Jimmy6k First Attempt - Closet Grow

Thanks Frank,now I just need to keep it that way.:laughtwo:So I wanted to get some opinions on defoil/trim as I am going to flip to 12/12 soon.I know everyone does it different and some do none at all.Just wanted to get some input on my situation.If you look at last pics most are 22 days in soil.Closet size is 3 1/2x4x7 1/2 feet.I have 15 plants in this closet under 600w and some cfls,just to try and get in those hard to light areas.7 2l hempys and 8,1 and 2 gallon ffof/ffhf soil mix.So what I'm asking is what is the best way to get the best yeild for my space,lighting etc.Will defoil help me with my lack of space?I'm open to any and all suggestions.Think of it as a (this is what i would do,if I where you, situation)Any help or ideas are welcome and very appreciated.:thanks:
I say no on the defol. But you could get in there and FIM a bunch of tops out of it. It would allow the other girls to catch up and you could get at least 10 more tops. I noticed defol slows things down. I would not do it.

Besides, that's sugar conversions that get cut away.

I would just let it go jungle and only trim or rework it when they are choked off completely.
Thanks for the suggestion Frank.I have tried a little of fim,and trimmed some fan leafs here and there,but only stripped 1, just to try some things.But I have some other issues at hand.I have three different kinds of problems.I think they all maybe be ph related.Ive kind of been in between thinks and got a little of track.I hope!Here is pic of b.v.k. transplanted 1 day ago.A little droopy and a lot more yellow then the other b.v.k..It may be because I haven not fully watered since transplant.
This one has yellow blotches.Maybe ph fluctuation.
This one I'm not sure, I think it could be a number of things. I just need to take a little time and think about it,(research)and get back on watering properly.
Hey Frank,The leaves on the dropping plant do feel dry, and you can can see some wrinkling,but when I transplanted from the plastic pot to the smart pot I believe the soil was wetter then I thought,because it was in the plastic pot and did not dry out as much as I thought.So I watered right after transplant and then again last night.Maybe over watered?Also I have not started soil plants on any nutes and its 30 days tomorrow.The soil I transplanted in to does not have any nutes in it.Should I start it on some or maybe just try and let it dry out a couple days.Watering last night did not help.Appreciate the reps.:thumb:
Huh. The comment you made on "30 days since" leads me towards Nitrogen def early stages. That could account for the blotchy yellowing and the lightness of green I am seeing. But it would not account for the droopy plants. over watered planst seem a bit droopy sometimes... so you might be right on.

I would hit them with a low ppm nitrogen feeding. keep it low but watch them... more than likely the ph flux is causing a bit of N lockout rather than deficiency because N in soil is easy to get. You could go all N with micro... (keep the ppm low).

As long as the soil drains, the volume of water is never the issue, but it could be the transplant changed the over-all acids for a short period.

Update in a few days, but go lightly into the weekend, low ppm.
Frank,I think I may have over done it a bit.I put her in a spot all by herself,under some cfls and let her dry out some.She was lookin alittle better.Then gave her what I thought was a light dose feeding.It's been 2 days and a couple leafs have some burnt spots.None of the other plants seem to have a problem with feeding.Could it be a phosphorus deficiency?Here are some pic's.
A little side project!
Well on another note.I have filled my closet with as many plants as I could.All will be going on 12/12 tonight.I am only doing this because I want a fresh start as I would do things a lot different.As of now there are a mix of s.l.h,b.v.k and bomb thc,in various sizes.7 2l hempys.4 1 gal smart pots,2 2gal smart pots and 4 4 inch pots.Like I said I want a new start.I will not be flowering the b.v.k in pic above.Her and 1 bomb thc I have put in 3 gal pot to be keep for mothers.
It's day 2 of flower and I think the closet is filling in pretty good.I was starting to get bored with journal and haven't been keeping up as well as I should have.Today was the first time I went back a read through it,and would like to thank everyone for the help:thumb:I do like looking back and seeing the progress,and have decided to keep it.I am going to try to be more active and more info.Here some pics from this morning,right before lights out.
All looking pretty good jimmy6000 :thumb:

Hows the sickly SLH doing ?

I've noticed some defeciencys on a few of the girls... would you mind listing the complete nutrients you are using ?

The 4th pic from the last just below the Bomb THC looked dodge ya might want to inspect that one for spider mites to be on the safe side, may need a mini micro scope or jewelers glass to see em tho !
Hey Fuzzy Duck,nice to see ya again. Congrats, for MOTM nominee.My nutrients are GH flora.
I have pretty much been giving 1/4 less then GH feeding chart suggest.I will post pics of the s.l.h tonight when lights come on.I think it was a sick mother.Also will update the growstone/perlite thread.Turns out it is not a b.v.k.Its a s.l.h and is why it looks a little sad.I do have jewelers glass,and will get back to you on that.
Well you called it fuzzy!Its spider mites.I had noticed the whiteish spots and thought nothing of it.I thank you again for stopping in.Im off to hydro store to tomorrow see what they have for my mite problem.Any suggestions?

I'm pleased that the problem was spotted early before it became a issue...

Its a bit hard to suggest what brand of insecticide to use as we may all live in different parts of the world, but SNS products come quite highly regard SNS 209 Systemic Insect Control | Sierra Natural Science if they are aviable in your neck of woods

Most good hydro shops will have a couple of brands of insecticide aviable & sure you will fine in choice of product :thumb:

I know its a big job but i would check all your plants for spider mites infestations & treat all of them just in case... leave no stone unturned & keep an eye on em for a few weeks !

I'd go as far as checking any regular house hold plants also... i've still got fungus gnats from 9 months ago which live with in my yucca & spider plant pots... lol

You might want to check out or do some home work on spider mites... i believe they prefer higher humidity enviroments to spawn in, iirc

So humidity may be slightly off ?
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