Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: thanks for your appreciation! we are friends! :high-five: happy growing!:circle-of-love: :blunt::blunt:
Sara, I love the way you participate in all journals with your lights; Not just your sponsored ones. Your a fine example of :420: sponsors.
Thank you everyone.:thanks:
I am so sorry I have not up-dated in a few day's.I just have been very busy with work this week and have not even transplanted one plant yet.I will get everything done this week-end and have one big up-date with all the plant's I own.
I appreciate all the kind word's.It really does make me feel good to read them and it honestly mean's a lot.

Take it easy Jimmy!Looking forward another excellent journal soon
Kudos on your NOTM pull J6k, can't wait to see how the choc fon (freebean) cleans up after trim :Namaste:
Thank's CA,:high-five:I am smoking on her now.lol:lot-o-toke:She smell's of pine ,but not much of a taste yet.I got a few pic's for ya tho.:thumb:
Got the tent all cleaned out so am going to pot up the OG Kush and put her in the cabinet to start getting big and hopefully catch up with those ears.... My fella gave her a name... Earlina.... Don't ask...:thedoubletake:... I am never going to refer to her as anything but a her and hopefully it will always be that way....:)....:circle-of-love:

:blunt:.. I think it's a girl...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
Congrat's D.:thumb:I am glad it a girl.I,on the other hand had to toss all my O.G's as they were male's.I got some pic's for ya also.
hi Jimmy, i’m sure you had sticky fingers these days..........huummmmmmm, lucky you !!!!!

enjoy my friend.
Thank's E.D.:thumb:Very sticky my friend.I will say I did get some help from the old lady on Freebean.I am kind of set in my way's of how and what I want to trim,and normally/prefer to do it all myself.lol
ah Jimmy! I am so HAPPY for YOU! :battingeyelashes: You deserve it! :amen: Too bad we couldn't do this once a week! LOL!
So many awesome members!:kiss:
I can't wait to see your goodies! :allgood::passitleft::green_heart:
Thank's Pinky.I am sure the sponsors would love it if we ran a contest every week.lol
I cant lie,I have wanted a nug jar for a while now.:cheesygrinsmiley:You are right,It is very hard to win any of the contest with as many beautiful and talented member as we have.:circle-of-love:
Thank you Sara! I sent my PayPal $ for 2 97x3's! I am so excited to try these. I've heard many great things about them.:circle-of-love:
Nice Pinky,I am so far behind that you probably alredy have them hung.lol
I got a ton of catch up to do,and you are one the top of the list.:thumb:
Hey Pinky are you into that stash again....:passitleft:... Is it a 96x3w reflector or do they owe me another light bulb....:circle-of-love:
:thumb:Me too.lol
That's awesome! You know it! Grape Ape today! :lot-o-toke:Too funny! :loopy: 96 x3's. Well a girl can dream, right?
Every time I turn around you are indulging in a different strain.I would love to visit on day and do a little shopping.lol
Sara, I love the way you participate in all journals with your lights; Not just your sponsored ones. Your a fine example of :420: sponsors.
What's up Reg.:high-five:I am glad you pointed that out.It's a beautiful thing.I show's that they really do care about all there customer's,no matter if there name is in the title or not.:love:
:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: thanks for your appreciation! we are friends! :high-five: happy growing!:circle-of-love: :blunt::blunt:
Take it easy Jimmy!Looking forward another excellent journal soon
Thank's Amy.I would love to take it easy,but I seem's there is all way's something to do,so go,go,go mode is all I know.lol
I am long over due for a tune up.lol..but I just don't have time right now to get any work done to my self.

Wow that felt like it took forever.lol
So long over due update time.I will explain as we go and will most likely need to post to get them all up.

Ok.First is the Chocolate fondue.(Freebean).She was chopped 4-5 day's ago,and it has been very warm,so she is dry enough to smoke for me.


continued on next post...
Next post....lol

I had to butcher all my OG's.I threw 1 of the clones in flower and after about 4 day's I started seeing what,I am sure were sac forming.I have never had a male but I think I an correct on this.


