Jon's First Outdoor Grow: Sugar Breath Photoperiod & Strawberry Banana Autoflower

Various Photos
Strawberry Lemonade
Flower Day 71

This first picture is a branch and what's going on with it:

This picture got awash in the reds, but shows very clearly her exploding new growth, and she has a mohawk:

Then a slightly bigger gun, here's a bud in regular full spectrum, no reds:

And I saved the howitzer for last. Here's a closeup of the interior of a bud. And guys - this is not a microscope picture. This is simply a zoomed iPhone picture. The trichomes are just really big on this plant. It practically looks like a scoped trichome picture.

I can't express my love for this plant in words. :adore:Barney's Farm and @Bill284 on this one.
Various Photos
Strawberry Lemonade
Flower Day 71

This first picture is a branch and what's going on with it:

This picture got awash in the reds, but shows very clearly her exploding new growth, and she has a mohawk:

Then a slightly bigger gun, here's a bud in regular full spectrum, no reds:

And I saved the howitzer for last. Here's a closeup of the interior of a bud. And guys - this is not a microscope picture. This is simply a zoomed iPhone picture. The trichomes are just really big on this plant. It practically looks like a scoped trichome picture.

I can't express my love for this plant in words. :adore:Barney's Farm and @Bill284 on this one.
Good morning Jon, ladies are Stellar. :welldone:
They just don't want to give up do they.
It's the never ending death row last meal. :rofl:
You can really see the contrast in the purple and green when
they pop so late.:yahoo:
As always Jon great work, hope you have a terrific weekend. :love:
Good morning Jon, ladies are Stellar. :welldone:
They just don't want to give up do they.
It's the never ending death row last meal. :rofl:
You can really see the contrast in the purple and green when
they pop so late.:yahoo:
As always Jon great work, hope you have a terrific weekend. :love:
Thanks Bill, you too. I'm glad it's not my imagination. I tend to think that when things go better than I could have hoped for. Good team grow. This girl might just see 80 but I'm thinking 76-ish she should be ready? You see the trichs - got a guess? I'm gonna say we harvest on day 76 with 10% amber.

Heh. Trying to keep it a little interesting. Lmao.
Thanks Bill, you too. I'm glad it's not my imagination. I tend to think that when things go better than I could have hoped for. Good team grow. This girl might just see 80 but I'm thinking 76-ish she should be ready? You see the trichs - got a guess? I'm gonna say we harvest on day 76 with 10% amber.

Heh. Trying to keep it a little interesting. Lmao.
By the way @Bill284, that there title at the bottom of your ever expanding list looks good on you.

So our mystery girl accident looks so damn sweet I am tempted to dig her up, put her in a 7 with Sohum around the ball I dig up (that's the only non-coco I have at the moment), top dress/amend her existing ball with Geoflora until she can work her way into the Sohum real well, and let her go on the back porch. Never in the grass, always blocked from view. She won't get any less or more light than she is now, it'll just be more hours of good light. Since she's already on the outdoor schedule I wouldn't change it, and I suspect she'll just stay in veg as from here the days are just getting longer. The current light hours here are, if you go by the weather app, sunrise at 7:03 and sunset at 6:14. I suspect the plant begins to get enough light to call it "daytime" for her both before and after those times, especially after. She has usable light until at least 7:30 pm, and probably begins to get it around 6:30 am. So let's say she's naturally on 13/11. If she stays in veg as I suspect, I can just let her grow and train her out until I have a tent spot for her, say, the 3x3 post Apple Blossom, and then toss her in there to bud. Then I'd have to go what, 10/14 or 9/15 to make it happen? It might be interesting, it might waste resources. I'm just thinking out loud here mostly. But she really looks good, I'm kind of shocked. Thought she'd have SOME sign of problem by now.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? My other thought is to keep her there, clear the mulch, top dress/amend with Geo, and let her go. At least give her a fighting chance where she is.

