Kali grow

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Pretty pretty pretty roots. oooooooohhhhhhhhh yummmmmmmmm - so peaceful. Should be a desktop.

PS - If it makes you feel any better - I didn't even know there was a log out button til a week ago. And I still don't know where it is or care.

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Ehi buddy, what's upppp??

Too much at the moment. This work stuff sure makes it hard to spend time with my loved ones. Like you guys, my plants, my dogs and oh ya, my wife! lol

The extra money will benefit them all so I guess it's worth it. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. Getting older sucks so don't do it! :rofl:

Maybe it's working 56 hours in 4 days after a winter of sitting on my ass that makes it so difficult. Another week of this and I'll be all toughened up and it will be easier.

How are your outdoor babies? I hope you have a great harvest to tell us all about. Like me, many others are hoping the best for you my friend. :thumb:


Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Pretty pretty pretty roots. oooooooohhhhhhhhh yummmmmmmmm - so peaceful. Should be a desktop.

PS - If it makes you feel any better - I didn't even know there was a log out button til a week ago. And I still don't know where it is or care.

Ignorance and apathy in perfect harmony. I don't know, and I don't care! :rofl:

I guess it doesn't really matter much. The fatigue, beer and herb are rapidly approaching nirvana and soon, Nothing really matters . . . nothing really matters, anymore . . . .

Stole that from Queen, dontcha know! lol

I should try to get a short video of those roots dancing in the bubbles . . . hmmmmm. ©Patent pending® on that idea guys! You heard it first in the LabRat's Lair! :rofl:


Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Ignorance and apathy in perfect harmony. I don't know, and I don't care! :rofl:

I guess it doesn't really matter much. The fatigue, beer and herb are rapidly approaching nirvana and soon, Nothing really matters . . . nothing really matters, anymore . . . .

Stole that from Queen, dontcha know! lol

I should try to get a short video of those roots dancing in the bubbles . . . hmmmmm. ©Patent pending® on that idea guys! You heard it first in the LabRat's Lair! :rofl:



Sounds like someone's enjoying their first break in a while!

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

:rofl:Its okay stoners are always late at least a day:rofl: Enjoy the work brother:goodjob:

Like me. A day late and a dollar short! lol

There ain't no enjoying this work. Survival is the goal.

Speaking of work, how are you liking your new job? Play on 420 AND get a paycheck. I'd be in hog heaven! :cheer: :thumb:

By the way. Who are you calling a stoner you pot-head?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :bong:


Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Get while you can my Friend......we'll still be here!:cheer:

Glad to hear it OMM. :thanks:

Like the farmers say, got to make hay while the sun shines. Screw the sun I've got heat rash all up both arms and the itch is driving me to drink! Us little pink fellows aren't supposed to bake in the noon-day sun. I thought that was reserved for mad dogs and Englishmen! :rofl:

The water hauler that came over turned out to be a young friend of the kid that used to rent my old place and the local outfit he drives for doesn't piss test so I'm going to check them out for work when this job is done. Even before so I can let them know when I'll be available. If my boss gets any assholier I may jump ship if it's a go.

I'm getting tired of using 3rd grade equipment to transport and dispense high-pressure hazardous caustic chemical. My truck is in the shop and I'm running the old '78 Kenworth back-up beast. About two acres of hood in front of you! lol Rides like Yugo and steers like a drunk. Maybe if I got drunk at work we'd cancel each other out! :rofl:

I'm about done so I'll say g'night mate and say hello to Groover for me.

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Glad to see you out posting, I am glad you have work. It is good to be providing again I am sure, you know you could work out during the winter right so the transition to work isn't so painful? :rofl::rofl: (Yeah right, trimming is enough work...:Rasta:)

:peace: my friend, talk to you again when you get a chance.
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Sounds like someone's enjoying their first break in a while!


Enjoy, hell, I'm freaking ecstatic at the moment! Not much of a break as it's up at 6 am if I manage to sleep that long. I might just manage it tonight tho! lol

Still haven't popped down to see the girls yet and probably won't do more than peak in at them as I haven't showered yet and may be carrying something nasty to the girls from a farmer's field. I did a major tie-down this morning with pH adjustment and feeding for all.

I think I'll be dosing the ScroG with some Bloom nutes soon as I'll flip it within 2 weeks. A week after dosing I'll take some clones before it goes 12/12. The big clone in the can goes 12/12 too so I can use it for breeding. The new clones will perpetuate the species in a veg area yet to be prepared. Some cardboard, duct tape and a couple of CFLs will suffice.

There are so many side branches and bud sites that many have to go before flowering. I'll be culling 50% at least I think and there will still be too many. Anybody need clones? lol I get a big fat paycheck at the end of the month and I'm getting some fresh nutes and a few enhancers ASAP to get this Scrog to produce. I got close to 8 oz off each tub with many plants and if I can get the same with one plant in ScroG that's the way I'm gonna go.
Different strain but the previous Kali that I got this seed from were fat cola girls so I'm hoping for the same from this girl. :yahoo:

I want to start another ScroG ASAP but time is limited and there is so much to do. I still have that goofy little Kush survivor from the last crop sitting in it's net pot in an old margarine tub with a puddle of nutes. sucker refuses to die so I might just breed it too for the hell of it.

