Jack's Land Of The RDWC Autos!

@Pennywise eny ideas brother m blaze man I’m hoping I feel like these autos making me look bad lol

Haha na man autos always run smaller then photos every1 knows tht. Ur all gud brother. Plus ive started noticing tht autos tend to look smaller then idk its jus one day they all of sudden huge lmao. Once they start flower thats when they seem to me anyway to get the biggest. An a nice long veg time with autos is better then they got more time to get bigger. But yea gud luck brother cant wait to see how they turn out man.
Haha na man autos always run smaller then photos every1 knows tht. Ur all gud brother. Plus ive started noticing tht autos tend to look smaller then idk its jus one day they all of sudden huge lmao. Once they start flower thats when they seem to me anyway to get the biggest. An a nice long veg time with autos is better then they got more time to get bigger. But yea gud luck brother cant wait to see how they turn out man.
Same here man I super stoked hopfully get some good pollen to store n seeds out of all this journey
Same here man I super stoked hopfully get some good pollen to store n seeds out of all this journey

Oh yea man ur guna have a shit ton of pollen To deal with trust me lol. N yea making new crosses is fun i love being able 2 work on a new strain to really start changing the effects n gettn the ones u want n making a new plant pretty much lol. Its crazy n fun n i love doing it specially once u start to see the strain change n start to take on the effects ur tryn to dial in to keep thts my favorite part seeing it all start 2 change. But yea brother gud luck i cant wait to see what u come up with.
Thanks fam I’m sure with yalls help I’ll do just fine I’ll prob hyt purple lemonade pollen with my purple queen should be really good who knows I’m def goin to save enough looking at another auto from fast buds to bread it with what’s ur thoughts I kno u have way more experience growing there beans these are the second ones I do from them
Thanks fam I’m sure with yalls help I’ll do just fine I’ll prob hyt purple lemonade pollen with my purple queen should be really good who knows I’m def goin to save enough looking at another auto from fast buds to bread it with what’s ur thoughts I kno u have way more experience growing there beans these are the second ones I do from them
Yea there gear is pretty good so far almost everythingbive ran from them yields some pretty big plants. if ur wantn a big yield try the Rhino Ryder auto i jus did one an they end up like lil hand gernade size buds lmao so very nice an there Zkittles auto is surprisingly dense i jus took one dwn the other nite n man the buds were suprising how dense they were. An the smell is super skunky with a hint of frutiness so it wud b gud in a cross id think but yea itll b cool 2 c what u come up with man gud luck. Let me no what u end up doin with ur autos maybe we cud do a trade or sumthn if ya want. But yea member if u include a photo in ur mix ur guna have 2 do a couple crosses 2 stabilize the auto gene n have the traits from the photo strain u want. Cause sum of the first set of seeds will be auto others will be photo n some will b fast photos so thts y ur guna have 2 do a few crosses n maybe a back cross or 2 but yea man let me no what u choose to do.
Yea there gear is pretty good so far almost everythingbive ran from them yields some pretty big plants. if ur wantn a big yield try the Rhino Ryder auto i jus did one an they end up like lil hand gernade size buds lmao so very nice an there Zkittles auto is surprisingly dense i jus took one dwn the other nite n man the buds were suprising how dense they were. An the smell is super skunky with a hint of frutiness so it wud b gud in a cross id think but yea itll b cool 2 c what u come up with man gud luck. Let me no what u end up doin with ur autos maybe we cud do a trade or sumthn if ya want. But yea member if u include a photo in ur mix ur guna have 2 do a couple crosses 2 stabilize the auto gene n have the traits from the photo strain u want. Cause sum of the first set of seeds will be auto others will be photo n some will b fast photos so thts y ur guna have 2 do a few crosses n maybe a back cross or 2 but yea man let me no what u choose to do.
Man U kno I’m down I’m goin to gifed a few autos beans out to u multi pdub to see how much better y’all can do with them
Sounds like a good one
Right brother thinking of adding some light to my room Idk yet but probably goin to go with mars either sp150 or the new 3000 what’s ur thought they have other ones
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