InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Nice re-post Carmen, altho at first I thought, wow it's yours. I need to figure out how to re-post, and how to upload non 420 pics too.
Stunger I am not sure that what I did is actually allowed. I right click copy pasted in Shed's thread and credited him. As for non 420 pics, I'd say if you copy paste and reference them then it may be ok to use them. Idk, different pro togs have different sentiments about copyright and usage of their material without permission. My thinking is that this is something to talk to 420 Mag about as they are the website owner. There certainly could be copyright restrictions on a lot of posted material. Case in point, I shot pics of Lions Head on fire from the bottom of the mountain and someone on Twitter posted it as theirs, and it was published by The South African (international web news site), crediting the guy who stole it lol. So The South African had to pay up!
Have a beautiful weekend.
Thanks Carmen. Wow, there are certainly some shysters about, that is appalling.
I was just thinking in regard to my non 420 pics, I can't give a link of my own, but it seems we're not supposed to now upload. I don't know whether I am too dumb to work it out or are the other folks still operating on the old rules. Ah well, not a biggie. You have a lovely weekend too.
Highya ITS,

Gorgeous looking little lady! Trichomes galore! I hope it get's your wife high!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Carmen. Wow, there are certainly some shysters about, that is appalling.
I was just thinking in regard to my non 420 pics, I can't give a link of my own, but it seems we're not supposed to now upload. I don't know whether I am too dumb to work it out or are the other folks still operating on the old rules. Ah well, not a biggie. You have a lovely weekend too.
Let's have a quick pm. If I clarify a couple of things I might be able to help. Pm me if you would like to.
Sunday update of Saturday's harvest of the Le Creme CBG auto on day 80!

Last pic before it met the pruners up close:

After a quick water-only bath:

Here they are trimmed and hanging in the shed, with a fan blowing about 3 feet below them:

And finally, not root bound:

There were a lot more aphids than I expected, but I never did spray it with anything since it went into flower so early. They all got trimmed away and dumped in the green bin. :)

That's it for me! I hope your Sunday goes swimmingly... 💦

Wow lovely photies. I rate these two as possible PTOM contenders. The trich one looks like an undersea ocean garden.
Why thanks Carmen! It never occurs to me to enter anything into PhOTM. :rolleyes:
That makes sense. How would you find out about the CBGa?

"All cannabinoids start out as a singular compound, called cannabigerol (CBG), that eventually degrades into several different molecules. These include cannabidiol (CBD), cannabichromene (CBC), and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)."

I certainly don't want THC!
Enormous looking buds on your girl. Happy chop day
Thanks, done and done!
Nice re-post Carmen, altho at first I thought, wow it's yours. I need to figure out how to re-post, and how to upload non 420 pics too.
You can just right click on the image and click Copy image link. Then use the little landscape icon in the toolbar and paste the info in there.

