InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

The girls are looking good shed:thumb:

May you and yours know peace and prosperity this new year :peacetwo:
UPDATE: If you voted in the Member of the Year contest in the first 24 hours, check to see if your vote was removed (technical glitch). You may need to vote again!

Have a Happy New Year, Shed & Family!
I hope it rains long enough for me to start complaining about it...
It'll be nice to have the drought behind us- at least for a year or so...
Thanks Carcass! We've gotten a lot here but up north is where it matters, so I'm looking forward to you complaining. :)
Wishing a very Happy New Year to Shed and all the good folk who drop in to his wonderful thread!
Thanks Stunger!
Happy New Year Shed!
Thank you Grateful, long time no see!
Happy new year Shed.
Thanks LKA, let's make it a good one! :high-five:
Happy New Year, Shed and to everyone here at 420!
Thank you BL! I hope you rang in the new year dry and safe. ☔
Hope you have the happiest of New Year’s Shed. Your weather may not be the most pleasant but it sure is healthy at the time.
Thanks Nev! So far just fighting with my son about nonsense. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy New Year InTheShed!
Thanks him, and :welcome: to my perpetual journal! I'm glad you've stopped by and I hope you can stick around for the ongoing show.
The girls are looking good shed
Thank you far so good. 🤞
May you and yours know peace and prosperity this new year
And to you and all those you care about. :peace:
Here's a Tuesday update, first one of 2023!

Here are some Candida cuttings I took on new year's day when I wasn't crawling under the house trying to find the source of an unidentified smell...which I still have not identified. :(

I thought it was time to start a new mother plant in case the current one (cut 7/31/22) starts to go south (I'm seeing some damage to older leaves).

Anyway, here is what they look like immediately off the plant and put in perlite with a 1" reservoir:

Droopy AF!

Here they are 21 hours later:

Happy AC (as clams)!

NYE was really windy and stormy here but we went out into the pouring rain to see the 9pm fireworks show off a pier in Marina del Rey:

20221231_210911 9pm NYE.jpg

I guess they shoot them off at what would be midnight on the East coast so the kids (or folks who don't stay up late) can see them.

Luckily, they did them again at midnight our time when it wasn't raining (still really windy though):

20230101_000507 midnight NYE.jpg

The winter grow has been tucked in the tent, still at 32,000 lux, and only taken out for IPM and watering. No sun and highs in the upper 50s will not make them happy! I'll get some pics tomorrow so you can see how close I am to flipping.

And when I do flip I will need to find a spot for the Le Creme CBG auto at night. I still have an old blurple Mars Hydro 300 knocking around somewhere if I can find a place to hang it. :hmmmm:

I hope your first week of 2023 is off to a good start and you're not trying to get elected as Speaker of the House!

May your Pro-Mix be brown and your plants & astroturf stay green…
Best wishes for a Happy New Year to InTheShed and all of the other Shedders out there…
Thanks 013...all good things to be hopeful for! I have moved on to FFHF though. :)
Here's a Tuesday update, first one of 2023!

Here are some Candida cuttings I took on new year's day when I wasn't crawling under the house trying to find the source of an unidentified smell...which I still have not identified. :(

Might have a stinkhorn mushroom growing if it's been raining alot.
We run a water hose at work all day, and if it gets a leak at the spigot those little bastards will pop up. Make the whole shop smell like a wet fart in a swamp. You might have a little patch of em around your foundation somewhere.
Might have a stinkhorn mushroom growing if it's been raining alot.
We run a water hose at work all day, and if it gets a leak at the spigot those little bastards will pop up. Make the whole shop smell like a wet fart in a swamp. You might have a little patch of em around your foundation somewhere.
Thanks Rhino! This is a cooked cabbage/brussel sprouts smell. I'll have a look tomorrow morning around the house, but it seems to be very specifically located in about a 10x10 area on the back side of the crawl space under the house. It's completely dry dirt there and I didn't see anything recently dead (just a very mummified rat). The only thing I didn't do is pull all the insulation down from between the floorboards in that section to see if something got caught there and is rotting away.