After midnight so I'll C'ya L8r

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Glad to see you out posting, I am glad you have work. It is good to be providing again I am sure, you know you could work out during the winter right so the transition to work isn't so painful? :rofl::rofl: (Yeah right, trimming is enough work...:Rasta:)

:peace: my friend, talk to you again when you get a chance.

You're right about the working out but it has that nasty 4-letter word in there, WORK. Something I rarely do for anything but money or pleasure. :rofl:

At least trimming gives pleasure. If I needed to lose weight I might consider it but I need more. Still have lots of pot tho so it's still :allgood:

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

I'm really sorry that I don't have time to visit all the great grows that everyone is working on and I miss that so much.

I'd love some short updates and pics posted here so I can see what's up and say high. Low rez pics please as I'm still on dial-up and downloading them is so slooowwwww!

Hi-speed coming ASAP then I can really get the goods!

Thanx for hanging in folks. I really need you all and value this forum and all the great peeps I've met.

I'll be paying for this late night tomorrow for sur but it was worth it.!

:yahoo: :bong::bong: :bong:-ity-:bong: :yahoo:

:peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Too much at the moment. This work stuff sure makes it hard to spend time with my loved ones. Like you guys, my plants, my dogs and oh ya, my wife! lol

The extra money will benefit them all so I guess it's worth it. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. Getting older sucks so don't do it! :rofl:

Maybe it's working 56 hours in 4 days after a winter of sitting on my ass that makes it so difficult. Another week of this and I'll be all toughened up and it will be easier.

How are your outdoor babies? I hope you have a great harvest to tell us all about. Like me, many others are hoping the best for you my friend. :thumb:



I'm really sorry that I don't have time to visit all the great grows that everyone is working on and I miss that so much.

I'd love some short updates and pics posted here so I can see what's up and say high. Low rez pics please as I'm still on dial-up and downloading them is so slooowwwww!

Hi-speed coming ASAP then I can really get the goods!

Thanx for hanging in folks. I really need you all and value this forum and all the great peeps I've met.

I'll be paying for this late night tomorrow for sur but it was worth it.!

:yahoo: :bong::bong: :bong:-ity-:bong: :yahoo:

:peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:

Hey buddy, don't worry i'm the Peter Pan of 420.:rofl:
My plants are good and i just discovered that thay will finish (maybe) around June/July (and i thinked October), so in this moment no bad news.

All of you love to "walk in the forum" make a break in one journal then walk again.
And i think noone can read all journal as wanted. So just follow your instinct if you have few time. And you will have no problem.:grinjoint::grinjoint:
:peace: my worker friend
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Hey buddy, don't worry i'm the Peter Pan of 420.:rofl:
My plants are good and i just discovered that thay will finish (maybe) around June/July (and i thinked October), so in this moment no bad news.

All of you love to "walk in the forum" make a break in one journal then walk again.
And i think noone can read all journal as wanted. So just follow your instinct if you have few time. And you will have no problem.:grinjoint::grinjoint:
:peace: my worker friend

Wise words for you LabRat Now that you have Peter Pan helping, your worries are over! Superweed is taking care of you Buddy.:cheer:
He' a good friend to have too!:cheer:

Take care and remember you are an Old Fart now!:cheer:
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Wow! You will really be a posting crazy man when you get better internet.

Sounds like stuff is going well, if hectic.

Figured I'd let you know as per your request - I am wrapping up the current journal. There's a pretty good summary of the grow at the end. Sorry - LOTS of pics.

Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Hey LR, how ya doin old man :blushsmile:. I've been running around just like you lately, but I got a little time today to jump in on some of my favorite journals. Of course no surprise that i'd stop in here hahaha. The roots on Sally are reeeally dense. Glad to see you in good health and doing well, and still humorous. Take it ez Lab.

Much Luv, C'ya L8r

P.S. Congrats on High speed internet :blushsmile: now i can quote pics again :biglaugh:
P.P.S. Yo the site looks weird to me. But the verdict is still up on it. I'm all about change tho, so maybe I just need to get accustomed to it.
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Hey Butcher I just did a drive bye to look at some pic's. All good I see. Love them 'snow white' roots. Well we all have to have income. Long haul or local? Myself man I "WISH" I could work. Least I got lucky and had enough credit in to get full benefits on SSA. Well hope your grass stays green. It's been awhile since I peeked in, but looks good. Stay Down Dude.
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

just popping in to say hi, dont work too hard and be safe....girls are looking great....later lavendar:rollit:
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

Like me. A day late and a dollar short! lol

There ain't no enjoying this work. Survival is the goal.

Speaking of work, how are you liking your new job? Play on 420 AND get a paycheck. I'd be in hog heaven! :cheer: :thumb:

By the way. Who are you calling a stoner you pot-head?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :bong:



I grew up workin with my pops, so work brings me great memories of him now that my parents are gone. But I hear ya man. Survival is a bi*ch , but it only makes you stronger. Jobs cool, busy as can be. The new site takes some getting use to, but I'm honestly digg'n it now. And yes pothead to say the least..
honestly I cant believe how white those roots are. Just amazing. You scrubbin it with colgate?..Hhmmm I know thats the secret..:rofl::welldone:
Re: LabRat420's little Kali grow.

SMH you really said dial up. Your the first person I have heard admitting using dial up still. Now I know your really old school. But old school is the best school if you ask me, love the way the ladies are coming out btw.
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