Jon705's Multi Strain HPS LED Hybrid System

WOW! I only have 10 feet at the peek of the greenhouse bro but its 10 ft wide so I ll be training them into bushes, 8 feet tall 8 feet wide:)
pick up some pvc and build a square frame around it, use some netting on the top and sides for support?

The way I see things is like this....for indoors. I have decided that my light has an area of super saturation that is 12" vertically. I have the minimum space I need to meet my heat requirements....distance to canopy, then I add that 12 inches of super saturation. In my eyes it's pointless for me to have any foliage or buds outside that zone. So, like right now...I'm getting acceptable canopy temps at 8", I'll try to keep the plant at 12-14" tall........which they are now...but I'm going to get some stretch. I'm not doing any more training, or removing ANY leaves except if absolutely necessary. One plant is 40" wide, the other is 36", my light will do 5x5', so I just plan to fill that space, and right now I'm just about there.
ok let me see if im understanding you lol(Ijust woke up) ,the superskunks in flower are purpuling(sp) and the PK isnt? I ve just done a little reading and the common answer seems to be sulfur def either caused by the nutes or the ph is out of wack causing a lockout, have you tested the run off? some strains will take higher ph better than others.This round ive been making sure the ph is between 6.2-6.5.
Thanks for the compliment bro:Namaste: I try to treat my grow like its a huge personal grow lol..comercial growers need to take more pride in they're product, around here people are very picky, if its harsh or has dark ash nobody will buy it they just go to the next guy but I havent had any complaints:)

The magnesium took the purple out of the cuts, I've tested the's always the same as the water I put in......I need a better method, one that's more accurate...........mine only measures in .5 increments.
Just have to figure out where im going to put it, the problem is I dont have space to do a sepereate 1 plant grow with it, what you see in the pics and vids is all the space I have to work with so I ll probably hang it inbetween the hps and led's and just keep one plant under it for the whole grow.Because my girls are so big it will catch some light from the other lights around the edges but theres not much I can do about that but it should still give us a good idea on how well the light works:)

Really???????? you agreed to do a test and now your just gonna put it someplace in the middle and let it go. I'm disappointed......
like I said several times already, I know nothing about this light, If I can replace one of my currents lights with Sara's I will, but im not going to screw up my whole rotation just to test a light,unlike most growers here this is how I make my living,this is how I support my family, if shes not happy with my test she can have it back, I told her right from the get go I need veg lights but because we already know led's veg great I wanted to get it in the flower room and see what it can do, besides...if a plant is directly under Sara's light for the entire flower period right beside another plant directly under one of my led's I think that that will show us if they compare to high end led's or not which is the whole point of these test isnt it...
You've got people complaining about the color of the ash? America, fuck yeah!

of course we do, dark ash means it wasnt cured and harshness means it wasnt flushed, I charge top dollar for me stuff for a reason bro, its smooth tasty shit and the ash always burns white, what would you rather smoke, some harsh damp bunk or some nice frosty weed that taste great right to the last drag?
weed that tastes great to the last drag?
hope that was the right answer:bitingnails::bitingnails:
of course we do, dark ash means it wasnt cured and harshness means it wasnt flushed, I charge top dollar for me stuff for a reason bro, its smooth tasty shit and the ash always burns white, what would you rather smoke, some harsh damp bunk or some nice frosty weed that taste great right to the last drag?
Happy Munchday Jon and Mrs.705:circle-of-love:
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