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Oh I definitely need more numbers because I want to replace the Mars 300 so I want to cover 2x4. I want to be able to run the Mars in the bike shed if I need to and I don't want to blow the breaker it shares with the hot tub.

If I want to run around 200-220 watts how many boards is that? Because after midnight my brain won't math any more.

Oh, and I have no problem wiring. That's just point A to point B. I'm assuming these will be wired in parallel?

Again, thanks!
Iknow I've done this too. But you always have to remember you got mains on the other end of that driver, that DC can certainly make spark fly too. The more wiring the harder it becomes to keep track of everything. But its a lot easier now with molex on the boards and wago to clamp everything with.

Those big honkin' 10 amp drivers rattle me a bit, especially working with parallel, but the DC side of these small ones are pretty harmless.
Oh I definitely need more numbers because I want to replace the Mars 300 so I want to cover 2x4. I want to be able to run the Mars in the bike shed if I need to and I don't want to blow the breaker it shares with the hot tub.

If I want to run around 200-220 watts how many boards is that? Because after midnight my brain won't math any more.

Oh, and I have no problem wiring. That's just point A to point B. I'm assuming these will be wired in parallel?

Again, thanks!

No these will be series, just plus to minus, repeat, all the way around - easy peasy. If you want to cover the whole 2x4 then go 250 watts with a 240H - perfect size.

Then (these numbers won't necessarily be exact until I can confirm them) you could run

10 strips at 25 watts each (1050ma),
14 strips at 17 watts each (700ma) or
20 strips at 12 watts each (500ma).
... more data dumping ...

at 72 diodes per strip ...

10 strips are (10x72/8) = 90 diodes/sqft
14 strips are (14x72/8) = 126
20 strips are (20x72/8) = 180

25watts/72 diodes = 0.35 watts/diode
17watts/72 diodes = 0.24 watts/diode
12watts/72 diodes = 0.17 watts/diode
Hah! I just realized that you can just mount the strips to a flat sheet of aluminum with thermal tape, and you'd have a nice tidy fixture with all the heat dispersion you want. :slide:

Yeah I know. I did that with both the 6040 cobs and the Logic 100s. The logic 100s are based on the samsung chip but they get really hot and I wouldn't recommend it if you want them to last. One deep read died on me after 2 months of running. U shaped aluminum is better for heat dissipation.
Yeah I know. I did that with both the 6040 cobs and the Logic 100s. The logic 100s are based on the samsung chip but they get really hot and I wouldn't recommend it if you want them to last. One deep read died on me after 2 months of running. U shaped aluminum is better for heat dissipation.

Good point. So, add some dollars for U-channel ...

Where are we now? Minimum 10 with one driver? Tape, wire, connectors? Close to $250, all in? For 250 watts. :hmmmm: Still pretty good.
No these will be series, just plus to minus, repeat, all the way around - easy peasy. If you want to cover the whole 2x4 then go 250 watts with a 240H - perfect size.

Then (these numbers won't necessarily be exact until I can confirm them) you could run

10 strips at 25 watts each (1050ma),
14 strips at 17 watts each (700ma) or
20 strips at 12 watts each (500ma).
I'm not sure what the milliamp numbers do for me but wouldn't 20 strips @ 12 watts be more even coverage than 10 @ 25?
I'm not sure what the milliamp numbers do for me but wouldn't 20 strips @ 12 watts be more even coverage than 10 @ 25?

:) Yes.

But I'm used to people balking at the cost. I went all-in on the efficiency metric. :rofl: I have twice the coverage of anyone I've seen yet. I paid $850 for 670 watts. Most people go with half that many diodes, max. So, you'll find me to be a real cheerleader for as many diodes as you can afford.

20 strips will run you another $200. That's more than you need to spend. :Namaste:
:) Yes.

But I'm used to people balking at the cost. I went all-in on the efficiency metric. :rofl: I have twice the coverage of anyone I've seen yet. I paid $850 for 670 watts. Most people go with half that many diodes, max. So, you'll find me to be a real cheerleader for as many diodes as you can afford.

20 strips will run you another $200. That's more than you need to spend. :Namaste:
Is $250 for 240 watts a reasonable price? The Mars 300 was like $65 for 137 wall watts. I may be comparing apples and oranges here but I have go to get to bed before my brain fries.

Happy Thanksgiving Graytail! Thanks for all your help so far. I'm going to have to reread this in the morning.
Nighty then Shed. I just got up here. Leg is a bitch today... and happy thanksgiving to all you guys.
Happy Thanksgiving Shed! Hopefully it's a great day there in sunny Cali
Happy Thanksgiving Shed.
Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving day my friend.
Thanks gang! It actually is pretty sunny today :). I thought it might be overcast because we got over half an inch of rain last night. But the sky is clearing, the plants are out, and I even put the solo cups on the ping pong table for a bit of hardening off!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! And even if it's just Thursday where you are, find something to be thankful for today. :peace:
Is $250 for 240 watts a reasonable price? The Mars 300 was like $65 for 137 wall watts. I may be comparing apples and oranges here but I have go to get to bed before my brain fries.

Happy Thanksgiving Graytail! Thanks for all your help so far. I'm going to have to reread this in the morning.
oh yeah! I mean you can just do 4 132s for 200 and get 250 watts. Just my 2 pennies.

Let's consider that 65$ is not full spectrum. Also that not all of your 137 +or- 5% watts go to the lights some go to active cooling as well.

Sorry lights and numbers make me smile...

Also you want to consider your ppfd per watt.

Remember watts only tells you how much power your using, not the efficacy of the light.

You may spend 65 for "137 watts" but only get like 400 ppfd.

Where as paying a "dollar a watt" for a light that can produce way more ppfd at the same wattage is worth the investment. May cost you 60 more bucks but over the ten year life of a light, you'll save a helluva lot more than that!

Again just my 2 cents. Let's be honest grey is the lighting guy. I just jumped on the train....

Another suggestion. Email some companies! You'd be surprised how easy it is to make use of all those well deserved titles under your username ;)

And from our family to yours we wish you all and awesome day!

Football turkey and some infused oil. Gonna be a great one!
oh yeah! I mean you can just do 4 132s for 200 and get 250 watts. Just my 2 pennies.
Let's consider that 65$ is not full spectrum. Also that not all of your 137 +or- 5% watts go to the lights some go to active cooling as well.
Sorry lights and numbers make me smile...
Also you want to consider your ppfd per watt.
Remember watts only tells you how much power your using, not the efficacy of the light.
You may spend 65 for "137 watts" but only get like 400 ppfd.
Where as paying a "dollar a watt" for a light that can produce way more ppfd at the same wattage is worth the investment. May cost you 60 more bucks but over the ten year life of a light, you'll save a helluva lot more than that!
Again just my 2 cents. Let's be honest grey is the lighting guy. I just jumped on the train....
Another suggestion. Email some companies! You'd be surprised how easy it is to make use of all those well deserved titles under your username ;)
And from our family to yours we wish you all and awesome day!
Football turkey and some infused oil. Gonna be a great one!
Thanks Them! You're 2 cents is welcome as well. Grey is ahead of you by at least a quarter ;).

I haven't seen anywhere that rates the ppfd of Samsung strips as those numbers seem to be produced by LED system manufacturers as opposed to wholesalers which is what Samsung really is here.

You mean email some companies like Timber, Kind, and Perfect Sun? I'm pretty sure that strip manufacturers don't care about who is MOTM! Which reminds me...I have to PM Growant again!

Enjoy the day. :slide:
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