InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey Shed - STOP PRESS!! this happy chappy has a plant he refers to as WTF! Thought you’d wanna know... :p
Mentions it at 1.30 seconds in. Dunno if he comes back to it.. I haven’t watched it all yet - (this is what I do on days when I’m so crashed I cant even sit up in bed... I watch endless videos of people growing weed... it never gets old!
Coming back after watching for a while.... they use a lot of different types of manure! Less poo and more calcium and maybe those stems wouldn’t break so easily... this guy seems to be all about the $$ I’m gonna keep watching though... got nothing else on! It’s pretty amusing, but not essential viewing if you have anything else to do... like literally anything... :rofl:
Thanks Amy! MadDab mentioned that there already is a WTF so he's taking suggestions for other names. My suggestion was FTW!

That video went on way too long :). Sometimes it's nice to get the information in 3 minutes instead of all the commentary in 11! Still, if I grew in the ground or had space to mix and store soil amendments, it would be a good information. I obviously had nothing better to do ;).
Thursday update! Lots of pics because I've been slacking this week...

Starting with the Auto Masszar, which is done drying with a lot of help from the mini dehumidifier. Final weight?

51 grams or 1.8 ounces including that long stem. Not too shabby for a smallish auto, but the proof of the pudding is in the tasting. "Complete" smoke report sometime in late July ;).

Next up is the @Van Stank approved training on the HazeX. Sorry Van, didn't have pink pipe cleaners! The idea is to get the new growth to lay flat by attaching them to the fans just below each one. You slide the loop further out as the stem gets longer, and eventually it's big enough to tie down. This just gets them trained young to prevent breakage if you try to do it too late.

To the cloninator!

HaxeX at the bottom, Gold Leaf at the top, the rest are all Sour G. And since I took pics of all of the undersides, you get to see them as well!


Sour G that already had these roots when I pulled it from the peat pot. Do soil roots continue to grow in aero or will it have to put out new water roots?

Sour G:

Gold Leaf with things happening:

Doubled-up Sour Gs

Doubled-up Sour Gs

And last, but not least, the Sour G clone that was transplanted from peat. It again looks like that was exactly what it was waiting for, just like the stalled Gold Leaf clone last year!

Since I have this clone I'm not all that concerned if all the ones in the cloninator survive. One more for good measure will be fine. I wish I had people to gift them to!

The Brooklyn Sunrise update is here.

I hope your week has passed quickly into the past and the weekend looms large in the future. :green_heart:
The tomatoes growing at the waste water treatment is gone!!! Stopped by the lab and talked to them. With the renovation they did last winter they have started to spray the solid waste with alcohol mixture to kill off germs and bacteria. The tomatoes don't thrive in this no more. But they gave me a tip for another facility it might grow so if I have time tomorrow... The search for the tomacos continue. :)
The tomatoes growing at the waste water treatment is gone!!! Stopped by the lab and talked to them. With the renovation they did last winter they have started to spray the solid waste with alcohol mixture to kill off germs and bacteria. The tomatoes don't thrive in this no more. But they gave me a tip for another facility it might grow so if I have time tomorrow... The search for the tomacos continue. :)
Damn, now it's just an urban legend!
Thanks Crazy! Srsly low maintenance compared to the clone box with the spraying and the venting and monitoring the temps. All I do now is put an ice pack in before I leave for work and dump/refill once a week. I'm actually looking forward to these getting roots so I can try cloning other stuff in my garden!

That's great! I thought of that my self this spring... but never got there. :rolleyes:
Cloninator FTW! Nice work shed. I think it's time for a few drops of tiger bloom
Like the cliche goes, "good buds stick together". The stickier the better I always say :cool:
Congrats on the harvest. And I see roots... Cool.. Hey when they get ready to root,, you get that bumpy looking shit called talus or something close.... Just for future,, I've found the cleaning you leave the cuttings the better. Them little leaf nubs can cause a problem. For some reason, they seem to attract slime. Temps if they run warm,, helps that slim multiply. But once it gets dialed in,, clones are well can be where it's at. Is a time and place for everything.

Enjoy the buddage
Congrats on the harvest. And I see roots... Cool.. Hey when they get ready to root,, you get that bumpy looking shit called talus or something close.... Just for future,, I've found the cleaning you leave the cuttings the better. Them little leaf nubs can cause a problem. For some reason, they seem to attract slime. Temps if they run warm,, helps that slim multiply. But once it gets dialed in,, clones are well can be where it's at. Is a time and place for everything.
Enjoy the buddage
Oh ok, will do. Cleaner cuttings it is. Going to do a water change tomorrow and add some Tiger Bloom per MadDab. Thanks Norcali!
I'm doing my best to keep these alive until they can get some root growth!
Ahhh, the cloner's refrain!

Welcome aboard Tvo!
I'm not familiar with Tiger Bloom but sounds right. Little or no nitrogen. Just the last two numbers of the NPK are for rooting. At this time you don't need to make leafage,,, just roots. From what I've read. And they say organic type fertilizers will slime up the water pretty fast. I don't add anything. But I know alot do. Just make it weak ass hell.

Whats funny is certain times a year,, mainly summertime when the ambient temps climb,, that when I get some failures. I been using the closet in my flower room as a cloning room. Temps climb in the flower room and bleed over to the closet which has a gasket to kind of seal the lights from leaking to the flowers. So it gets a tad warm in there. The flower room hits like 85. That don't seem alot but throw acouple T-5 HO bulbs in there. They raise temps acouple more.

I seem you using a CFL should be good. Couple more days and you should be popping. Long as the plant has life to it,, they'll root.
GL in the gardens.
I'm not familiar with Tiger Bloom but sounds right. Little or no nitrogen. Just the last two numbers of the NPK are for rooting. At this time you don't need to make leafage,,, just roots. From what I've read. And they say organic type fertilizers will slime up the water pretty fast. I don't add anything. But I know alot do. Just make it weak ass hell.

Whats funny is certain times a year,, mainly summertime when the ambient temps climb,, that when I get some failures. I been using the closet in my flower room as a cloning room. Temps climb in the flower room and bleed over to the closet which has a gasket to kind of seal the lights from leaking to the flowers. So it gets a tad warm in there. The flower room hits like 85. That don't seem alot but throw acouple T-5 HO bulbs in there. They raise temps acouple more.

I seem you using a CFL should be good. Couple more days and you should be popping. Long as the plant has life to it,, they'll root.
GL in the gardens.
It's going to get really warm in that bike shed in the real heat of summer. The sun beats down on the brown roof and I leave the door propped open but still. More ice packs I guess.

Tiger Bloom is from Fox Farms (2-8-4) and it's not organic so I'm good there. I'll go with 1/4 tsp/gallon. I think I'll dunk the stems in some H2O2 when I do the water change today in case anything is growing that I can't see yet.
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