JBC Pineapple Chunk - Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Yeah i'll be taking them all the way, no worries there. They got enough head room, 6ft from the floor, still not in 12/12, anytime now, just waiting on the TD to grow a bit taller.

And yeah only topped once, FIM'd the Tall pineapple.
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Give the Tangerine a trim today, its middle fan leaves was covering a lot of heads. Ive removed the pans covering heads and any tiny leaves from the very bottom. It looks a lot better now you can see inside. Hopefully give it the light it needs on the inside.

Also fed both with 6.6pH water today 2L each, no food as tiny burns from the TML food. That soil mix must still have quite a bit of food still in it. Must be nearly done now though.:peace:
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Sorry I haven't been around much in your journal. I have been lurking the site mainly cause I have been so busy lately I just have been barely replying to other threads and I have been constricted to my own. If you head over you can see what has been going on but you have your hands full over here and everything is looking great!

Your girls will benefit from the hair cut for sure. With any trimming. It will stunt them for a little bit but they will pick right up. They will be some lovely girls in flower for sure.
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

26/11/2011 Update, on 12/12 now as they are geting quite big, one anyway. Used up all their food so fe them with,
5ml coco a+b
5ml ionic boost ( for p/k)
3ml TML
They seem to be doing fine , just needed a feed.
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Your TD looks a lot bushier than mine; probably the diiference being the GLR method I am using and your lighting schedule. I cut the tops off all three and took out some of the lower branches and inner shade leaves yesterday. They get tall fast under 12/12. I'm going to judge by the final yield, and if it comes up short I'll go back to 18/6 (I have a feeling it will, because your plants look more robust than mine and seem to have a lot more places that buds will grow from). :welldone:
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Yeh the Pineapple on the left is definitely going to be a monster after stretch. I hope the tangerine sorts its self out and starts growing up instead of out, think the stunt and the early topping had stunted it a bit. Need it to stretch to the same as the pineapple ideally.

Well all is still good, will post when pistils start growing and the fun starts!!:thumb:
Re: JBC Pineapple Chunk+Tangerine Dream - Barneys Farm

Your TD looks a lot bushier than mine; probably the diiference being the GLR method I am using and your lighting schedule. I cut the tops off all three and took out some of the lower branches and inner shade leaves yesterday. They get tall fast under 12/12. I'm going to judge by the final yield, and if it comes up short I'll go back to 18/6 (I have a feeling it will, because your plants look more robust than mine and seem to have a lot more places that buds will grow from). :welldone:

The GLR cycle should promote faster growth. I have to top my girls ofter because of the vertical stretch. GLR is a great cycle and shouldn't be the sole cause of your issue. Maybe the lighting and Genetics? Just because you are growing the same strain as someone else, doesn't mean the plant will be identical. They all grow differently.

Yeh the Pineapple on the left is definitely going to be a monster after stretch. I hope the tangerine sorts its self out and starts growing up instead of out, think the stunt and the early topping had stunted it a bit. Need it to stretch to the same as the pineapple ideally.

Well all is still good, will post when pistils start growing and the fun starts!!:thumb:

Everything is looking amazing JBC. for real. They are nice and bushy, my favorite. I don't mind tall lanky girls but the bushy girls are what I like best. Very nice. You had a rough start but things are going great now.:thumb:
Thanks TOG, few good journals going at the min between us, By new year we'l have some flowering monsters. I checked on the girls yesterday an DAM!!! the 12/12 and feeding had really affected them, they gone massive in 2 days!!! I'l have to take a pic again by friday or something to show you how much 12/12 lighting makes your plants boost!!:thankyou:
1 week into 12/12 and they both have started flowering today, which is handy. So flowering from now. I'm going to wait a week before putting in the 250w red cfl as well for flower. Also fed again today 8ml each of coco a+b and 3ml each of TML.
Ha I know rocking now, thanks. Yeah no problem with head room they got room to grow decent cola's. Now the fun part starts!!
Now were talking . . . looks like a bit of stretch going on.

You going to have anoth head room there?

Thanks for +Reps man!:thankyou:
Update:Day 5 of flowering and they both looking really health! The tangerine looks like its got a bit of a cal\mag problem, so getting some epson salts and will give it a foliar feed. The tall one is the Pineapple chunk the bush is the tangerine. The pineapple is doing amazing, while the tangerine is ok just not as big, but it has 4 week longer on flower than the pineapple so could be fine.

Still not got the red light in, will be in by sunday along with the blue.
If you've got the same TD pheno I do, they're gonna take off soon. Good to see you have some vertical space to work with; you'll need it. :)
I'm using a 300 watt red mogul base CFL on my Lowryder crop now and it works okay. I don't get deep light penetration with it because I SOG, and the canopy is thick so I decided to use it for dwarf autos.
They look nice. I don't see any deficiency signs either.
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