Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

that NLxBB plant gave you big buds. did you not defoliate her or something? nice work as always.
Thank's B...:thumb:
These girl's are in #3 smart pot's as the little girl's harvested before her were in #2's.Also these NLXBB were veg a bit longer then the #2's.I do defoliate.Not Bassman heavy but more of a good trim.
CHOP CHOP :drool: what does it say on the scales with the big branches in the tub haha? i can make out 4 digits and it stars with 4. Great havest this time looks like it will be a nice one dried :)
The wet weight was 401.1.:thumb:
Yea much better then the #2 fill in's we recently harvested.I got three more just like her.:high-five:
Dry weight will be a bit off as I took 40 gram's wet right from the start and dried in a box on heater over night.I was desperate and tired of smoking the M.M....I also smoked my very last nugg of the Critical Kush.So I was in need of some different smoke.
I'll tell ya,I was abit stoned yesterday.lol..Now as an everyday,all day,any chance smoker,that's rare.lol..Can't wait till she's cured.
I wish I could get stoned like I did when I was younger.:thumb:

Congrats again Jimbo. Have you started to notice any difference with the SSU since adjusting the PH? Your pic with the RAW lighter has me so tight! Someone jacked me for mines. I really loved that refillable lighter because I won it right here on 420 mag; it had sentimental value. Now I keep a book of matches for anyone asking for a light.
Thank's Reg..:Namaste:
It's hard to tell.I only got to spray them twice.I do think it was starting to.To me it seem's like when I sprayed them with the non adjusted SSU it was preventing them a bit from producing tric's.I basically was just spraying water on them cause the ph was not in the range for the SSU to work.I say 'I think it was starting to work' because at first the non-sprayed plant's were alittle more frosty then the sprayed plant's.After spraying with ph adjusted SSU they seem to have caught up with the un-treated one's.Im calling the exp. a bust as I should have been adjusting the whole time.I'll get a better look at the girl's shortly and will post my finding's today.
Oh man oh man oh man.... I am so happy you got this and number 1 I want to know where and how do I get it then I want to know which girl you use it on and will you please kinda do her separate so my simple mind doesn't get lost with her.... I love the USS and can only hope the rest is as good and if so well well welll... ya just never know and I've found this most excellent grow shop only about 45 minutes away...:yahoo: It may be a karma like thing... You know things should start going my way now and I can't wait to see what you do... We must have about the same level of OCD... Was it buggin' you using the Humboldt with the FF and not having the whole line of Humboldt instead??? It has me and I almost pulled the trigger and my economics got the better of me for the time being .....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D..:circle-of-love:
I'll be honest right here.They only let you order one.I had plan's on surprising you and a few other's but I don't think it's possible.
Im not sure if the link is allowed.Check your PM's tho.:thumb:
I will be growing only one girl using these nute's and it shouldent be hard to tell a difference.Maybe a #7 smart pot for her.
Im setting a goal this year and it will be to grow a beast and try to hit double digit's(dry) as far as zip's go.Hopefully these will get me there.I may have to go hydro to get there.lol..If I do it will be a single bucket set-up or a Capn style set up.Iv'e seen more then a few grower's use the Capn style set up and plan kicked ass...C526for example..:Namaste:
Im gonna probably run a Critical Kush with the Humboldt County's own line up.I will follow the schedule to a T.
High lighting just the one girl so there's no confusion.
OCD..is that what they call it.lol..Yes it is a little un-settling.I don't like to mix nute line's.Adding the SSU to the schedule has gotmeusing 3 different companies.I know it doesn't all ways matter but in my head it's not right.lol Many time's I have contemplated going and buying the whole FF line but I need to use up what I have left of the Old Age organic's.Not mention I still have not even used most of the SNS line.Then I still got most of the bottle's of the GH line I first started growing with.Oh and a complete set of Growology unopened.Step 2 and 3 anyway's.I still use step 1.I got plenty off nute's to fallback on or even share but there's no one around that grow's to share with.lol.Im only about 5-10 minutes from my local grow shop so that's a plus,but doesn't help the wallet
Gratz Brotha J6k Great looking Harvest :thumb:
Thank's Chronic..
I almost forgot to mention.Iv'e got a space cleared out for the CS seed making exp..
Now I just need to set my tent up.I hope your not planning on going anywhere.Im gonna need some help along the way.If you don't mind..:Namaste:
Also if I go hydro..Well I'll need your expertise there too.:high-five:
Many congrats on a fine damn haul my friend! Budddonkulous! :)

