InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I do mine in a homemade tinfoil pouch with buds that are close to 62% RH, and I decarb at 240ºF for 90 minutes, to allow time for the heat to penetrate the metal.

Pictures please!

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Thanks MV! That's a nifty workaround. But I figured y'all could click the link more easily than I could add that.

I'm rarely on my phone here anyway. Still sucks!
And why again are you using the foil?
To keep the smell down (and the terpenes in?), which it does to a certain extent. And decarbing in turkey roasting bags can apparently transfer some of the plastic goodness to the buds.
Thanks MV! That's a nifty workaround. But I figured y'all could click the link more easily than I could add that.

I'm rarely on my phone here anyway. Still sucks!

You're welcome. I agree it sucks, but at least there is a workaround if you wanted/needed it. :D

I bound between my phone and the desktop version when I upload pics. Easier to upload from phone then transfer to one of my macs and then upload.
You're welcome. I agree it sucks, but at least there is a workaround if you wanted/needed it. :D

I bound between my phone and the desktop version when I upload pics. Easier to upload from phone then transfer to one of my macs and then upload.
I do the same thing Vortex I use a PC but upload all my photos from my phone. That's about the only time I get on this site on my phone. I use a desktop for everything but uploading pics.
I do the same thing Vortex I use a PC but upload all my photos from my phone. That's about the only time I get on this site on my phone. I use a desktop for everything but uploading pics.

Me too, unless I'm out and about, and then I'll read on my phone.
Me too, unless I'm out and about, and then I'll read on my phone.
I get on now and then when I am out and about but I Much prefer the desktop but I am that way for most things its just Much easier and I need the big screen to see what I am doing and lurking around all the journals I follow Lol
Hey Shed, I’m moving my veg photos over to mega crop. They’re at like 7+ weeks, what would you recommend for the g/gal for those girls?
I'd put them on 5.5g/gallon for sure. That's my final veg number, and then to 6.0 after flip.
Easier to upload from phone then transfer to one of my macs and then upload.
I want all my pics on my computer as a backup anyway, so I transfer, add the plant to the file name, and then upload to the site.
I want all my pics on my computer as a backup anyway, so I transfer, add the plant to the file name, and then upload to the site.

I do that too, but in bigger batches at "my convenience."

(Which is a subtle reference to I might do that once a month, and I'm lazy on that aspect. :rofl: :rofl:)
I back my pics up every time I need to upload here so it forces me to do it more often. And since I'm sitting at a desk all day, it's no effort at all!


Tuesday update! Everybody got neem oil this morning, both as part of IPM (integrated pest management) and powdery mildew prevention: the clones, the mothers, and the winter grow.

Speaking of the winter grow, let's talk a bit about LST. Because of the rapid growth of the Golden Tiger 2, I have had to start training it flat to keep it under control. But because it's in a 1 gallon pot, it has already outgrown the width, which leaves me with nowhere to tie it. Enter barbecue sticks!

Okay fine, here are some pics to explain.

Using barbecue sticks enables me to extend the tie-down point as far out as the sticks will reach, which is well beyond the pot's edge.

And since the new growth that needs to be tied hasn't given me enough room to get a pipe cleaner on it, I grab a leaf and pull that down.

Once the stem grows out I can wrap it around the stem, but this works well in the meantime. (I'll post this in my LST thread as well just to keep that one updated.)

I hope your week is progressing nicely. :cool:
All hail the bamboo skewer (barbecue) sticks!

Man I love those things. Kind of like Franks Red Hot, I use that s#!t on everything. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not really, I like Chulula better. :laugh:

But the sticks? You bet. Good for all kinds of things.
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