forced it to flower, they would show sex in about a week. I am sure it strain dependent too.
its is a clone of the plant to the left in the scrog screen. Both my scrog girls are from seed, the clone was taken afew weeks into veg and was the primary top when I first took a cutting, it was 1" tall and 2 nodes. Shocked it rooted especially without cloning gel, popped it straight into peat moss. I figured since my method of training was topping, I might as well try to root it lol.
Your plants are beautiful sir.

If the brown spotting continues, I suggest checking your runoff PH. It may be a little low.

Thank you kindly spimp. I'm pretty busy next few days but my ph runoff is currently stabilized at 6.8 last I checked about a week ago. I didn't have any runoff to measure with the hydrogen peroxide solution recently and didnt want to dilute it by adding water over top. I'll be sure to check it next time though when I begin my new nute regime.

I believe the hydrogen peroxide is burning my delicate plant bud leaves, I took a pic but no time to upload. My wife turned off the AC so the grow cabinet temps skyrocketed to 93F I don't know if that damaged the bud leaves or the H202. I'm assuming h202. I got my fingers crossed no more damage continues, the 3rd flowering plant with same treatment looks just fine and unphased... Odd I know, I wonder if the soil has completely broken down and maybe thats causing the problems? I'm out of ideas, there has been so many different problems arising lately I'm not sure where to pinpoint the cause, it could very easily be a whole bunch of different things
I believe what I'm looking at here is a phosphorus deficiency probably due to the heavy flushing coupled with the low nute feeding for past few weeks followed by a magnesium deficiency which was missing completely from miracle grow.

I recently read Miracle grow fertilizer is absolute crap and even in small doses is highly concentrated hardcore chemicals that causes all kinds of problems and burns even used in minute amounts. It was originally usually used by old people in the 60's who wanted to fertilize their yards once a month and have an all purpose fertilizer. Weird a fertilizer company also focuses on extreme pesticide use. I decided this company is bad for the environment and will spread the word to friends and family.
Hi crawdaddy, me neither. My company just failed and so did a lot of my investments, I'm so strapped on cash and unable to find a job that this grow has been extremely budgeted. thankfully John found a really good nute for me that was very reasonably priced. :)

I thought the h202 was burning the leaf tips but I can't tell, went back in there and looked long and hard, I want to say no its not. The girls are extremely nute deprived the leaf tips at the top branches are a yellow/green, I found a very odd looking bud leaf, 2 actually that looks like the start of a disease, it looks very odd to me, never seen a pic like it before. I cut those 2 tiny leaves out but am almost tempted to cut that bud completely off just in case it is a disease. the bud looks fine just not the 2 leaves.

Sorry for the bad pics in a big rush. Any idea what this is?

Both leaves and the bud site it was taken from


It alright and Thank you Rico. Ya its weird alright. Like a tar like growth right on the surface of the leaf, its dark brown. I Don't know how else to describe it lol, the trichs were completely dead around that brown area. I'm just glad its nowhere else in the grow room. Feels like I cant get a break these past few weeks, getting kicked in the balls at every corner :rofl: I'm really glad though, I feel like this is the fastest way to build experience and learn to fix these problems so they don't happen in the future. I say Bring on the fire cause I got the ice!
Crimson, is the leaf discolored or is it an actual growth on the leaf? If it a growth I would just cut it off wherever I see it. And if it spreads still then, get more radical and cut off whole top. I am curious as to what it exactly is though. And of course wash hands after handling leaf just in case.
The war on fungus gnats is getting fierce, I see dead adult gnats everywhere. Looks like the DE is kickin butt, problem is there are still a bunch of adults around and no way to apply more de without it getting wet. They seem more attracted to the soil than the yellow sticky traps... Potato slices and wedges turned up nothing even the ones buried in the soil. Wonder if that means all the larvae are dead, sure hope so.

Next watering cycle I'll water with nutes then a final hydrogen perxoide solution the next watering period.When the soil dries I might apply more DE but I'm a bit nervous about the powder getting on the buds now, thanks for pointing that out crawdaddy lol btw hamburgers kill! Keep that in mind next time you swing into mcdonalds :rofl: all for laughs no hard feelings :)
Sorry Crimson, and I just had a hamburger too. I am sure you will be fine.

You may have seen this before but found this on another thread....

'Gnatrol works well for the babies and the yellow insect cards work well on the flies. Put a layer of sand or perlite over the top of the medium to block access to adults. If the moms can't get to the soil to lay eggs they can't multiply.
I used peroxide at a high dose to kill off my last infestation. Fungus gnats can destroy a crop. The babies eat on the roots and the adults are known to feed on plant juices (suck at the leaves) at times as well.'

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