Jon's First Outdoor Grow: Sugar Breath Photoperiod & Strawberry Banana Autoflower

CJS Apple Blossom
Grow Day 80
Flower Day 20

Now we can have some fun since finally we have something different to take pictures of. Let's just go right to them.

This first picture is a closeup on a group of buds from the canopy:

Here we have a singular bud. Before you say it (lol), remember the photos under the 420h look washed out. She does not need Calmag, she is not pale as she kind of looks in the picture. You saw her real green the other day with those two cut off branches I posted. This plant is as healthy as an ox.

Then, since I can no longer get the whole plant in one shot really, I did a Left/Right thing. I tried to cut each picture off so that the line between them is exactly where it is and you see the totality of the plant without repeats. There's an overlap of maybe a couple inches in the middles, that's all. You can see it based on the three buds in the back where the cut off is that I missed just a little. Here's the left side:

And here's the right side:

Rocking and rolling into defol day tomorrow.
A good day it is. . bring on the nugs
Beautiful girls! That first image of the canopy close up is just...muuah!

I still laugh at Jon-John though, and it's also what my mom has called me affectionately my whole life. So without intending to, you hit a lot of cool notes with that dumb joke. Thanks, actually.
I'm glad you enjoyed that. I was indeed being dumb on purpose. Glad it didn't go south on me. Haa haa. Hey, and if there is ever a time a joke does go south, please let me know! I don't want to keep going like the dumbass I am.
I have now seen and learned how I am compromising my buds when I begin that as early as I have been.

So I'm feeling pretty good about it this morning. Thanks!
These were awesome statements. I feel the same way when there is stuff I'm learning here. Stoked you were able to bring your RH down with something simple man! I would be feeling good about that too. :welldone:
I need a new scope.
Ditto! But your images look pretty good to me.
Beautiful girls! That first image of the canopy close up is just...muuah!

I'm glad you enjoyed that. I was indeed being dumb on purpose. Glad it didn't go south on me. Haa haa. Hey, and if there is ever a time a joke does go south, please let me know! I don't want to keep going like the dumbass I am.

These were awesome statements. I feel the same way when there is stuff I'm learning here. Stoked you were able to bring your RH down with something simple man! I would be feeling good about that too. :welldone:

Ditto! But your images look pretty good to me.
Thanks BA!!
OK, 3 Week Defoliation Part 1
CJS Apple Blossom
Grow Day 80
Flower Day 20

I decided to split the 3-week defol across two days, as I often do. So today I did the outer ring cola spacing on one half of the plant, and the undercarriage strip of flarf and fan leaves that were completely in the dark. Tomorrow I will space out the rest and do any upper defol that needs done. I know this plant is plenty healthy and I could do it all in one sitting, but I got into the habit early of doing these sorts of things in couple day stages. Maybe silly, but I do half, give her 24 hours to absorb that, and then the other. Makes me more comfortable. Lol.

So here's a picture that attempts to display the half of the plant that I spaced the colas out on as well as I could. It wasn't quite as easy as I thought it would be, these stems are rock hard and set and don't really want to move a whole lot. But it's okay. Not perfect, but decent. Adequate spacing for everyone to play with as many photons as they like. It'll become even more pronounced after tomorrow. Then we sail for a while.

And here's the undercarriage cleanup. There is still perhaps a bit on the back side I will remove tomorrow if I missed. Air flow up through the plant is significantly improved with the removal of smashed together fan leaves in the dark blocking air. Another thing I finally have learned I think: Don't remove top down. Go down to top. At least that seems to be the way.

Then this is a bud I attempted to pull to the side a bit so I can show you how the buds are stacking so far. This does not make me unhappy.

So there's 3-week defol/shaping part one.
Mystery Plant in the Mulch
Veg Day ?

Check out our mystery girl trying to make some noise. Lol.