The Mom.

I figured I would chop them a bit ,just to see what the could of been.lol

I thing this one would have been a beaut.

There were a few more but nothing special.I learned a lot from them O.G's and I am not mad at all.I do have a few more of the seed's but don't think I will pop any for a while.

Next post....
O man, all that work for a male? that sucks, good that you leanred and they are VERY nice plants.

Yes those are balls!

the CF looks great.

My BVK is coming along nicely at 38 days,might end up being the fattest buds I grown indoors so far!, will post update on it soon!
Here is what's going on in the hps flower tent.
First.The V.K porta-scrog with chicken wire is looking pretty good.Other then the fact that she is one of the V.K clones that I have ran so long that they have lost there mojo.lol
I am hopeing she will be strong enough to hold here self up later on in flower.I mat put another screen just for support.

Next few pic's are of some C.F....They are some pretty big girl's and I need to get them cleaned out a bit.

Now for the ugly's.Here the 3 V.K that turned yellow far to early in flower and look very weak.They do have decent bud's on them and I need the room.I just want these V.K's done and gone.

This one is the worst.She is hanging about 2 in from the floor.

This is her turned around facing us.

and one more girl,but she is C.M and she is doing good.

Now we will go in to the GreenSun tent.As for right now there are two big C.F and a few small girl's I have yet to transplant.
These girls are the reason I want to chop the weak girl's in flower and get them going.

Next post...
Here are 12 of the W.W girl's transplanted and topped about 5 day's ago.All W.W are on the Growology 3-step system.
All W.W are in promix bx with added perlite and step one.,and being feed step 2 ful-strength.
These girl's are under the Topled reflector.

I believe that is it for now.I have a few more W.W ,some C.M and the C.M flower clone.
I may get to them tonight.If not,tomorrow for sure.
Sorry everyone I have not been by everyone's journal,but I am having a hard time keeping up with life at the moment but I will get all caught up tomorrow and threw out the week-end.
Oh.I almost forgot.I also started some regular Hawaiian Skunk Haze.I will be doing most of the updating on a different thread tho.It's a H.S.H thread started by E.D.for all to freely post and show off there H.S.H.:thanks:E.D
Here's a Link Seedsman Hawaiian Skunk Haze - Herbies Freebies In Coco With Coco Compost & Worms
Here they are now in 4 inch pot's.

Ok,now I'm beat.I got to check the girl's and get some rest.
Thank's everyone..:Namaste:......J6K:joint:
Great update Jimmy. Sucks about the OG but the rest is looking good. Fantastic harvest and even the ugly's have very nice buds. From babies to the finished product, Very Nice
Hey jimmy great looking plants you got going on. Good variety.

On the ones that yellowed up I would inspect the soil very carefully. It looks like root aphids are eating the roots.
Are the stems planted firmly into the soil or are they loose. I just battled them recently and it was bad news. I hope it's not root aphids cause they are not easy to get rid of. Do you have anything flying around in there?
Great Photo Shoot Judge Jimmy. See you Sunday.
I'm pleased to announce that the Mother's Day Special 12th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT will take place tomorrow; Sunday, May 11th at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Join Staff Writer & Head Judge King John C, Moderator Cannafan, Judge Jimmy6000, myself, and the rest of TRAR team for a short gathering of minds. Details below in my Signature.
O man, all that work for a male? that sucks, good that you leanred and they are VERY nice plants.

Yes those are balls!

the CF looks great.

