InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm starting to like this idea now since they're already in jars. No plastic, less tinfoil...
:thumb: Me too! I’m close to doing some mini batches in the 8oz jars and realise i can do it all in the one container :D

I dont know what they say there about the Terpenes sticking to the sides :hmmmm: There’s never anything on the foil, or other decarb’ receptacles...
I wouldnt use the lid inserts of those Mason jars in an oven either, the way that article suggests. They are not oven safe (or dishwasher safe either, usually). If i used the jar, I’d replace the lid insert with tinfoil.

My thoughts exactly Amy
Not sure about breaking up the cannabis until it’s about the size of a grain of rice first though. I'm decarbing 2-3 ounces at a time. Grinder?

I don’t know that grinding buds that fine is really necessary, but maybe it’s so the decarb is more consistent throughout, and you don’t get hot spots on the outside of the bud that’s in contact with the glass?

I’ma gonna try it this weekend.
10hrs after 6-8gallon flush +2l of half strength nutes each. Much better looking already. The Blue Dream (3rd pic) has a long road to recovery but I think I got this now!
Hopefully I flushed the nitrogen toxicity out. I will now work on my watering practices. Wait up to 5 days before watering again, if on the 5th day they aren't dry lightly water surface only until fully dry. Thank you to everyone for the help I really appreciate it!


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Hay Shed I am making oil for caps right now. I decarbed at 240* then into the MBM along with 2 cups EVOO set at 160* for 8 hours I will let cool then repeat add Lecithin then into the caps. Thanks so much for the help and for the instructions on how to make the caps I cant wait to try them
Hay Shed, Duggan just ask me why run the MBM for 8 hours twice. I really don't know why can you explain why ? Sorry if this is a newb question.
I don't get out much so I just read you had surgery. Hope you mend well and fast.
Hay shed I made my oil for caps over the last two days and I just got it out of the fridge and letting it come to room temp. then I am going to fill some caps with it. Thanks for all the help
I filled a couple caps and just took one so I will know how strong they are and how long it takes to kick in
*wonder what'll happen if ya take 5?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't get out much so I just read you had surgery. Hope you mend well and fast.
Thank you Maritime! Still healing (4 weeks tomorrow) and starting to accept the potentially permanent post-op complications. :rolleyes:
Hay shed I made my oil for caps over the last two days and I just got it out of the fridge and letting it come to room temp. then I am going to fill some caps with it. Thanks for all the help
Except for the countertop, it looks just like mine! Let us know how it goes...
*wonder what'll happen if ya take 5?
That really depends on the old oil-strength spreadsheet calculation ;).
You can see through time itself, man.
Or it could be a nice nap.
Thank you Maritime! Still healing (4 weeks tomorrow) and starting to accept the potentially permanent post-op complications. :rolleyes:

Except for the countertop, it looks just like mine! Let us know how it goes...

That really depends on the old oil-strength spreadsheet calculation ;).

Or it could be a nice nap.
It went well I had 1 and then I took another one about an hour and a half later it took them around two hours to start working and this must be some creeper weed I made them with because I am now really high but it came on slow like three and a half hours to kick in full strength but its a nice mellow high makes me want to just relax and not do anything nice calm head and body high. I plan to keep taking it out and putting it back in the fridge three or four times to try to help make it stronger
like three and a half hours to kick in full strength
That is much more related to what you've eaten recently than whether the weed would be considered "creeper." Either way, the results sound great!
I plan to keep taking it out and putting it back in the fridge three or four times to try to help make it stronger
I don't think it's only the in-and-out of the fridge that increased the strength for Derby, as it was also the time spent in the MB in between trips to the cooler.
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