InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Here's a regular ol' plant update for the autos growing full-time in the tent.

The SaugaView®:

and the full frontal:

Left to right, that's Queen G auto (day 65), Queen G auto 2 (day 57), and Ruby Tuesday auto (day 68). Now to the closer-upper individual pics.



And the very leaf-damaged Ruby Tuesday auto:

Not sure if those yellowing leaves are from the PM or something it doesn't like about the nutes, but :sorry: @Justin Goody! There was a lot more green on it a week ago (here) and I haven't changed anything recently, but I'm just going to let it carry on as is until harvest. The other two are looking pretty good so far except for the PM battle.

And speaking of the PM battle, here is the before and after lower bud on the QGa2 to test the effect of the aspirin spray on pistils. There's was almost exactly 24 hours between the pics:

Definitely some browning and drooping, but I think I'll do another test with plain water to see if that does the same!

I have sprayed my four Candida clones top and bottom as well as the mother plant with no negative effect on the leaves, so we'll see if they get PM going forward as they have in the past month.

Anyway, that's it for me today. I hope all is going well for you this winter, or made glorious summer by this sun of the southern hemisphere!


I'm too busy mixing nutrients to say right now.
i really see no difference nice trichs though
Thanks con, I'm with ya.
Okay. Finished making up my nutrients.
Oh good!
What was the question? These old eyes don't see any significant differences, Shed.
These old eyes neither. 👀
They all look 👀 the same to me and fingers crossed for the aspirin working. CL🍀.
Thanks Captain!
Me too Otter, me too! 🤞
Look the same but in differ places ? Sure you didn't get the same spot second time around ..
It's so tough to get the same spot twice with that magnification. I tried it a few years ago testing something else on pistils with the scope and the bud both taped down and still had a really hard time getting the same before and after pics.

I'll give it another go though since I have more buds to test with. Thanks sb!
Here's a regular ol' plant update for the autos growing full-time in the tent.

The SaugaView®:

and the full frontal:

Left to right, that's Queen G auto (day 65), Queen G auto 2 (day 57), and Ruby Tuesday auto (day 68). Now to the closer-upper individual pics.



And the very leaf-damaged Ruby Tuesday auto:

Not sure if those yellowing leaves are from the PM or something it doesn't like about the nutes, but :sorry: @Justin Goody! There was a lot more green on it a week ago (here) and I haven't changed anything recently, but I'm just going to let it carry on as is until harvest. The other two are looking pretty good so far except for the PM battle.

And speaking of the PM battle, here is the before and after lower bud on the QGa2 to test the effect of the aspirin spray on pistils. There's was almost exactly 24 hours between the pics:

Definitely some browning and drooping, but I think I'll do another test with plain water to see if that does the same!

I have sprayed my four Candida clones top and bottom as well as the mother plant with no negative effect on the leaves, so we'll see if they get PM going forward as they have in the past month.

Anyway, that's it for me today. I hope all is going well for you this winter, or made glorious summer by this sun of the southern hemisphere!




Thanks con, I'm with ya.

Oh good!

These old eyes neither. 👀

Thanks Captain!

Me too Otter, me too! 🤞

It's so tough to get the same spot twice with that magnification. I tried it a few years ago testing something else on pistils with the scope and the bud both taped down and still had a really hard time getting the same before and after pics.

I'll give it another go though since I have more buds to test with. Thanks sb!
Wow they are looking good the 2 on the very ends look square with the sauga view is that intentional ? i bet when these are done you'll be saying those where not bad to grow & i'm up to the challange to improve slightly & bring on more autos cause it was kinda fun
Wow they are looking good the 2 on the very ends look square with the sauga view is that intentional ? i bet when these are done you'll be saying those where not bad to grow & i'm up to the challange to improve slightly & bring on more autos cause it was kinda fun
Thanks con! The square shape is strictly based on the way the plants grow with each node growing at 90º to the one below it. Sometimes I'll move a branch slightly to the right or left if it's blocking another one, but they tend to maintain that square shape all the same.