Check out our happy accident:

Hmm #1.jpg

Hmm  #2.jpg
Thanks Bill, you too. I'm glad it's not my imagination. I tend to think that when things go better than I could have hoped for. Good team grow. This girl might just see 80 but I'm thinking 76-ish she should be ready? You see the trichs - got a guess? I'm gonna say we harvest on day 76 with 10% amber.

Heh. Trying to keep it a little interesting. Lmao.
Pistols have started to pull back.
On existing calyxs so that's the start of the very end.
As I said she just doesn't want that last meal. :laugh:
Could be fun to watch her keep exploding but I'm sure you could use the space.
Any time you feel comfortable.

Stay safe
Pistols have started to pull back.
On existing calyxs so that's the start of the very end.
As I said she just doesn't want that last meal. :laugh:
Could be fun to watch her keep exploding but I'm sure you could use the space.
Any time you feel comfortable.

Stay safe
Just looked again and did a trich check. Almost all those greens are already now no longer bright green like that. The trichs are all pretty much white with one or two amber. I'll check again in the am, but I'm thinking now more like two days than five. I was very surprised. to see that what looked new this morning is looking not new so fast. As if she has taken her last breath maybe, to use your analogy. If she's not sprouting new green tomorrow morning I'll take some pictures and we can decide together in the morning. Cool? I don't believe she's getting any higher in THC at this point, and that is my first concern. If she's not sprouting in the morning (it's been daily) she won't get any fatter probably. But maybe another day to let today's green integrate a bit more. I'm going for peak everything here, we are so damn close to almost the perfect harvest time. Never been so dialed in to it, and never with professional assistance like this. So let's close her out in style.
Ha! You're like me @Azimuth, that's where I go! Well, here's my main hesitation. I believe if I'm not mistaken that a plant that developed seeds, but not in all the buds, just some, means that any seeds from those buds will automatically be just as potentially prone to developing seeds as these were. In other words, a fresh seed from new genetics, not a hermie seed I accidentally made, would have better odds, right? That said, I tend to be of the school that a plant won't just "go" hermie if you treat it like a lady. I believe maybe proper growing mitigates that threat. The other thing is that I don't need any more Dos Si Dos, and this plant has to be either DSD or Pineapple Upside Down Cake. If it's DSD it's auto DSD and if it's PUC it's photo PUC. I *think* it's the latter. Although I love the PUC, and would grow it again, I also know that it doesn't do well outdoors due to the uncontrollable overnight humidity, which is between 85 and 92 percent usually. I got bud rot and couldn't mitigate it while other plants didn't go there, so I think she's not the strongest resistor of overly humid conditions. So either way....meh.

Maybe I'll leave her, give her some Geo, and see shortly if she's auto or not at least.
Ok, @Bill284, I think I've got it. @InTheShed, as the person who first educated me properly to the joys of the partial harvest, you may appreciate this idea as well and I'd appreciate your feedback if you have a few moments. Thanks to both of you.

The topic is harvesting the Strawberry Lemonade and Dos Si Dos photos in Cocotown. I've tossed a few thoughts at you already Bill, but I think this is the winning entry.

The facts (as I see them and argue for here) are this (and yes, I know these are not "facts" in the true sense of the word, but let's say super solid accurate observations I stand behind if that's better...;))

- Both plants are almost in the exact same spot in terms of development and trichomes, and this is especially true of the colas. In both cases I believe the colas are done. Also in both cases, based on all the photos you've seen already, I believe the lower branches are NOT done. On both plants this is where you see the majority of the green growth popping. On both colas you see hardly any white hairs and only the occasional spot of green, very minor. And both colas show only the rarest half filled trichome and far more ambers, maybe 4-5% which is great by me. They could be taken at the end of today or tomorrow morning if I chose to.