I'm not looking forward to have an actual @Carcass fall on me though given how tight the quarters are down there. :eek: Maybe I'll call a pest control company and let them find it!
an unidentified smell...which I still have not identified.
I was going to suggest rat and then you said get pest control out... good thinking batman
NYE was really windy and stormy here but we went out into the pouring rain to see the 9pm fireworks show off a pier in Marina del Rey:
Fireworks do cheer things up... you were brave to head out in the rain!
I hope your first week of 2023 is off to a good start and you're not trying to get elected as Speaker of the House!
LOL! I take it your politics are as mad as usual. It seems I need to catch up on the news.
(just a very mummified rat)
maybe more mummifying rat
Maybe I'll call a pest control company and let them find it!
best idea

The clones look so good. I really like perlite for rooting clones. I'm also glad to see you are managing to keep the Candida going.
I think you should find a place to hang that light for the auto :)
Hey uncle shed. Hope all is well in Your world. I may pop those CBGs this summer but I'd have to figure out a way to light dep.
crawling under the house trying to find the source of an unidentified smell...which I still have not identified.
I hate that. So I take it your son had returned to school. :laughtwo:
Here they are 21 hours later
Those Candida cuts are looking all smart and perky now.
NYE was really windy and stormy here but we went out into the pouring rain to see the 9pm fireworks
You are much more adventurous than I am anymore.
I understand another atmospheric river is heading your way. Let’s hope it stays dry under the house and everyone stays safe. :nervous-guy:
I hope your first week of 2023 is off to a good start and you're not trying to get elected as Speaker of the House!
I'm trying to figure out why he even wants the job! :hmmmm:
Hows about a rainy Wednesday indoor update of the winter grow? Seems reasonable to me anyway. :slide:

Leading with a SaugaView® of the three in the tent:

And head on:

Here are some close-ups on the Le Creme CBG auto on day 56, starting with the two buds next to where I topped:

Stacking on the lower branch:

I'm still giving this one veg nutes because I don't want to bother mixing flower strength for a little auto, but you can see the calcium deficiency on the lower leaves:

Here's a solo shot of the Amnesia Lemon Kush, day 55:

And the Le Creme CBG on day 56:

This weekend I will lollipop the photos in prep for flipping (probably the following weekend), though I may leave a few branches down under to use for clones before I flip.

I'm not sure there will be room for the auto once I flip the photos, so wherever I put the auto for night time lighting may end up being its permanent home. Might be the garage even though it's rarely above the low 60s in there. If I can find a tall enough box, that might keep it warmer than just a PVC frame in the open air.

Last for the day are the cuttings from the tops of the LeC and ALK, 9 days after cutting. So far so good but I still have the domes partially on:

Thanks for cruising through! 🛳️

I was going to suggest rat and then you said get pest control out... good thinking batman
LOL thanks!
Fireworks do cheer things up... you were brave to head out in the rain!
We all got pretty pants-soaked from the sideways rain (nearly lost the umbrella a few times!), but the party was just a few hundred yards down the road with a gas fireplace, so it wasn't much of a sacrifice. ;)
LOL! I take it your politics are as mad as usual. It seems I need to catch up on the news.
Mad as usual. :thumb:
best idea
Dead rodents falling on my head are not my thing. 🐀
The clones look so good. I really like perlite for rooting clones. I'm also glad to see you are managing to keep the Candida going.
I think you should find a place to hang that light for the auto
Thanks, and I'll have to sort out the auto soon so I can pull the photos away from the edges. It's already crowded in there!
Hey uncle shed. Hope all is well in Your world. I may pop those CBGs this summer but I'd have to figure out a way to light dep.
Thanks Them! If you have cardboard and duct tape, you have the world at your fingertips. :)
I hate that. So I take it your son had returned to school.
LOLOL no, he's around another two weeks, but no money in the world would get him under the house. He thinks there are loads of spiders down there (I saw one in a 30' foot crawl) and he's not keen.
Those Candida cuts are looking all smart and perky now.
Amazing how they come back to life after looking dead like that!
You are much more adventurous than I am anymore.
Not really adventurous, just some rain! Going out to a club, now that would be adventurous!
I understand another atmospheric river is heading your way. Let’s hope it stays dry under the house and everyone stays safe.
We're suppose to get 1-2" today alone, so I hope more of this falls where we really need it up north (without flood damage of course!).
Hey, Brother! Been a while & good to see you're still at it!
Mr.K, so good to see you around again. I'm really sorry about the loss of your dad last year and I'm glad you found your way back here. :love:
I'm trying to figure out why he even wants the job!
Masochist? Insane for power? Greed? All of the above? Most folks who go 0 for 6 get benched!
Masochist? Insane for power? Greed? All of the above? Most folks who go 0 for 6 get benched!
Darth Vader might be able to impose some discipline in this party now. But a guy named Kevin? :laughtwo:
Great looking Winter grow, Shed!
If I can find a tall enough box, that might keep it warmer than just a PVC frame in the open air.

Home Depot has the box that you need ... 😄😉

It'll stay pretty warm in a box with the light on, lights out is the problem...

A seedling mat will warm it up a little in there, as long as you shut off the exhaust fan at lights out-

I've got the exhaust fan on the light timer, so when the light goes off, so does the exhaust, then a second timer turns the seedling mat on (@VIVOSUN 10"x20"), which will keep it at 6-8 degrees above ambient-
that's not much, but it's a little better than nothing..