Thank's LA..:Namaste:
Sorry I didn't get ya n the multi quote.I was typing as you posted.lol
Yea,A bit more buddage then the the #2's.All in all these 4 girl's in the #3's under 600 watt hps should pull more then the 10 #2's under a 600 watt hps.That remind's me..I'll get a post with total weight of the 10 #2's in with the next update,scheduled for today..:thumb:
Good Morning Guy's..:high-five:

Good morning indeed! Killer shots of some glorious herb, hows that NLxBB treat ya? Sedative?
Some slugger sized sweet scented sensi, I'll have to sneak my lou in some of my shots.. :thumb:
Ok,snapped a few pic's of the girl's in flower.
First The 600x2 hps tent.

NLxBB(Auto)...2 month's 3 week's from breaking soil..81 day's...#3 smart pot.


Now this is my first auto but I think people's first impression(along with myself) when hearing auto's are that they will finish in 60 day's and be small and compact...I have found that to be very un-true in my case.This girl's a good 3 foot tall and 2 foot wide,and that's not counting the 6 or 8 inch top tied down to keep out of the light.
Also she look's nor grew anything like the NLXBB photo's.Im hoping she will have a different taste when finished also.Give me more of a variety.lol

The Purple Train wreck..9 day's 12/12..She's just starting to show but hard to tell from pic's.I was rushing.Light's had just kicked off.


NLxBB..30 day's of 12/12..
Now she has been flowering for probably 3 week's.She has had 3 treatment's properly adjusted SSU.
I think it's working on her..:thumb:

Next the remaining 3 NLxBB to be chopped next..today is 60 of 12/12.
To be honest I moved them around a bit and don't remember which one was being sprayed.Don't matter the exp was a bust on these girl's.

and now the GreenSun/Topled flower tent...
1 NLxBB (Monster clone Porta-Scrog...on the left..lol
and the Big Critical Kush on right..
Both 12 day of 12/12..


NLxBB(Monster clone)


Critical Kush..


Ok that's it fir now..
Gotta run for now.The Ole Lady need's her laptop..lol
Look's like I'll have to fire up the desk top.

Thank's Everyone..
Good morning indeed! Killer shots of some glorious herb, hows that NLxBB treat ya? Sedative?
Some slugger sized sweet scented sensi, I'll have to sneak my lou in some of my shots.. :thumb:

Morning CA..:tokin:..Well damn near noon now here.:lot-o-toke:lol
NLxBB..Well you pretty much nailed it.lol
I smoked a few bowl's yesterday before leaving the house to do some shit and when I got home,the first thing I said to the Ole lady was..I think Im stoned..:thumb:..I know right..After smoking for so long 'Getting stoned' becomes a thing of the past and hard to come by.Now it is more of a 'Getting right' process for me.So when I smoke something and Im high..It's good smoke.

Sound's weird but Im so used to smoking that when Im high,Im high.Im sure you know what I mean.
It lasted for a good 2 hour's.Also something that is hard to come by when your a heavy smoker.
Sound's weird but Im so used to smoking that when Im high,Im high.Im sure you know what I mean.
It lasted for a good 2 hour's.Also something that is hard to come by when your a heavy smoker.