Uploading non-420 pics from your phone/computer or from another website?
Stunger I am not sure that what I did is actually allowed. I right click copy pasted in Shed's thread and credited him.
Perfectly allowed. This is all non-commercial use.
Case in point, I shot pics of Lions Head on fire from the bottom of the mountain and someone on Twitter posted it as theirs, and it was published by The South African (international web news site), crediting the guy who stole it lol. So The South African had to pay up!
Fat oof! Hope you got paid well. 💰
Enjoy your harvest today Shed! Another beautiful plant! Sweet coraly looking trichs!
Thanks is a pretty frosty little thing. 🎇
Gorgeous looking little lady! Trichomes galore! I hope it get's your wife high!!
Thank you Bode! This one is supposed to not get her high. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The Auto still Looks amazing and like you said any indentation of what the photo is going to be , Well it will be something to watch ! Way to go on the Auto !
Thanks sb! I hope to get nothing but positive (non-high) feedback from this one. :)
Fat oof! Hope you got paid well. 💰
Nah. They really felt that it was not their responsibility that they lifted a Twitter pic. I asked them to pay what I would charge for an editorial pic. They posted it on their front page, which is how I saw it. Imagine the shock :laugh:
Thanks is a pretty frosty little thing. 🎇
Very pretty, glittery buds.
Thank you Bode! This one is supposed to not get her high. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I think what I meant when I asked about the CBGa was, would you be sending a sample for a test? I don't know if that is polite to ask or not. I mean if you are wanting consistent meds. Oh possibly the photoperiod version for cloning? Sorry the mind cogs are turning. I spoke to a mate who has been waiting his whole career to be able to smoke weed and now that he is retired he is finding THC most unsatisfactory. I suggested he try a CBD high to see if that suits him better. I am also thinking about CBD for myself to add to my first aid kit. However from what you are saying you do not want the CBG to degrade to CBD for this particular purpose. It is quite technical I must say. I read a bit but the biosynthesis is beyond me, so I can't really understand it's importance. Could you give me a hypothetical perhaps? Nevermind, thanks Shed, I found a nice looking link.
Shed, you are pretty well read up and come across as scientifically knowledgeable. I know everybody is different and has different needs. It looks like CBG can help a few conditions and maladies. In some instances, would you recommend cutting THC completely out of the treatment regimen?
New Week new day new adventures.
I’m looking forward to the medical results of your CBG Le Creme. That just may be the plant I’m looking for. I would like to grow something like that for my daughter. My Lemon Potion CBD wasn’t it.
Dayum! :(
Very pretty, glittery buds.
I think what I meant when I asked about the CBGa was, would you be sending a sample for a test?
Oh sorry, I thought you were asking how to find out what amber might represent on the flowers.
I don't know if that is polite to ask or not.
It's 100% polite to ask. It's actually a requirement of hanging out in my thread. :)
Oh possibly the photoperiod version for cloning?
If I'm going to drop the money on a test it would be the photoperiod one. The breeder sent me two test results they had run and the numbers were consistent, but I might have this tested if I'm going to keep this line going with a mother plant.
I spoke to a mate who has been waiting his whole career to be able to smoke weed and now that he is retired he is finding THC most unsatisfactory. I suggested he try a CBD high to see if that suits him better. I am also thinking about CBD for myself to add to my first aid kit.
CBD won't get him (or you) high so it's usually added in for its medicinal effects. Here's a reasonably unbiased article on the benefits of CBD:

If you decide to add CBD by growing it you might have to grow out a photoperiod variety as I'm not sure if you can find an auto that is as close to 100% CBD as possible (I haven't checked lately because autos ;) ). There are a definitely a number of photo varieties out now (as opposed to just Candida like the old days) so you have more choices! I don't know if CBD extract is legal in SA but if it is make sure it's from a legit company and not something you pickup at the gas station like folks do here. :eek:
However from what you are saying you do not want the CBG to degrade to CBD for this particular purpose.
Yes, I don't want it to degrade to either CBD or THC. I'm looking for as close to just CBG as possible to differentiate the effects.
In some instances, would you recommend cutting THC completely out of the treatment regimen?
Certainly not. THC definitely has a place in the medicine cabinet for any number of ailments (as evidenced by the multiple threads Sue created), but so does CBD and now CBG it seems. It's possible that THC might not work on something where another cannabinoid does, but the euphoria that THC provides might just help you be able to handle the problem even if it doesn't solve it.
Yes I meant from my computer, which it now sounds like that is not allowed unless uploaded elsewhere and then linked rather than uploaded?
Indeed. A number of folks have created their own "off-topic" threads in the Miscellaneous section so they can post any number of non-cannabis things. You may have seen that I use the one that @AngryBird created to link my off-topic posts.
Nice and frosty!
Thanks Otter! Given the weather today and tomorrow this will start as a low and slow dry. :)
New Week new day new adventures.
I’m looking forward to the medical results of your CBG Le Creme. That just may be the plant I’m looking for. I would like to grow something like that for my daughter. My Lemon Potion CBD wasn’t it.
That LPa seems to be nothing but a plant low in THC, so if you want her to try something straight CBD you'll need to find something tests with under 1% THC. I'm thinking of flash drying a bit of the LeC auto to get a very early smoke report to see if I get an "It doesn't get me high"! That would be a good starting point. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sunday update of Saturday's harvest of the Le Creme CBG auto on day 80!

