Good Morning
@Azimuth, I have one for you if you don't mind offering your input.
I am long past being able to rotate these plants. They basically don't need to move anymore, other than potentially underneath supports a la the mystery plant, or some version. Looking at the size these colas are going to be, I can already tell it is 100% impossible that I WON'T need support. The underneath stuff is easy, and I have as much room as I need down there to work. But the top is going to fall all over the place.
The buds are going to be way too long and heavy not too.
1. So what I'm thinking is, that at this point, I might as well go ahead and install my net. I have a stretchy one that covers the whole tent which is easily installed with a bit of squares cut strategically to accomodate the Pelonis fan withou moving it. I'm pretty sure I can make it work one way or another around the fan. So that's one idea.
2. The other idea is to take my spool of green, heavy gardening twine, and using the extra CFM bars in my tent, run a series of lines at strategic spots for support where it may be needed more than others. That is a pain in the ass but could be done.
3. The last idea is, I have 6' lengths of bamboo, and I could put the CFM bars at the exact same height on the two non-door sides, and lay a series of cross bamboo lines, which I could then tape in place and use to tie stems to when the buds get big.
4. Or, I just let it go and play it by ear.
What I can't do is yo-yos from above as I can't get high enough. I can install a net, but that's about it. Assume I am already on top of the underneath support. Would you have any thoughts on this? Please and thank you!!!!