Yea Im for sure going to get some EJ PH up and down before my next grow. I actually have some ph up and down but its synthetic or what ever and from what I read it will harm the microbs. So Iv just been using the tester it came with. Its the liquid kind so Im not getting the most accurate number. Just a ball park. But Ill be honest, Not having to ph was basically the only thing keeping me organic. If Im gonna have to worry about Ph anyway. I might as well go the easier route. I mean I read that organic taste better and bla bla but I dont have a comparison so I dont know that to be true. Maybe I should test it next grow. IDK but it seems synthetics are just easier. I could be wrong. But seems to me its just a matter of measuring, mixing, phing, and then flushing. Where as with organics, You cant really even flush them. Or maybe you can but thats my point. Everything is blurry with organics. How can you flush organics when the soil itself is alive. I know you can slow down the soil, stop feeding the soil for a week or so. But it just all seems more trouble than its worth. And if your plant has a problem,,,there really isnt any quick fixes. You have to keep feeding you soil.....and hope in a week or so it gets better. Where as synthetics, I can fix right then because Im actually feeding the plant. And like Cali Phing to an exact 6.4 make NO SENSE TO ME!!!! I just dont get it. If the your feeing the soil....and the microbes are feeding the plant. and in doing so the microbes balance the PH...I can kinda understande if your PH is WAY off, maybe the microbes wont be able to fully balance it. But if you are within a point of so. Be it from 5.5 - 7.5. I would think the microbes would be able to balance this out. At the very least, be able to balance a half point. I mean , it either does....or it doesnt...I hate to because I have quite a bit of EJ stuff. But Im thinking of going Fox Farm route. Maybe getting the dirty dozen or something. IDK. What do you all think?
I went out there and fed them this morning. Buds look super frosty and everything. But the fan leafs and what not are REALLY starting to look like shit. Im almost certain I have a lockout. I guess Its gonna take a while to balance back. But I have water and fed them the last 4 times with solution that has been a respectable ph. Maybe a little high, about 7. Except today. Today was almost perfect. I checked the ph and it was about 7...But I planned ahead and left out 3tsp of bloom so I could add it after bubble to lower the ph a little. It worked pretty good. I dont have a digital Ph reader so Idk for certain. But I had almost a yellow color. Which is 6.5. If those worthless ass microbes cant balance it from there....well.....IDK....Anyway. I would have thought they would have bounced back by now. I know i prolly should have gave them a semi flush. Maybe floating a good gallon and a half per plant of some PHed water. Buuuut I dont have any natural ph up or down and dont want to kill what life I do have in my soil. Plus, Im not able to just give them as much water as I want any time I want. There is no water in my building. So I have to carry milk jugs and fill them up. I have saved up over 20 jugs so I can just fill them up all at once. But I have to watch when I do it so know one sees me. Anyway....its a pain. Anyway. I didnt take any pictures because I didnt have my camera on me. It was pretty early and I had just woke up. I actually just went out there to add some Mammoth P to make sure the Ph rose. But when I went out there, I seen it had foam, which is a good sign. So I checked and it was ready so I went ahead and fed them. Im guessing the ph arose on its own due to a weaker mix than I had been using. Thats another thing that might be going on. I am dosing them like they were one of my photos. But these ladies are MUCH smaller and probably require alot less nutes. I just put that together...........DAMN....I need to just water them for a couple times. then cut my mix in half......DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!
Iv also noticed that the lower buds... as usual...are pretty airy and immature looking. Like lower buds get. But these arent feet below the canopy...these are not that far below. I would expect better penetration from a freaking $1000 light..But Im going to hold off judgement and reserve my opinion on this light until my next grow.. SO. Ill try and take some pictures later. I want you all to look at something anyway. It might be an Auto thing or something else. But it looks like it hermied on me or something. Im not sure. It could be swollen whatcha call its. But there is alot of them. not really all bundles up together but all over. They all have hairs coming out of them tho. Ill get some pics as soon as light comes on.