Last pic before it met the pruners up close:

After a quick water-only bath:

Here they are trimmed and hanging in the shed, with a fan blowing about 3 feet below them:

And finally, not root bound:

There were a lot more aphids than I expected, but I never did spray it with anything since it went into flower so early. They all got trimmed away and dumped in the green bin. :)

That's it for me! I hope your Sunday goes swimmingly... 💦


Why thanks Carmen! It never occurs to me to enter anything into PhOTM. :rolleyes:


"All cannabinoids start out as a singular compound, called cannabigerol (CBG), that eventually degrades into several different molecules. These include cannabidiol (CBD), cannabichromene (CBC), and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)."

I certainly don't want THC!

Thanks, done and done!

You can just right click on the image and click Copy image link. Then use the little landscape icon in the toolbar and paste the info in there.

Uploading non-420 pics from your phone/computer or from another website?

Perfectly allowed. This is all non-commercial use.

Fat oof! Hope you got paid well. 💰

Thanks is a pretty frosty little thing. 🎇

Thank you Bode! This one is supposed to not get her high. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks sb! I hope to get nothing but positive (non-high) feedback from this one. :)
congrats on the harvest!
Indeed. A number of folks have created their own "off-topic" threads in the Miscellaneous section so they can post any number of non-cannabis things. You may have seen that I use the one that @AngryBird created to link my off-topic posts.
That seems a good way to post something that isn't directly 420, but from how I read the message on upload page, it no longer seems officially allowable, unfortunately.
That seems a good way to post something that isn't directly 420, but from how I read the message on upload page, it no longer seems officially allowable, unfortunately.
I really thought that rule was limited to grow journals and 420 specific threads. Teddy directed me to the off topic section and there haven't been any complaints from admin. Lots of people are having fun in the off-topic, or discussing issues unrelated / sensitive. Memes, videos, pics all allowed in off-topic 🔓
That seems a good way to post something that isn't directly 420, but from how I read the message on upload page, it no longer seems officially allowable, unfortunately.
What Carmen said ↓↓↓
I really thought that rule was limited to grow journals and 420 specific threads. Teddy directed me to the off topic section and there haven't been any complaints from admin. Lots of people are having fun in the off-topic, or discussing issues unrelated / sensitive. Memes, videos, pics all allowed in off-topic 🔓
I think the site doesn't want to devote an entire gallery to off-topic pics (maybe for web optimization reasons), so they just want those uploaded directly into the threads rather than the gallery.
Dayum! :(


Oh sorry, I thought you were asking how to find out what amber might represent on the flowers.

It's 100% polite to ask. It's actually a requirement of hanging out in my thread. :)

If I'm going to drop the money on a test it would be the photoperiod one. The breeder sent me two test results they had run and the numbers were consistent, but I might have this tested if I'm going to keep this line going with a mother plant.

CBD won't get him (or you) high so it's usually added in for its medicinal effects. Here's a reasonably unbiased article on the benefits of CBD:

If you decide to add CBD by growing it you might have to grow out a photoperiod variety as I'm not sure if you can find an auto that is as close to 100% CBD as possible (I haven't checked lately because autos ;) ). There are a definitely a number of photo varieties out now (as opposed to just Candida like the old days) so you have more choices! I don't know if CBD extract is legal in SA but if it is make sure it's from a legit company and not something you pickup at the gas station like folks do here. :eek:

Yes, I don't want it to degrade to either CBD or THC. I'm looking for as close to just CBG as possible to differentiate the effects.


Certainly not. THC definitely has a place in the medicine cabinet for any number of ailments (as evidenced by the multiple threads Sue created), but so does CBD and now CBG it seems. It's possible that THC might not work on something where another cannabinoid does, but the euphoria that THC provides might just help you be able to handle the problem even if it doesn't solve it.

Indeed. A number of folks have created their own "off-topic" threads in the Miscellaneous section so they can post any number of non-cannabis things. You may have seen that I use the one that @AngryBird created to link my off-topic posts.

Thanks Otter! Given the weather today and tomorrow this will start as a low and slow dry. :)

That LPa seems to be nothing but a plant low in THC, so if you want her to try something straight CBD you'll need to find something tests with under 1% THC. I'm thinking of flash drying a bit of the LeC auto to get a very early smoke report to see if I get an "It doesn't get me high"! That would be a good starting point. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Mental note Gas Station cbd Bad! Lmao CL🍀
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