My BVK is coming along nicely at 38 days,might end up being the fattest buds I grown indoors so far!, will post update on it soon!
Thank's Craw.The B.V.K will produce some very fat bud's.It was a great strain until I cloned it to death.lol
Your's look like they are going to make you very happy.
I am so impressed Jimmy! That is a fantastic spread you have. Your harvested buds are outstanding! I am turning green! :green_heart:LOL!:welldone::goodjob::bravo::circle-of-love::cheer:
Thank's Pinky.It's nothing compared to the lighting you got going on over there in your flower tent.lol
Every time I see your room,I would say really nice and tidy
Thank's Amy.I do try and keep it nice and tight.It's not a big space to keep clean but it's small enough to get cluttered fast.lol
Great Update J6k :thumb:
Thank's Chronic.Hope you are having a great Skunkday.:thumb:
:passitleft: High Jimmy....:circle-of-love:
High D.:Namaste:Congrat's on everything.You know what I am talking about.:high-five:
Great update Jimmy. Sucks about the OG but the rest is looking good. Fantastic harvest and even the ugly's have very nice buds. From babies to the finished product, Very Nice
Thank's Beemer.It does suck.I really liked that guy.lol.As for the ugly's(B.V.K)I guess it is true that they will lost there vigor after too many clone down's.
Hey jimmy great looking plants you got going on. Good variety.

On the ones that yellowed up I would inspect the soil very carefully. It looks like root aphids are eating the roots.
Are the stems planted firmly into the soil or are they loose. I just battled them recently and it was bad news. I hope it's not root aphids cause they are not easy to get rid of. Do you have anything flying around in there?
Hey Shotta.Thank's for stopping by.:Namaste:To be honest I have never had aphids.It never crossed my mind.I will say no,the stem's are not planted firmly.All the weight is pulling the weak branches down and pulling on the stem's.I do not see anything flying around tho.
I have pulled them from flower and will be chopping soon.Wherer would I look for these aphids?I am guessing the rootball but I am not sure.lol

J6k, you are a trooper! I have lost count of your rooms to date :)
Thank's CA.At the moment I am not sure what I am doing but I will get a full rundown and a more clear description of what is going on,just as soon as I figure out what goes where.lol.I do have the light's to do a side by side with GreenSun vs Topled,but I would have to re think my whole perpetual.
Great Photo Shoot Judge Jimmy. See you Sunday.
What's up Reg.Ya man,I am ready.Just waiting on you.lol
Impressed your grow Jimmy:) have a nice weekend.:party::party::party:
Thank's Sara.It has been a pretty good weekend.I got a lot done.Imo.:thanks:
I'm pleased to announce that the Mother's Day Special 12th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT will take place tomorrow; Sunday, May 11th at 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Join Staff Writer & Head Judge King John C, Moderator Cannafan, Judge Jimmy6000, myself, and the rest of TRAR team for a short gathering of minds. Details below in my Signature.

Thank's Reg.:high-five:I would also like to wish all of our 420 moms a Happy Mother's Day.:love:
Happy Mother's Day Mz420 aka Mom.:hippy::love:

Ok.I got a bit of an update.
I pulled the 3 ugly's early from flower and now have them sitting in a dark closet.They were replaced by the 2 big C.F that were in the GreenSun tent.

I also did some super cropping on a few of the other C.F that were growing a few tall branches.
I did it yesterday morning and they were already reaching this morning.

Here are the other 3 C.F and the last of the B.V.K .
The 3 big one's are the C.F.

Here is the C.M
Not sure why the pic is cut of but that is all I got right now.

So that cleared up the GreenSun tent and the best thing about it is I have all my veg girl's on Growology.I just have the girl's in flower to finish with Age Old and then I am all Growology.
I now have 2 W.W
2 C.F and 2 C.M

The C.F flower clone.I was hoping to get some feedback on her.Reg you have done quite a bit of reveg,so you know better then I.
The question is ,She is growing but manly from the two side branchs and not much from the center part of her were she was a flower and some of the smaller flower growth is just dry and falling off.Will there be new growth from the the center where the flower was or should I clean that mess out?

I got a few more but for some reason they did not load..lol
I'll get to now.Next post soon.
I only said root aphids because thats exactly what my plants would do when I had them. Yes you look in the root zone but there is so much life in soil its hard to decipher whats what a lot of times.

It may not be the dreaded RA's since everything else looks great. Just wanted to make you aware of the potential devastation those suckers can cause. I must have had a really bad infestation since I had the flyers and I had them little bastid's falling on my trichome laden buds and the plants would look super stressed buds came out small as can be.

Keep em green brother good show you got going here. +reps
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