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Of your gonna cut that low take a clone. well maybe not since shes a PITA, but I would just top it. Not sure how much those sativas like heavy training?

Edit. Guess theres only one way to find out....
Of your gonna cut that low take a clone. well maybe not since shes a PITA, but I would just top it. Not sure how much those sativas like heavy training?
Edit. Guess theres only one way to find out....
They will take training well
I'll definitely take a clone since I only had one seed of this. I'm pretty much cloning everything these days :).

And I hope it trains well because I can't really work with a straight-to-the-sky sativa!
Nice thing is once the buds start packing they train themselves by flopping a tad lol
Dumping fertilizer on a dying plant is like giving a heart attack victim a multivitamin: not quite the ideal time for bioavailablility

Nicely put Norcal :thumb:

ANd great info everyone about the aspirin and salicylic acid! Awesome general gardening tip!

Sorry SHed - I have no thoughts about the HazeX :hmmmm: Was it from seed or clone? I don’t remember? I was hoping someone else was gonna have something to say about it...:popcorn::nomo:
Saturday and it's grey with the occasional misting, so the Brooklyn Sunrise Autos are staying in the shed. On the other hand:

Last night I was so sick of looking at the crunchy Auto Masszar on day 88 that I took it down!

Post wash drip dry in front of the fan:

Trimmed and boxed:

Another auto that had a lot of growth hidden under other growth due to a lack of stretch. On the plus side, the buds are all pretty dense! I didn't get a wet weight so we'll just have to wait for the final.

This morning it was time to top and strip the Haze Xtreme in preparation for the quadline. Seems pretty lanky like this!

And of course the top was put in the cloninator. I had to double up another set of Sour G's. Top is Gold Leaf, bottom HazeX, the rest Sour G. Should I trim the leaves? I didn't this time:

Last, I up-potted the Sour G clone from the peat pot. I reused some old AK soil so I rinsed it first, then poured pH'd water through, then planted, and then poured some diluted nutes through. Not as many roots as I thought but it's sink-or-swim time. It's now outside on the table getting a taste of diluted sunlight:

That's all I've got for today :). Time for breakfast...
Friday! Let's talk about the recovered Haze Xtreme on day 60. It's 7 nodes tall now and given that it's a sativa that can get 12' tall in the ground, I'll need to do some training. Originally I was going to mainline it but that was based on an un-stunted grow. What do y'all think about a quadline for this? And if so, where should I cut?

I shoved the Auto Masszar off to the side in the Oval of Brightness® to get the Brooklyn Sunrise Autos under the MarsHydro 300. It's getting chopped tomorrow anyway!

Happy last day of the rat race to @newty! Good luck in all future endeavors, ice road trucking or not :).
So leave the 3rd and 4th, clone the top, and strip 1 and 2. That sounds like a plan. Thanks Derby!
Thanks so much Shed!!

I trim the tips off my cuts large leaves. I read somewhere it served a good purpose, but damn if I can remember. So I'll have to find it. And I do it for the room too. They don't have that much space when I take ALOT of cuts and fill the lid. I seen you add h2o2 to your water. I've never added anything. But if I was to add something, it wood be a weak ass solution of flowering ferts. The second and third numbers of the NPK are what the plant uses for root development. At this point in time, she doesn't need nitrogen at all. The leafs will yellow when the roots are going until they are large enough to uptake for the clone. But as a rule,, I add nothing;;;;; Straight tap water, period. Just change the water like once a week. But then I don't know how much your is holding;
When I transplant, this is how I inoculate my soils with Myco granules. That brown shit is the Mycos hope ya don't mind me posting it..

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