Ok, you want to see EXTREME support measures?
Post #1 of 3 - ELORA
I'll begin by saying I can't stand having to do this. Note to self: 8' tall plants with 6' tall stems will make gigantic, heavy buds, and there's not enough MSA on earth to keep them from needing serious support - next time, keep them a bit shorter you dumbass, what did you think was going to happen? Of COURSE they're falling all over the place. Idiot.
Ok, now that I spanked myself, there's not a lot of verbiage required to explain the situation. The buds all needed serious support measures. All three plants. Everywhere. It was almost like starting from scratch as the lower supports I was hoping would suffice are long past the point of being effective. I needed very extreme measures, or at least what I consider pretty damn extreme. Here's the story in pictures:
1. This is the fencing that was already in place and which supports the side of the plant which faces the front door of the tent. I raised this and supported it much more strongly with longer bamboo stakes poked all the way to the bottom of the pot. What you see here is post raising it up. It's a good 2.5 feet off the top of the pot and up the plant.
2. This is the folding metal office chair that now support the entire right side of the plant. I show it from several angles here to show you what it sits on (table), what it supports, etc.
3. And there are also manipulations to some of the bamboo stakes underneath, but you can't see those differences visually, so just take my word for it. What you just saw was not at all easy to do, and required great care, extensive manipulation, and basically was a royal pain in the ass. However, I'm not the dullest knife in the drawer, and when I was finally finished with her, Elora is standing up nice and straight, and really at this point has no choice but to stay this way. The stems being supported by the chair, for example, are all duct taped to the chair. They ain't going anywhere. Nobody is breaching the grey plastic fence either, and the Spud Bud and Fulvia keep the few stems not supported by anything from being able to fall anywhere. Here's the best picture I can get to show you the effectiveness of these measures.
So all that was a serious PHEW moment when it was done, and then I had to tackle the damn Spud Bud. She was a mess. Next post. I have one for each plant.