I know what u mean about this man. I use to get this amazing feeling after a hit like blood was leaving my face and down through my body, after that there was just a big grin on my face :blunt: I always woundered was the weed i was getting after a while of a diferent person, getting worse haha. And also i think that couch lock feeling comes from the help of high cbd or maby cbn (dont kno much about CBN) mixed with the THC :D i duno its just a guess but i will when i try some indica medical seeds high in CBD :)
The wet weight was 401.1.:thumb:
Yea much better then the #2 fill in's we recently harvested.I got three more just like her.:high-five:
Dry weight will be a bit off as I took 40 gram's wet right from the start and dried in a box on heater over night.I was desperate and tired of smoking the M.M....I also smoked my very last nugg of the Critical Kush.So I was in need of some different smoke.
I'll tell ya,I was abit stoned yesterday.lol..Now as an everyday,all day,any chance smoker,that's rare.lol..Can't wait till she's cured.
I wish I could get stoned like I did when I was younger.:thumb:

Nice going and another 3, happy days:allgood: Got to the grow shop yday and the guy in the shop siad his friend did the M.M hydro and soil and both turn out nice, sweet tastie flavour and i didnt relise it was Master & Hindu Kush + Skunk:D And that stonded came from the NL+BB right ?:laughtwo: (Adding to the must get seed list) Looking forward to the cured smoke report..If u dont get to giddy with it haha :peace:
Great update Jimbo.
Now this is my first auto but I think people's first impression(along with myself) when hearing auto's are that they will finish in 60 day's and be small and compact...I have found that to be very un-true in my case.
Agreed! That myth's been blown completely out of the water. After finishing my first 2 autos (Afghan Kush) I actually think I prefer the simplicity of growing them but the downside is once they're done they're done; no re-vegging, no clones.

Next the remaining 3 NLxBB to be chopped next..today is 60 of 12/12.
To be honest I moved them around a bit and don't remember which one was being sprayed.Don't matter the exp was a bust on these girl's.
Ah man... I was really getting into it because you said the SSU sprayed one was catching up to the non-sprayed one since adjusting the PH level. Maybe you'll have what Samuel L Jackson called a "divine intervention" in Pulp Fiction & remember which one was which. LOL
Ok beautiful as always blah blah blah.... I think karma is at work here.... when I was at my new found Downtown Gardener they carry smart pots and I got 7 gallon.... see you said you were going to use the new nutes with a Kush in a 7 gallon smart pot soooo If you will please go back and look at my Kush list and let me know which you think would be the best one and maybe it should be the Humboldt Budda Kush just to make it all match...:) but I have a couple of good genetic Kush's so please let me know what ya think... and one more question.... what medium will you use for these nutes..:confused:..:circle-of-love:
Morning CA..:tokin:..Well damn near noon now here.:lot-o-toke:lol
NLxBB..Well you pretty much nailed it.lol
I smoked a few bowl's yesterday before leaving the house to do some shit and when I got home,the first thing I said to the Ole lady was..I think Im stoned..:thumb:..I know right..After smoking for so long 'Getting stoned' becomes a thing of the past and hard to come by.Now it is more of a 'Getting right' process for me.So when I smoke something and Im high..It's good smoke.

Sound's weird but Im so used to smoking that when Im high,Im high.Im sure you know what I mean.
It lasted for a good 2 hour's.Also something that is hard to come by when your a heavy smoker.

NLxBB Monster clone, looking killer! :cheer:

