InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

What? I don't think I'm the only outside grower with bugs here ;)

Very nice update :) All your plants are taking on a great shape and style from all angles and the Candidas look really good! :welldone:

finally, in @Amy Gardner's neck of the globe, there's a guy in a town in New South Wales called Woodenbong who is making an enormous wooden bong from a tree, as a tourist attraction
How big would they have to be before they become interesting enough to attract tourists lol.
:laughtwo: Not very big actually! It is a weird thing around the country - “The Big ... “. There’re dozens of them. First one I remember was The Big Merino - which was just a giant sheep statue thing wth a gift shop and a cafe inside it designed to entice travellers to stop and became aware of the local wool industry. Mostly very kitch, none of them very big at all - esp. by US standards where everything is +sized! :D
If I visit Australia, the two places I need to visit are Amy's house and Woodenbong. :)
:high-five: I really hope you do! We can make a wooden bong at mine and save you the trouble! Although, woodnebong is not far from Nimbin and no canna-interested trip to Aus could skip Nimbin.

I know I harp on this, but for new growers I want to keep mentioning that burping your humidity down only works for those living in a climate where the humidity is lower than the RH in the jars. I rarely get to burp my jars down. They get damper when I burp them and then I need another way to lower the RH. Turn on the AC and burp them in the car, run my mini-dehuey in a box, or use rice balls in the jars (see my signature).
Exactly my situation too. I’m lucky to have a small room/office/converted shed that is RC air-conditioned. This time of year I use a dehuey in there. I hate it when I pop all the jars and forget to humidity adjust first!

Using the car is a funny thought - just taking my jars for a ride. I think newty took some on holiday with her once becasue it was still early curing, highlarious :)
The Vault has another promo going on for those who are not aware. Just say "High" and you're entered to win seeds!

Sorry Shed, just trying to help the sponsors and maybe one of your followers can win some seeds!
I wasn't around for a few days and here I am forty pages behind. :oops: Things move fast around here. Candidas look good Shed, you are inspiring me to give them a try. :high-five:
:high-five: I really hope you do! We can make a wooden bong at mine and save you the trouble! Although, woodnebong is not far from Nimbin and no canna-interested trip to Aus could skip Nimbin.
I've been down your way a few times when I was in the Navy. Never made it outside of whatever city we ported in... I regret it everytime I think about those trips.
Too young & interested in boozin' at that time of my life.

I'll make it back someday to do it right!
:thumb: That’s what they’re made for! As you say :battingeyelashes:

One thing they will not do is bring humidity in the jar down - except maybe from the high 60s to the low 60s. They can help to rehydrate a little too.

These days, I don’t put bovesas in the jar until after the initial 3week cure. And even then, I only do it if I have to retrieve the hygrometer.
Yup Amy I will be doing the same going forward
No reason not to Homer. Enough of us have grown these now to be able to give you some advice along the way.

By the way...for anyone who missed it, here is this morning's update!

I appreciate that Shed because I have had my challenges finding a good high CBD strain. Before I found this site and didn’t know what I was doing I grew some CBDutch Treat from Crop King but have realized since then that they are not a great seed company so I don’t feel very confident in their product.

I currently have growing Cannatonic from Resin Seeds that I read was a high CBD strain but actually on the Resin Seeds website they claim that there are three phenotypes; one is 20 to 1 CBD to THC and another one is 20 to 1 THC to CBD and the third 1 to 1. So they claim if you grow enough plants you will end up with a one-to-one ratio but I have no idea which I have so maybe I have the one without hardly any CBD. I would think they would try to ascertain what phenotype you are getting. So I may not be growing a high CBD strain at all which is why I am thinking of trying out the Candidas.

I have read that Candida is a mix of ACDC and Harlequin and that ACDC comes from Cannatonic. Just a bit of trivia, LOL.
Amy mentioned that one of the advantages to growing the Candida, even though there are a number of high-CBD strains, is that it is a time-tested and mature strain, so you know what you're getting. Even though the sativa (20:1) and the (elusive) indica (11:1) will differ in the ratio, neither of them go above 1% THC.

After seeing there are three phenotypes with the Cannatonic I am growing with wildly differing ratios I can definitely see the advantage of growing Candida. You just convinced me to get some seeds as I was on the fence; thanks again for your invaluable input. I had read that there is a sativa and indica strain with Candida but I didn’t realize the Indica was elusive. I would rather get the sativa for the extra CBD.

Since I harvested my last crop I have been taking my CBD olive oil in the evening but I have also been taking a pretty generous dose of my NL olive oil with it and I admit I do enjoy being, “medicated”, and I am sleeping like a baby but I find when I have things to do I just can’t concentrate and keep a train of thought so I am hoping if I do get some Candida I can still sleep well but also have a productive night when I need to.
I called it elusive because I'm not sure we've seen it grown here. Most folks seem to end up with the sativa pheno. Higher CBD but lower yield. All in life is a trade off :). Might end up the same either way if you're making oil!

I can live with that. Thanks :thumb: :high-five:
The Durga Mata strain I am growing is supposed to be 1:1 about. Easy to grow too. That plant grows like a weed. Clones super easy.

So the Canadian weed came with one of those humidity packs which was funny because theybdont cure properly at all and it was dry as a bone. I also think they weigh it wet. Grrr.

Will CBD help me sleep? My circadian rythym is all borked again.
CBD has different sleep effects for different people, and SweetSue refers to it as an "alerting" cannabinoid. Though some find it helpful with sleep, it's best tried an hour or so before bed.

THC though is more traditionally associated with sleep, and letting THC convert to CBN (the amber trichomes) will be the best for aiding in sleep. That would be used shortly before going to bed.
If you want to get beyond 5 hours you will probably have to head for edible or capsule territory, unless waking up and hitting the pipe again works.

CBD has a moderating effect on the high of THC, though I'm not sure about whether it moderates the couchlock effect. Can you test one or the other instead of both?

If you want to try for some sleepy time meds, let one plant (or part of one) finish really late (an indica preferably). Like 80% amber. Treat it really badly during dry and cure (keep it in the sun). See how that feels when you smoke it, and if it knocks you out well, making oil and capsules from it is easy.
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