Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

You don't think he get's free soil?
Oh Im sure he does from time to time, I forget which green avenger owns the company but im sure they hook him up from time to time.I just remember this spring he was mixing all the soil for those outdoor monsters in a tarp.

Jon so these aren't with the new lights yet right?
Nope I havent received them yet:)
I just mixed up 14 gallons of mineralized soil and boy I don't know if I could do a big tarp of it without busting out some toy trucks and diggers and stuff, man I love the feel and smell of soil. I would never get anything done.
Excellent Photographs as always!
Thanks KJC:Namaste:

Well that room is def something I will dream about mate...I'm pretty noobish, So i'll sit back and watch and learn, but in my mind you are up there with the likes of 420fied and the legends of 420magazine! great growing bro!
Welcome Hodder356 and thank you for the kind words:thanks:
im actually jealous i cant run a setup like that in my home. id love to just have a space in my house where i could retreat to from the kids and wife and do enough to tide me over. But reality is that i'll never be able to grow in my home so long as i stay in this country, too risky with my past. Canada would be great. I hate the cold but i love the outdoors and snow boarding, mountain biking and of course fighting. maybe 10years from now. :)
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