There are only 8 branches on the middle one with all inner branches removed, but it would look square as well if it were filled in.
Im struggling to see any PM on that picture.
There isn't any in that pic! That was just me test spraying a bud to see the effect of the solution on pistils.
A wide variety of colours between the 3 plants 👍 im guessing they are all fed the same nutrients.
The two on the outside are getting the same nutes, but the middle one was too green in veg so I backed the nutes down. I've bumped it up since then but it's still on a lower strength than the other two. Interesting how two of the same variety have a different response to the same nutes.
Nice looking buds forming
Thanks Absorber!
Looking really good. Remind me please, what size bags are they in? Is it 2 x 5 gal and 1 x 7 gal?
Holding thumbs.
Looking really good. Remind me please, what size bags are they in? Is it 2 x 5 gal and 1 x 7 gal?
Thanks Carmen! The Queen G on the left is in a 5 gallon and the other two are in 7s, but the middle QGa2 went solo -> 3 gallon -> 7 gallon so I think that stalled the roots a bit. I don't think it's ever going to fill that bag.
Holding thumbs.
🤞 is the best we can do here. :)
why was too green an issue
Too anything is an issue! It was showing signs of N tox in addition to the color. Later growth has all been good after I lowered the nutes, but you can see the curl in the top I took here.

BTW no roots on that yet after nearly a month if anyone's interested! It is flowering in there though. 🌻
Here's a regular ol' plant update for the autos growing full-time in the tent.

The SaugaView®:

and the full frontal:

Left to right, that's Queen G auto (day 65), Queen G auto 2 (day 57), and Ruby Tuesday auto (day 68). Now to the closer-upper individual pics.



And the very leaf-damaged Ruby Tuesday auto:

Not sure if those yellowing leaves are from the PM or something it doesn't like about the nutes, but :sorry: @Justin Goody! There was a lot more green on it a week ago (here) and I haven't changed anything recently, but I'm just going to let it carry on as is until harvest. The other two are looking pretty good so far except for the PM battle.

And speaking of the PM battle, here is the before and after lower bud on the QGa2 to test the effect of the aspirin spray on pistils. There's was almost exactly 24 hours between the pics:

Definitely some browning and drooping, but I think I'll do another test with plain water to see if that does the same!

I have sprayed my four Candida clones top and bottom as well as the mother plant with no negative effect on the leaves, so we'll see if they get PM going forward as they have in the past month.

Anyway, that's it for me today. I hope all is going well for you this winter, or made glorious summer by this sun of the southern hemisphere!




Thanks con, I'm with ya.

Oh good!

These old eyes neither. 👀

Thanks Captain!

Me too Otter, me too! 🤞

It's so tough to get the same spot twice with that magnification. I tried it a few years ago testing something else on pistils with the scope and the bud both taped down and still had a really hard time getting the same before and after pics.

I'll give it another go though since I have more buds to test with. Thanks sb!
Looking nice and yes - my RT also reacted and lost many leaves. I think it’s just sensitive. Doesn’t seem to affect the finished product much. I figured it was K for mine at first, blamed my water too and really haven’t 100% pegged the problem yet
Are you trying to clone the auto to see what happens
That top just seemed to perfect to toss! I just refill the water every day and rinse off the stem to stop mold from growing on it. I'll get a pic tomorrow since it's grown a lot since then and has a flower on top!
Looking nice and yes - my RT also reacted and lost many leaves. I think it’s just sensitive. Doesn’t seem to affect the finished product much. I figured it was K for mine at first, blamed my water too and really haven’t 100% pegged the problem yet
Oh thanks Justin, good to know...I thought it was just me! :cheesygrinsmiley: Maybe it likes less light since it's really peak DLI in there.
That top just seemed to perfect to toss! I just refill the water every day and rinse off the stem to stop mold from growing on it. I'll get a pic tomorrow since it's grown a lot since then and has a flower on top!

Oh thanks Justin, good to know! I thought it was just me. :cheesygrinsmiley: Maybe it likes less light since it's really peak DLI in there.
That could be it, she was maxed out in my tent too. Is that a calcium issue due to the LEDs or do the leaves just die off?
That could be it, she was maxed out in my tent too. Is that a calcium issue due to the LEDs or do the leaves just die off?
It would probably be more than just a Ca deficiency under the lights to look like that in a week (and I didn't see the tell-tale spots of a Ca def). There are a other elements that show as leaf burn under light stress but I can't recall them at the moment. @MrSauga posted a video about that years back that may take me a bit to find.
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