Oh yes J6k, as I am going on a decade now I feel the need for that smoke that puts you to the next level.
'Getting right', oh isn't that the truth.. For us growers, a smoke break is a little much to ask.. :laugh:
Looks like I am shopping for a cut of NL as I have yet to put her through the steps.
With your tolerance, and others on 420mag alike, i'd like to suggest this new "rosin extraction" process..
I have been hair straightening my kief for the last 3 days and cannot get enough of this.. super safe, inexpensive.
I am making some real nice melty shatter out of my single stage grinder kief.
One big rip of this melty goodness and I am set for hours (2HRS+), and the flavor.... well.. i'm going to let you experience that on your own!
I'm going to be posting a little tutorial on my page for those who haven't seen it/heard of it. Or check yewtewb as there are hundreds of videos already :Namaste:
Just swooping by J6....all looks posh in here bro:)....and couldnt agree more with the last post and getting high...or right rather:)
Thank's Dirty..
I knew everyone would understand where Im coming from..:high-five:.
I know what u mean about this man. I use to get this amazing feeling after a hit like blood was leaving my face and down through my body, after that there was just a big grin on my face :blunt: I always woundered was the weed i was getting after a while of a diferent person, getting worse haha. And also i think that couch lock feeling comes from the help of high cbd or maby cbn (dont kno much about CBN) mixed with the THC :D i duno its just a guess but i will when i try some indica medical seeds high in CBD :)
That's the thing about growing your own.Odd's are it's going to be better then most shit out there.If done correctly you won't run out and have to get it off the street and deal with the whole hit and miss ordeal.I know how much I smoke and I coulden't afford top shelf street shit.
I was always under the impression that high THC and timing of ripe bud's and Im sure many other thing's give you the Stoned or coach lock effect.CBD's would be the medical side of thing's which do not get you high at all.Mainly for pain relief and god know's what else.:thumb:
Nice going and another 3, happy days:allgood: Got to the grow shop yday and the guy in the shop siad his friend did the M.M hydro and soil and both turn out nice, sweet tastie flavour and i didnt relise it was Master & Hindu Kush + Skunk:D And that stonded came from the NL+BB right ?:laughtwo: (Adding to the must get seed list) Looking forward to the cured smoke report..If u dont get to giddy with it haha :peace:
Im sure M.M is a good strain and when grown properly a very good smoke.I just don't think it like what the other girl's were getting and just didn't fit in.I got a bean left so I'll try her again one day.
Got a bit of a cold right now so everything choke's me.I'll definitely have enough of the NLxBB for some of it to get cured and will get a report up.
Yes it's where the Stoned came from.lol:lot-o-toke:

Great update Jimbo.Agreed! That myth's been blown completely out of the water. After finishing my first 2 autos (Afghan Kush) I actually think I prefer the simplicity of growing them but the downside is once they're done they're done; no re-vegging, no clones.
I hear ya man..I like to clone my girl's and run the strain a bit before moving on to something else.
Ya know I have never done a re-veg.:hmmmm:
Ah man... I was really getting into it because you said the SSU sprayed one was catching up to the non-sprayed one since adjusting the PH level. Maybe you'll have what Samuel L Jackson called a "divine intervention" in Pulp Fiction & remember which one was which. LOL
I GOT IT..:cheesygrinsmiley:
So after reading your post this morning.I of coarse smoked a bowl,thought awhile,smoked another bowl,went down and sat in front of the girl's in ? and it came to me..:Namaste:
All I needed to do was go back to some older pic's and count the steak's...:thumb:
I know know which one was being sprayed.The one I just chopped was sprayed also.
Thank's Reg.:high-five:
Great Update Brotha J6k :thumb:
don't worry ill be here if and when you need me :high-five:
Thank's Buddy..
Gonna try and at least get the tent up this week-end...:thumb:
Does the CS have a shelf life?lol
Bought it awhile back..
Ok beautiful as always blah blah blah.... I think karma is at work here.... when I was at my new found Downtown Gardener they carry smart pots and I got 7 gallon.... see you said you were going to use the new nutes with a Kush in a 7 gallon smart pot soooo If you will please go back and look at my Kush list and let me know which you think would be the best one and maybe it should be the Humboldt Budda Kush just to make it all match...:) but I have a couple of good genetic Kush's so please let me know what ya think... and one more question.... what medium will you use for these nutes..:confused:..:circle-of-love:

Glad you found a somewhat local grow shop.That awesome.:thumb:
Gotta go there today myself..Gotta go get a #7 SP.lol and a few T-5 bulb's.
I will be using the ProMix HP with some added perlite and growology step 1 of coarse.
I want to use the Humboldt nute's from start to finish and don't want any other type of fertilizers in my medium.
If you mean the list you spoke of in PM,then I personally like the sound's of the Kannabia Mataro Blue..(seedfinder)
I know your might have enough purple and blue's going so my next pick would be the Vanilla Kush.
Only because Iv'e grown it before and I thought it was very good to me as a newbe and wish I knew then what I now know.
then the BuBBa..Just because I have never grown it but have smoked it and loved the taste.:thumb:
I was going to run a Critical kush clone because I thought I only had one bean left.
Come to find out I have 3.So I'll be running a single Critical Kush from seed in ProMix.Starting in small pot's and working our way to Flowering in a #7 Smart Pot...3 month Veg time atleast..:thumb:
NLxBB Monster clone, looking killer! :cheer:

