JustMeds Kilimanjaro Mist Cloner & Quad Tub RDWC No Airstones - 2017

Roots are kicking in good. It seems the nutes can be turned up farther then I thought. I wonder if the spinning disc is not picking up the nutes or if they are falling out of suspension. The clone who's roots hit the bottom of container and can lay there(wet damp bottom of container) is looking better then the rest. They all still have a couple water drops on them just before it cycles on again. Think I may take timer to 1on/2.5off. Then see if they start looking like they are drowning. Good or Bad plan?

I have another idea I just thought of. Will post details in a bit.
Ok, we had to run to town so while there I picked up a piece of 100% polyester about 1/16" thick. I laid that in the bottom to hold some moisture for the roots to lay on. I also set timer to 1on/3off. Now the waiting game starts again.
Well I got the RO res installed. Now will not have to wait for the RO pump to fill things up.

Good call on the polyester. I thought you already had the water storage setup. How and how far do you have to go to get to the reservoir for the tent?
Those roots look sooo healthy. That fabric in the bottom looks like its doing its job. My guess is that the four corner plants are going in the RDWC.
Went and picked up a 70 pint dehumidifier tonight. Powered it up and in 2 hours was at 50%. Now I feel I can control the humidity.

I got a light sensor in the mail today. Screwed around and hooked it up to the Arduino Uno R3. Will for sure be able to tell if the lights are on with it. Just waiting on some more sensors to do some more testing with. Need to order the Ethernet shield for it in preparation for feeding the data from all sensors into a database for analysis.
Not being able to find other Kilimanjaro grows I don't know if the purple stems is a genetic thing. I got the base nutes, plus some extra cal-mag in there. Wondering if I should add another 100 ppm of cal-mag? I need to wait a couple days before I make another change. Last night I added a some of the RAW products (Kelp, Fuller up, AminoA and Silica). Want to see if they help. It did make my nice clear nutes a thing of the past..LOL It may be wishful looking on my part, but I do think they look better today. It could just be that the yellow is gone.
Next res change add 200 ppm of Cal-mag first. Then add the rest of the nutrients.

They're looking good with the new hair do's.

White roots are over rated...lol.
Here is an update to the plants in the tent. I looked around for 10 minutes think I may have found 20 amber on both plants combined. Starting to feel like I have a perpetual grow here. They just keep filling out and getting frosty. That one big one I have my hand on is as solid as a rock. The leaves are still a deep rich green. Is there something I have done wrong or is it just them. Temps and humidity is all in check. I have been dropping the nutes down for 2 weeks now. I am at 870ppm now. Give me some input here.

They all look really good to me by the pictures. They look just like a maturing plant should. If the plants are all at the same stage I'd start to flush, I don't think your more than a week to ten days away. If your starting to see a few ambers, the end is near.
I am keeping a real close eye on them. I have looked and could not find anything environmental that would explain the extension in time. If it could be duplicated could be something real neat to have in the arsenal. I think the 70 days on the seed packs is just marketing BS. They are at 86 days right now...LOL
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