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To keep it basic (sorry if I’m womansplaining) - yeast eats the four and produces gas. The gas is what makes it rise and fall, which is also what will leaven your bread when it’s baked. Cold temperatures of the refrigerator slow the process dramatically. After it were to come back to room temp, you just want to top it off - so to speak and get a bit of fresh gas, making it ready to use. It’s kind of like pressing the pause button and then priming it to be ready-to-use again.

Edit: good call to not mess with the fridge at this point. But if you do not use the refrigerator - you do not need to top of off with a little fresh flour, it should be ready to use already.

That's an awful lot of words to say yeast farts make dough rise. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Fast forwarded through a couple pages. I can cook the shit out of most anything but have completely given up on dough. I've tried making pizza dough many times and its been futile. I write it off as something I'm not capable of. Now if we wanna talk BBQ, count me in.
Last time i posted BBQ porn I got a nasty gram for not putting it in the off topic section. Guess I need to put some canna slaw on the plate when I get a cabbage pheno.
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