My belief is this:

- Shed, there's never been a situation that would be more beneficial in terms of a partial harvest. If I were to take both tops off both plants, I would then be able to lower big boy fan and the light to a very much more optimum height to finish out the lower buds. This would not only positively affect them, but would also potentially increase my yield and reduce my flarf a little bit. It would also give the huge, dense, by far bigger than the rest of the buds, colas a two/three/four/whatever day head start on drying. If it were say two more days or even three, I would bet that all the buds would become ready for the next step around the same time. At least it would be close. So I believe a partial harvest is crying at me and I wonder if you guys agree with this belief/assessment?

To try and demonstrate the look of the colas more effectively, I have a few photos here that I did everything in my power to max contrast on. They're black and white not to be artsy (though they are, a little bit, lol), but to hopefully show you guys the colas in a different light. I believe it shows fairly effectively that they are tight, not popping, and ready. I could have added the lower branches for comparison, but you've seen them to death (as has everyone else, lol) and I believe you have a handle on where they are. They lag in trichome development as soon as you hit the lower tier. You can see popping everywhere on them.

This first picture is the Dos Si Dos cola. She's scary.

This next one is the Strawberry Lemonade from below looking up at the light bars (obviously).

And this last one is a closeup-ish shot of the top of the Strawberry Lemonade cola. Sorry, I can't get above the cola. Too high. (Which btw supports my whole point a little, lmao!)

What do you guys think? Am I off? And anyone else who would like to comment please do, I don't just very much respect the two guys tagged in this post. Thanks!!!!
Ok, @Bill284, I think I've got it. @InTheShed, as the person who first educated me properly to the joys of the partial harvest, you may appreciate this idea as well and I'd appreciate your feedback if you have a few moments. Thanks to both of you.

The topic is harvesting the Strawberry Lemonade and Dos Si Dos photos in Cocotown. I've tossed a few thoughts at you already Bill, but I think this is the winning entry.

The facts (as I see them and argue for here) are this (and yes, I know these are not "facts" in the true sense of the word, but let's say super solid accurate observations I stand behind if that's better...;))

- Both plants are almost in the exact same spot in terms of development and trichomes, and this is especially true of the colas. In both cases I believe the colas are done. Also in both cases, based on all the photos you've seen already, I believe the lower branches are NOT done. On both plants this is where you see the majority of the green growth popping. On both colas you see hardly any white hairs and only the occasional spot of green, very minor. And both colas show only the rarest half filled trichome and far more ambers, maybe 4-5% which is great by me. They could be taken at the end of today or tomorrow morning if I chose to.

My belief is this:

- Shed, there's never been a situation that would be more beneficial in terms of a partial harvest. If I were to take both tops off both plants, I would then be able to lower big boy fan and the light to a very much more optimum height to finish out the lower buds. This would not only positively affect them, but would also potentially increase my yield and reduce my flarf a little bit. It would also give the huge, dense, by far bigger than the rest of the buds, colas a two/three/four/whatever day head start on drying. If it were say two more days or even three, I would bet that all the buds would become ready for the next step around the same time. At least it would be close. So I believe a partial harvest is crying at me and I wonder if you guys agree with this belief/assessment?

To try and demonstrate the look of the colas more effectively, I have a few photos here that I did everything in my power to max contrast on. They're black and white not to be artsy (though they are, a little bit, lol), but to hopefully show you guys the colas in a different light. I believe it shows fairly effectively that they are tight, not popping, and ready. I could have added the lower branches for comparison, but you've seen them to death (as has everyone else, lol) and I believe you have a handle on where they are. They lag in trichome development as soon as you hit the lower tier. You can see popping everywhere on them.

This first picture is the Dos Si Dos cola. She's scary.

This next one is the Strawberry Lemonade from below looking up at the light bars (obviously).

And this last one is a closeup-ish shot of the top of the Strawberry Lemonade cola. Sorry, I can't get above the cola. Too high. (Which btw supports my whole point a little, lmao!)

What do you guys think? Am I off? And anyone else who would like to comment please do, I don't just very much respect the two guys tagged in this post. Thanks!!!
Curious the answer my self. I have done partial harvest on a plant before. Mine went into shock few days and resumes growing but went very very slow after that
Sounds like you're talking yourself into it (which I would agree with btw).

