Is this site a good representation: photo, etc

Some of the info is incorrect. Most of the info is good.
The speculation on why plants pray is totally off for example.
It's always best to research anything important or get second or third opinions before taking action.
Can you link the praying post I'm interested in checking it out
You caught me at dinner time. If you can't locate it on the site, I will try to help later.
Essentially ( if I remember correctly) they say praying is bad and due to heat or light stress, while most here think it is a very good thing showing correct transpiration and rapid growth.
I would like to see what they are talking about if it is new growth than thats normal but if it is mature leaves folding up is a different thing entirely.
I just googled Grow Weed Easy "Praying" Leaves... This is likely the article? But can't speak for VirginGround of course :)

Edit: Didn't realize how short that was. Not much of an article.. but still.
I just googled Grow Weed Easy "Praying" Leaves... This is likely the article? But can't speak for VirginGround of course :)

Edit: Didn't realize how short that was. Not much of an article.. but still.
That's the one. Many here don't agree with their assertion.
Thanks for looking that up.
This plant has been drying out for 8 days - still not dry - Moisture meter say wet at 6" depth - ph sits at just less than 7 - it should have had a good flush since the rain storm came thru the greenhouse. It's growing in a mixture of Miracle gro Potting soil and Beaver dam soil. Watered with Rain water. I sprayed it with an Epsom Salt mixture but I notice that it's partner is starting - just fans, not new growth. Any ideas??
That was my thoughts as well - they've not had anything for a week as I have not watered. But just now I gave it a drink - 1/2 gallon with epsom salts and I have been spraying a solution with epsom on the leaves. I'll wait for a few days and see what happens.
This is the plant that I fed with Tomato fert. then got nervous and scooped it out and replaced with Miracle Gro Potting soil.
I had been feeding them that Blue Miracle gro stuff that you attach to a garden hose - about a teaspoon in a gallon every other day.
That was my thoughts as well - they've not had anything for a week as I have not watered. But just now I gave it a drink - 1/2 gallon with epsom salts and I have been spraying a solution with epsom on the leaves. I'll wait for a few days and see what happens.
This is the plant that I fed with Tomato fert. then got nervous and scooped it out and replaced with Miracle Gro Potting soil.
I had been feeding them that Blue Miracle gro stuff that you attach to a garden hose - about a teaspoon in a gallon every other day.

I’m sorry if I said this to you before, I tend to forget what I said to who lol:dude-knocking:

Yeah it’ll be smart to not throw a bunch of different stuff at it around the same time frame. You will want to give time between trying new things just to see how the plant reacts to them. Trying a few different things at once you won’t know what caused which if anything were to go wrong. You’ll want to keep it simple until you get a better hand at this. :thumb:

Do you have any cal mag?
I'm using the Epsom salts for the cal mag. I gave it about a 1/2 gal of water with epsom in it this morning as well as a spray on the leaves with epsom mixture. I'll wait and see what happens. That's all I will do until I see a change.
It is a real challenge to keep the heat under control - the greenhouse is wide open, under a white tarp and two or three fans going - I sure hope someone is working on a heat resistant strain!!!
I'm using the Epsom salts for the cal mag. I gave it about a 1/2 gal of water with epsom in it this morning as well as a spray on the leaves with epsom mixture. I'll wait and see what happens. That's all I will do until I see a change.
It is a real challenge to keep the heat under control - the greenhouse is wide open, under a white tarp and two or three fans going - I sure hope someone is working on a heat resistant strain!!!

Yeah whoops sorry! Duh! Lol I didn’t clue in when you first mentioned feeding with Epsom salts! Haha sometimes I’m just not fully there :laughtwo:

Yeah a heat resistant strain would be wicked:cheesygrinsmiley:

Battling heat can always be an issue! Let’s see a picture of the tarp canopy to have a better example of what your working with:thumb:
I'm not sure if I have time to wait too long - things seem to be moving fast. I feel like I am running in circles. This is the progression...the first pic is another leaf on the other side, 2nd pic is one step up the stem and the 3rd and forth are the same leaf one day apart.
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