Oh yes J6k, as I am going on a decade now I feel the need for that smoke that puts you to the next level.
'Getting right', oh isn't that the truth.. For us growers, a smoke break is a little much to ask.. :laugh:
Looks like I am shopping for a cut of NL as I have yet to put her through the steps.
With your tolerance, and others on 420mag alike, i'd like to suggest this new "rosin extraction" process..
I have been hair straightening my kief for the last 3 days and cannot get enough of this.. super safe, inexpensive.
I am making some real nice melty shatter out of my single stage grinder kief.
One big rip of this melty goodness and I am set for hours (2HRS+), and the flavor.... well.. i'm going to let you experience that on your own!
I'm going to be posting a little tutorial on my page for those who haven't seen it/heard of it. Or check yewtewb as there are hundreds of videos already :Namaste:

I almost forgot you made extract's and what not.:thumb:Something I have not had the pleasure of trying.
Every time I get motivated do try it,something pop'sup or I can't get this..or just to dangerous.
Im all about smoking and don't do the edibles to often. I just like to smoke.
Im very interest in any safe and easily made smokeable concentrate's method's and will surly check it out.
Thank's CA.:Namaste:
I almost forgot you made extract's and what not.:thumb:Something I have not had the pleasure of trying.
Every time I get motivated do try it,something pop'sup or I can't get this..or just to dangerous.
Im all about smoking and don't do the edibles to often. I just like to smoke.
Im very interest in any safe and easily made smokeable concentrate's method's and will surly check it out.
Thank's CA.:Namaste:

Thats another thing the guy in the shop was saying to me about the 'rosin method' CA mentioned. couldnt remeber the name. He was saying to put a bud between cook paper(i think) and its best with a GHD with heat settings. The oil leaks out around the bud after a good heat pressing and then u scrape it off the paper. Basically its that straight foward. Easy doing for a test try and the hit shoould be nice :yummy:
Cheers for the reminder CA215 cnat wait to try it:high-five: Have u tryed with a small nug between paper yet? it could be a good use for popcorn buds:D
Cool!! I ordered a bale of ProMix HP from my new found friend already so :high-five:... I was kinda leaning toward the Mataro too until I saw the Humboldt one but now you have me leaning back toward the Blue... Yep... It's gonna be the Jack Herer and the Mataro Blue.... I know I was supposed to already have that done but I haven't done a dang thing for 2 days but water my girls and get :lot-o-toke:... I'm going to have to move off this couch eventually..... Thanks for doing my research for me...:).....:circle-of-love:
Thats another thing the guy in the shop was saying to me about the 'rosin method' CA mentioned. couldnt remeber the name. He was saying to put a bud between cook paper(i think) and its best with a GHD with heat settings. The oil leaks out around the bud after a good heat pressing and then u scrape it off the paper. Basically its that straight foward. Easy doing for a test try and the hit shoould be nice :yummy:
Cheers for the reminder CA215 cnat wait to try it:high-five: Have u tryed with a small nug between paper yet? it could be a good use for popcorn buds:D
We actually have a tread for the Rosin tech using bud's.I think I like the idea of using kief to be honest.
How to - Rosin Tech
I don't have much kief left so will probably do a run sometime next week.I do have plenty of bud to try it with tho.:thumb:
Iv'e never smoked any concentrate's and pretty sure I'll need some kind of rig to smoke it.
What is GHD?
Cool!! I ordered a bale of ProMix HP from my new found friend already so :high-five:... I was kinda leaning toward the Mataro too until I saw the Humboldt one but now you have me leaning back toward the Blue... Yep... It's gonna be the Jack Herer and the Mataro Blue.... I know I was supposed to already have that done but I haven't done a dang thing for 2 days but water my girls and get :lot-o-toke:... I'm going to have to move off this couch eventually..... Thanks for doing my research for me...:).....:circle-of-love:
I hear ya D..I never put my bean in to germ nor made it to the grow shop.I'll get the bean started today.The grow shop can wait.I won't need the #7 pot for awhile.
Im thinking small plastic starter pot then #2 and then a #5 and then the #7..
That's the plan anyway..This cold is kicking my ass.lol
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