Look at it from the other side. What's the downside of doing a partial now vs waiting for the lowers? Probably not much.

If you wait for the lowers, the colas, your big beautiful colas, will likely have gone farther than you prefer.

I would understand harvesting the whole thing now if you needed the tent space, but I think your original plan of a staggered harvest is the best option.
So let's say she's naturally on 13/11.
Until March 20th (21st?) we're not even back to 12/12 and photoperiod plants know that. I'm thinking it will probably go into flower as soon as it's sexually mature and then begin to reveg sometime in April.

If you really want to see what it can do, I'd move it inside.
there's never been a situation that would be more beneficial in terms of a partial harvest.
Then do it!
Until March 20th (21st?) we're not even back to 12/12 and photoperiod plants know that. I'm thinking it will probably go into flower as soon as it's sexually mature and then begin to reveg sometime in April.

If you really want to see what it can do, I'd move it inside.

Then do it!
Thanks, and then do it is great, but it doesn't exactly express your opinion. Got one? What would you do?
Sounds like you're talking yourself into it (which I would agree with btw).

Look at it from the other side. What's the downside of doing a partial now vs waiting for the lowers? Probably not much.

If you wait for the lowers, the colas, your big beautiful colas, will likely have gone farther than you prefer.

I would understand harvesting the whole thing now if you needed the tent space, but I think your original plan of a staggered harvest is the best option.
Not sure if that was it or if I was simply trying to be thorough on all counts presenting the information. Lol. You may be right. The important part is that you agree with me, which I appreciate. I'm sure Bill will too tomorrow morning, he's already arguing to take the whole plant whenever I want now. I'm going to hopefully collect a few more responses, check her trichs and the bud again at 5 am, and take the tops if I still feel the same way. Unless I get someone telling me I'm dead wrong and why, which is entirely possible. :rofl:
Until March 20th (21st?) we're not even back to 12/12 and photoperiod plants know that. I'm thinking it will probably go into flower as soon as it's sexually mature and then begin to reveg sometime in April.

If you really want to see what it can do, I'd move it inside.
If you're up for a science experiment, I'd keep it outside and see how it goes. The days are getting longer and it would be interesting to know if it is the absolute light/dark hours, or the relative changes. I'll take the other side of Shed's bet and think they'll be fine without going into flower.

But who knows? You will if you let it go a bit longer. And then you can tell us!

Hey, it's for science. :p
If you're up for a science experiment, I'd keep it outside and see how it goes. The days are getting longer and it would be interesting to know if it is the absolute light/dark hours, or the relative changes. I'll take the other side of Shed's bet and think they'll be fine without going into flower.

But who knows? You will if you let it go a bit longer. And then you can tell us!

Hey, it's for science. :p
@Azimuth, you are referring to the accidental plant. I think that's a perfect idea/experiment. I'll give her a home for now with the dirt she's in and Sohum as I described before and put her on the back porch so she at least gets better light than this spot. Here she's shaded for 2/3 of her light hours. Out back it's more like 20%. But same hours of light, so why not? I can put her in the yard under the trees but in front of them to max her good light and maintain the stealth and just leave her alone right there? Or do you think it's a cooler experiment to leave her there? (Problem there is it's right in the front yard and has no blockage from the sidewalk view a mere 40 feet away)
FWIW, some of the big cannabis farms do a staggered harvest. Partially because they have to given processing concerns, but also because, as you stated, it gives the lowers a chance to mature leading to a better and bigger harvest.
FWIW, some of the big cannabis farms do a staggered harvest. Partially because they have to given processing concerns, but also because, as you stated, it gives the lowers a chance to mature leading to a better and bigger harvest.
I did it on a few of the out back autos and have seen Shed and others do it. I pretty much get it. If you were here you could see more clearly, or if I was a better photographer, that the difference is pretty vast. I think the bottoms could go four more days, and that's at least that long to have great light. It can't hurt and can only help. I can't see a downside.
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