Is this site a good representation: photo, etc

Thanx Papa!! Should I do a flush and how much water do I need?? I'm growing in laundry tubs.
Here's a couple of pics - I think the ph is OK - I stress the "I think" - my El cheapo meter shows just under 7 for the soil and rain water at 6.8
In the future use air bags and living soil for a healthier, happier harvest. If you used processed ferts then flush 3 days in a row. This removes the nasty chems that cause you harm and tastes like shit. Living soil eliminates all of that.
I couldnt use one of those water meters, no matter what I did, it still said the same reading lol I threw mine out. :laughtwo:
Yeah, if you cannot tell it is dry...get a job. Just check for dry to about a depth of your 1st knuckle. Water when needed, not on a schedule except in a hydro.
My dwc setup gets 15 minutes every hour the lights are on and 3 more in the dark. That's a total of 5 hrs 45 minutes of water/nutrients flowing over expanded clay pellets medium every day. And no, never have gotten nutrient burns, over watering issues or any negatives. Just big beauties with tasty, potent nugs.
Hey Thanx guys - My soil is 1/2 Miracle Gro and 1/2 soil from a Beaver Dam. I only use the meter to see what is going on lower in the soil than I think I should be digging. Boy, I thought I might make every mistake in the book - I may have found some new ones!!
I just googled Grow Weed Easy "Praying" Leaves... This is likely the article? But can't speak for VirginGround of course :)

Edit: Didn't realize how short that was. Not much of an article.. but still.
Perfectly healthy and praying that site sucks.
I think most of your problem is with your meter. It's making you case your tail.
It you can't get a decent pH pen I recommend going to a fish store and picking up an API brand liquid test kit for freshwater aquariums. This will give you a more accurate reading. You need to be careful when adjusting with vinegar, it's easy to overshoot your dosages when you have an iffy meter.
Another problem is your heat. Stomata close after a certain temp. This stops your girls from transpiring and when they don't transpire ,they don't drink.
Hopefully @Emilya can chime in, she's our ranking soil expert.
Emilya ,could you please check out this journal connected to this growers post? It give better info on the last page or two.
Grow Weed Easy tried to hire me a couple of years ago and after talking to their head guy I refused the job, knowing the guy didn't have a clue how to grow pot. The article cited above about "praying" leaves being a sign of stress is a perfect example of the unresearched idiocy that comes out of that site. Regarding pH, definitely get a good meter and start adjusting correctly, but looking at the "lift" (the proper horticultural term for "praying") I would say you have a very healthy plant with good transpiration, ie, good roots.
Grow Weed Easy tried to hire me a couple of years ago and after talking to their head guy I refused the job, knowing the guy didn't have a clue how to grow pot. The article cited above about "praying" leaves being a sign of stress is a perfect example of the unresearched idiocy that comes out of that site. Regarding pH, definitely get a good meter and start adjusting correctly, but looking at the "lift" (the proper horticultural term for "praying") I would say you have a very healthy plant with good transpiration, ie, good roots.
Have heard stories about the demise of the site since Nebula stopped running it but sheesh...gonna go look for myself now as I have not been there for a coupla yrs now. What a shame...
I figured the heat was a problem and each plant seems to be doing something different - my water ph is OK - should I flush?? Do you have a recommendation for a good ph meter??
I do appreciate all the help - all of a sudden this got scary!!
I figured the heat was a problem and each plant seems to be doing something different - my water ph is OK - should I flush?? Do you have a recommendation for a good ph meter??
I do appreciate all the help - all of a sudden this got scary!!
as long as you correctly understand the term flush (again changed by that horrible website) then yes, it would be a good idea to flush before going into flower so as to get that soil cleaned out and ready to go with flowering. Have you noticed any restriction to water uptake lately that would indicate a salt problem? Your "lift" tells me that you are still in good shape... one of the advantages of a large container of soil.
Any cheap (well not too cheap) digital pH meter that can give you 1 or 2 decimal points, ie 6.34, should be fine. Don't spend a ton on it... but don't get junk either.
I figured the heat was a problem and each plant seems to be doing something different - my water ph is OK - should I flush?? Do you have a recommendation for a good ph meter??
I do appreciate all the help - all of a sudden this got scary!!
Apera ,HM, blue lab truncheon , Oakton and the moderately priced Milwaukee's are all decent. I prefer a replaceable probe, but it isn't a necessity.
Grow Weed Easy tried to hire me a couple of years ago and after talking to their head guy I refused the job, knowing the guy didn't have a clue how to grow pot. The article cited above about "praying" leaves being a sign of stress is a perfect example of the unresearched idiocy that comes out of that site. Regarding pH, definitely get a good meter and start adjusting correctly, but looking at the "lift" (the proper horticultural term for "praying") I would say you have a very healthy plant with good transpiration, ie, good roots.
when those babies turn sideways is when they are saying to much light daddio to much light !!!
I suggest that you look into an easy nutrient line like Mega Crop or Jacks.
Mega Crop from Greenleaf nutrients is a one part nutrient that is of good quality,yet it won't break the bank. You can get a free sample for the price of shipping.
I've had really good luck with it and it's used by many growers here.
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