Jon's Dedicated Fruity Pebble Cookies Grow Plus The Mystery Plant

Strawberry Banana

Just an awesome plant and strain:

Hey @BubbaKush909 - so you see how thin the leaves are on my Strawberry Banana? Think it’s a sativa pheno? My last ones had wide leaves.
It definitely presents as a sativa pheno. I love those beautiful slender leaves.
Ok, share moment. I’ve been experiencing a lot of significant, and bad, family crap for the last couple weeks. It’s got me more stressed than my usual stress level of zero pretty much. To go along with it, I broke one arm of the electric wheelchair, which means for now, my left arm has no arm rest. Anyone in a wheelchair will tell you that this changes the dynamic of how you use your remaining muscles to support your upper body. The result is a lot more pain than I normally experience. I share this to say that although I try, sometimes I am unsuccessful in not letting my stress and pain be reflected in my posts here (unless I share it intentionally like now). Sometimes I might post something that upsets someone. Please understand that I am never trying to offend anyone. Things just boil over sometimes. So if that has been the case here anytime recently, to those affected, my apologies.

I needed something beautiful. I chose this. First time ever played by the band and I was on the floor dead center right in front of the soundboard. I cried like a baby. This song shows you how goddamn ridiculously strong the Dead were on vocals, for a band full of guys who never had a singing lesson except a few sessions with Crosby, Stills and Nash. Jerry is just….beyond talented. There is no word for him.

I encourage you to take six minutes from your life, get high, and crank this on your best speakers. It’ll reset your perspective. Play it LOUD.

I'm sorry that you broke that damn arm... the family stuff and the pain... stress is never good and if you are coming from a baseline of "zero", that's a lot at once. How long till it's repaired?
The Dead are so good.
Congrats on the Elora harvest...looks like a shit ton of frosty flowers!

Sorry to hear about the rough patch though. I hope that favorite tunes and a bass amp with a built-in tuner can help ease the stress.
Thank you @InTheShed! We all have them, this too shall pass. So that amp I was all psyched about was junk. Lmao. I returned it and instead, in two or three days, I have this coming. Recovery takes power. I think 500 watts in my living room gets it done and this is big enough to use for gigs too! I can’t wait to break some windows. Lol!
Ok, share moment. I’ve been experiencing a lot of significant, and bad, family crap for the last couple weeks. It’s got me more stressed than my usual stress level of zero pretty much. To go along with it, I broke one arm of the electric wheelchair, which means for now, my left arm has no arm rest. Anyone in a wheelchair will tell you that this changes the dynamic of how you use your remaining muscles to support your upper body. The result is a lot more pain than I normally experience. I share this to say that although I try, sometimes I am unsuccessful in not letting my stress and pain be reflected in my posts here (unless I share it intentionally like now). Sometimes I might post something that upsets someone. Please understand that I am never trying to offend anyone. Things just boil over sometimes. So if that has been the case here anytime recently, to those affected, my apologies.

I needed something beautiful. I chose this. First time ever played by the band and I was on the floor dead center right in front of the soundboard. I cried like a baby. This song shows you how goddamn ridiculously strong the Dead were on vocals, for a band full of guys who never had a singing lesson except a few sessions with Crosby, Stills and Nash. Jerry is just….beyond talented. There is no word for him.

I encourage you to take six minutes from your life, get high, and crank this on your best speakers. It’ll reset your perspective. Play it LOUD.

Dig it!
Last Gasp

The final remaining leaf. A sweet 9-pointer! Elora had 3,5,7 and 9 point leaves, versus Fulvia who had all 5s and 7s. Is this odd? I thought it was a little. I think I usually get consistency to the leaves, but never really noticed.

Flower Day 88

I trimmed just one cola real quick to show you before I go into hibernation. There are around 25 of these and this is just the top. OMG. The bottom is full of buds. This is the one bleached bud that got hit with too much light. There’s a closeup on the bleached out part and as you see from the trichome shot, the rest of the bud is unaffected. See you guys later.



Flower Day 88

I trimmed just one cola real quick to show you before I go into hibernation. There are around 25 of these and this is just the top. OMG. The bottom is full of buds. This is the one bleached bud that got hit with too much light. There’s a closeup on the bleached out part and as you see from the trichome shot, the rest of the bud is unaffected. See you guys later.



No forking way!!!
I've NEVER seen the tip of a bud like that.
Congrats and send Satan my best down in trim Hell:meditate:
No forking way!!!
I've NEVER seen the tip of a bud like that.
Congrats and send Satan my best down in trim Hell:meditate:
You don’t want them @Farmer Reading. That part will have no trichomes and taste bitter. I’m frankly shocked it wasn’t worse - you saw how close a few of the colas were to the light. Those ones about 2” away were getting hit with the max output my light is capable of creating - about 1800 ppfd. And they didn’t burn! Bleached, yes, burned, no. 2 different things. Bleach = too much ppfd, burn = too much heat. And of course you saw the foxtails on Elora - another function of too much ppfd. Lmao. I miscalculated the stretch by about six inches, which isn’t bad considering it’s a pre release and there is hardly any data on the strain.

For the record, the sativa foxtail beauty is the fruitiest smelling plant I’ve ever grown. It spanks you it’s so intense. The hybrid, Fulvia has more big, round, hybrid-y buds and smells much more dank than specifically fruity. I’m psyched as hell the two are so different, it’s almost as if I grew two different strains.

So everything is hung between an entire walk in closet, my grey portable drying closet, the bathroom, and two full boxes of buds that will end up too small to trim but are legit and I’ll smoke. I don’t begin to guess what the overall yield is. Maybe a pound and a half or close-ish to 2? Hard to tell. Know soon enough. I think maybe Titan was as much as these two! Regardless I come out with somewhere in the neighborhood of 36-45 ounces from just three plants. Makes me scream inside. Till I get SO sick of the same weed. :rofl:
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