Jon’s 3 Autoflower - 3 Pounds Attempt Grow

Trim Notes

Okay so I’m trimming this bud up. I got to a logical take stock point, and here’s where we are.

The first picture is finish trimmed buds. It has a rough weight (pre-stabilized) of 10 ounces.

The second picture is what I have left to trim yet.

See? It won’t be far off, but not quite.

Anyone see me complaining? :rofl:


Garden and Trim Update


Today is cut down day for the Banana Sherbet. This means she’s almost dry enough for jars, but maybe a day or a day and a half out. The outer sugar trim off leaves are all crispy, but you can feel there’s still some moisture to come out from the bud itself. This is when I break them down. Remove them all from the stems, break down the larger colas into smaller buds, etc. I basically turn the hanging weed into boxes of buds that are 100% trim ready. Then back into the dark for another day, then trim then jar. Once I’m sure we’re stabilized I’ll do the weigh in. But having done the breakdown, I’m guessing we are gonna be, in fact, a little shy of an elbow. We will know shortly.

This is the big tent, the 5x5x9. We have two autos. Melissa and Medusa, our Watermelon WeddingCake and the Forbidden Runtz. The girls are both quite ridiculous. I have had zero res issues and have roots for days there, and the pyramid pot concept certainly hasn’t hurt the Forbidden Runtz. Not sure, but I’m wondering if just a straight 10 would accomplish the same results as this pyramid pot, and take up less space. Anyway, here’s the girls. And when you see them side by side, remember that these plants were planted and popped on the same day, and both are XXL genetics. Astounding difference.



Love love love this side by side!! Very cool!
Beautiful bud box whatever the weight!

Was there any reason to think they would be similar?
Thanks Shed! Well, the only reason was the XXL similarity. But also because I had already seen that the Banana Sherbet behaved much like the WWC. If I had grown that scrog exactly as I have this WWC you would be seeing something similar. Just as big for sure. So that was all. That said, if you saw just the Forbidden Runtz you’d be like “whoa, nice auto,” (not you but one). And who knows how big it would have gotten with the water treatment? But yes, actually a great question cuz it shows me once again to temper my inappropriate expectations. Or at least too early/not enough data yet expectations. Lol.
Finished Banana Sherbet Bud

Here’s six pictures of the same bud in various light and angles. This is what it is.






Absolutely perfect. :thumb: Bring back my pebble. :rofl:
Hey Jon :ciao: hope everything is going well.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
White Widow is so thick. :thumb:
Good morning Mucker. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
She leafs up and leafs BACK up after a defol faster than any plant I’ve ever grown. I can barely keep up. This one and the Forbidden Runtz are both very tight. Really tested my defoliation skills these two girls.
Here’s a more intimate look at the top of the Watermelon WeddingCake. I have literally never seen anything like this level of stacking/productivity. What an amazing plant, amazing genetics. These towers are gigantic. And still building their base bud. My god man. I didn’t have the slightest idea what @Rexer meant when he said “watch them take off when they hit the water.” This is crazy insanity. I really didn’t think or know autos could even get this big. Here’s a solo shot on one, and then the pairs.



Remember, while coco is great. It doesn't beat (R)DWC. ;) :cheesygrinsmiley: :laugh:
I never said I couldn’t change my opinion. Lol! She literally needs the whole 5x5 to herself. But I have nowhere else to move the Forbidden Runtz to!
Here’s a more intimate look at the top of the Watermelon WeddingCake. I have literally never seen anything like this level of stacking/productivity. What an amazing plant, amazing genetics. These towers are gigantic. And still building their base bud. My god man. I didn’t have the slightest idea what @Rexer meant when he said “watch them take off when they hit the water.” This is crazy insanity. I really didn’t think or know autos could even get this big. Here’s a solo shot on one, and then the pairs.



The WWC is absolutely stunning!
Here’s a more intimate look at the top of the Watermelon WeddingCake. I have literally never seen anything like this level of stacking/productivity. What an amazing plant, amazing genetics. These towers are gigantic. And still building their base bud. My god man. I didn’t have the slightest idea what @Rexer meant when he said “watch them take off when they hit the water.” This is crazy insanity. I really didn’t think or know autos could even get this big. Here’s a solo shot on one, and then the pairs.



Twin towers are back baby,lol
Day 63

Res change. Mixed the Blue Planet flower week 4 - 10 at 120% of recipe and added 2 tsp/5 gallons of Fox Farms Beastie Bloomz to pump the P and K. It’s 0-50-30, lol. This made the base mix about 50 points hotter. Not a fan of the shop vac to change the res. Worked fine til you have roots. Gotta figure out drainage for next time. Starting to think about how I’m going to support these branches, as that’s not far off.

Let the real show begin!



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