The inside circulator fans stay on 24/7- they help make the most of the limited heat that the seedling mat supplies, and they also keep the air moving to keep bud rot away.

So, that's one way to keep things a little warmer in a box......
Darth Vader might be able to impose some discipline in this party now. But a guy named Kevin?
At this point they need to send him back down to the minors.
Great looking Winter grow, Shed!
Thanks Carcass!
Home Depot has the box that you need
I'm sure they do. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It'll stay pretty warm in a box with the light on, lights out is the problem...
A seedling mat will warm it up a little in there, as long as you shut off the exhaust fan at lights out-
I've got the exhaust fan on the light timer, so when the light goes off, so does the exhaust, then a second timer turns the seedling mat on (@VIVOSUN 10"x20"), which will keep it at 6-8 degrees above ambient-
that's not much, but it's a little better than nothing..
The inside circulator fans stay on 24/7- they help make the most of the limited heat that the seedling mat supplies, and they also keep the air moving to keep bud rot away.
So, that's one way to keep things a little warmer in a box......
Great suggestions! I won't be doing a lights-out since it's an auto so that makes it a lot easier. If I can figure a way to do it without a trip to HD that would be preferable, but a box will look better than a PVC frame with a tarp over it. Yours proves that to all of us.
Great suggestions! I won't be doing a lights-out since it's an auto so that makes it a lot easier. If I can figure a way to do it without a trip to HD that would be preferable, but a box will look better than a PVC frame with a tarp over it. Yours proves that to all of us.
Hold on a minute! Mr. C's box ain't all that good looking. It works like a charm so looks don't matter, but let's be honest.

Shed, if you got a custom-fitted tarp made in a nice color (maybe a deep purple or dark grey) which would slide down perfectly over your PVC frame, well, I think that might look kinda' nice.

Again, no diss to the aesthetic appeal of the Carcass box, but let's be real! :laughtwo:
Hold on a minute! Mr. C's box ain't all that good looking. It works like a charm so looks don't matter, but let's be honest. Again, no diss to the aesthetic appeal of the Carcass box, but let's be real!
I appreciate the sugar coating, GDB, but If we're really being honest, it's ugly as a mud fence...
Nice thing about aesthetics is there's no wrong way to do what you like! Other folks may say it's ugly as sin, but some folks find beauty in the design and decoration.
Shed, if you got a custom-fitted tarp made in a nice color (maybe a deep purple or dark grey) which would slide down perfectly over your PVC frame, well, I think that might look kinda' nice.
A cardboard box is sounding perfect about now. :)
Those ladies are making fast time! Happy plucking!
Thanks Otter! They're going to look completely different by Monday morning. 🌱
Here's a Tuesday update, first one of 2023!

Here are some Candida cuttings I took on new year's day when I wasn't crawling under the house trying to find the source of an unidentified smell...which I still have not identified. :(

I thought it was time to start a new mother plant in case the current one (cut 7/31/22) starts to go south (I'm seeing some damage to older leaves).

Anyway, here is what they look like immediately off the plant and put in perlite with a 1" reservoir:

Droopy AF!

Here they are 21 hours later:

Happy AC (as clams)!

NYE was really windy and stormy here but we went out into the pouring rain to see the 9pm fireworks show off a pier in Marina del Rey:

20221231_210911 9pm NYE.jpg

I guess they shoot them off at what would be midnight on the East coast so the kids (or folks who don't stay up late) can see them.

Luckily, they did them again at midnight our time when it wasn't raining (still really windy though):

20230101_000507 midnight NYE.jpg

The winter grow has been tucked in the tent, still at 32,000 lux, and only taken out for IPM and watering. No sun and highs in the upper 50s will not make them happy! I'll get some pics tomorrow so you can see how close I am to flipping.

And when I do flip I will need to find a spot for the Le Creme CBG auto at night. I still have an old blurple Mars Hydro 300 knocking around somewhere if I can find a place to hang it. :hmmmm:

I hope your first week of 2023 is off to a good start and you're not trying to get elected as Speaker of the House!


Thanks 013...all good things to be hopeful for! I have moved on to FFHF though. :)
Man! Cool post Shed. A couple observations:

1. Damn you and/or your peeps must just adore that Candida. I’ve been here a few minutes now, and since I’ve known you there’s been an active Candida in your grow, seemingly at all times. I know you have a mother plant of it, but although I haven’t yet taken the mother plant plunge, I suspect they aren’t worth maintaining unless you really love the strain.
2. The fireworks pictures are amazing. I especially am in love with the first one. All you had to do was hold up one of your nugs to get it in the picture and you had Photo of the Year potential!!!

Great work by you!
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