Mystery 1.jpg

Mystery 2.jpg
I think it's weed? Hahahah
My money is on Pineapple Upside Down Cake. There were a few seeds in about a third of the branches that brushed up against the Strawberry Banana that went hermie before I removed it. A few could have ended up in this dirt pile easy, it's right outside the garage, and I sweep the garage out every day. And dirt or leaves go to that pile. So who knows, but I swear I almost recognize it. I did just grow it, but all babies look the same to me. :rofl:
Love those volunteers! And a definite yes on bottom up thinning. :thumb:
Thanks for that on the b > t trimming, I didn't want to ask but was hoping someone might say yes, that's the way. Of course it was you. :thanks:
CJS Apple Blossom
Grow Day 81
Flower Day 21

Ok, stretch, done. Undercarriage done. Upper defol done (for a while). Garbage removal, done (in rather Shed-esque fashion, lol, sort of...). Positioning of plant done. Spreading of colas done.

This is what we're going with. Having a devil of a time getting the whole plant in a non-small picture. But you'll get the gist of it. Here's final prep for the show, with pictures from the top and side, along with a spacing of colas closeup and an undercarriage shot.

Hope this works. I am liking the spacing. Far superior to my last effort. As is the garbage removal part. I have these buds set up fairly well I think, now let's see what they got.

Final Canopy overhead.jpg

Final Canopy side shot.jpg

Final Canopy closer.jpg

Final Lower.jpg
CJS Apple Blossom
Grow Day 81
Flower Day 21

Ok, stretch, done. Undercarriage done. Upper defol done (for a while). Garbage removal, done (in rather Shed-esque fashion, lol, sort of...). Positioning of plant done. Spreading of colas done.

This is what we're going with. Having a devil of a time getting the whole plant in a non-small picture. But you'll get the gist of it. Here's final prep for the show, with pictures from the top and side, along with a spacing of colas closeup and an undercarriage shot.

Hope this works. I am liking the spacing. Far superior to my last effort. As is the garbage removal part. I have these buds set up fairly well I think, now let's see what they got.

Final Canopy overhead.jpg

Final Canopy side shot.jpg

Final Canopy closer.jpg

Final Lower.jpg
Great job @Jon looks good.
CJS Apple Blossom
Grow Day 81
Flower Day 21

Ok, stretch, done. Undercarriage done. Upper defol done (for a while). Garbage removal, done (in rather Shed-esque fashion, lol, sort of...). Positioning of plant done. Spreading of colas done.

This is what we're going with. Having a devil of a time getting the whole plant in a non-small picture. But you'll get the gist of it. Here's final prep for the show, with pictures from the top and side, along with a spacing of colas closeup and an undercarriage shot.

Hope this works. I am liking the spacing. Far superior to my last effort. As is the garbage removal part. I have these buds set up fairly well I think, now let's see what they got.

Final Canopy overhead.jpg

Final Canopy side shot.jpg

Final Canopy closer.jpg

Final Lower.jpg
She naked bro cover her up I can see her hoooha
Last 2 Stragglers

Ok, @InTheShed, I put my big boy pants BACK on and reassessed after several hours. I took the last two stragglers. These were the two I couldn't bring myself to cut this morning in my finish up session. This afternoon I realize I was emotionally attached to two energy robbing branches that were gonna give me a gram top each. Chopped they are!

Thanks for all your help with the training on this plant, Shed, greatly appreciate it.

Nice color, eh?

Last 2 stragglers.jpg

Last 2 stragglers 2.jpg

EDIT: Okay, this is as good a place as any to try and make up for a piss poor photo effort this morning. Here's a slightly better one now a day into her final session and jamming away.
Last 2 Stragglers

Ok, @InTheShed, I put my big boy pants BACK on and reassessed after several hours. I took the last two stragglers. These were the two I couldn't bring myself to cut this morning in my finish up session. This afternoon I realize I was emotionally attached to two energy robbing branches that were gonna give me a gram top each. Chopped they are!

Thanks for all your help with the training on this plant, Shed, greatly appreciate it.

Nice color, eh?

Last 2 stragglers.jpg

Last 2 stragglers 2.jpg
This afternoon I realize I was emotionally attached to two energy robbing branches that were gonna give me a gram top each. Chopped they are!

And, you probably don't lose that 1 gram each, either. It just gets redirected into other buds you're already going to have to trim anyway. You just saved yourself some work. :goodjob:
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