InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Anyone in the mood for an oil-making pictorial for the Monday update? Anyone? 🦗

Well I'm going to plow ahead anyway with many pics of the process!

I ran out of CBD oil last week (which I make with my Candida), so it was time to whip up another batch. This is my process, which works just as well for making THC oil. I use a Magical Butter machine (MB), and though they're not a sponsor here anymore, I still highly recommend one if you will be doing this often.

If you just need occasional small batches, you can do that in a jar in the oven (a few pics down in this post), or a crock pot with a good temperature control. Some folks use the instantpot but I don't have one. If you want to see that process it's here.

Also, note in advance that I use extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Sue always taught us the EVOO is for medical uses and coconut oil (or butter) is for recreational...not that there are recreational uses for CBD!

Let's get started. First up is to measure out the flowers to be decarbed. I wanted to end up with about 50g so I went with 55g:

Some of that weight is moisture so it will be lighter when decarb is done. Speaking of decarb, I set the oven for 240ºF (116ºC):

While it was heating up, I put the flowers in a foil pouch:

I don't completely seal it because I want the moisture to escape, but it's a trade off between that and terpene retention.

And when the oven hits temp, in goes the pouch:

I do 90 minutes to allow the buds inside the foil to reach temp and stay there for about an hour. While that's cooking I get the MB machine ready, starting with 16 ounces of EVOO:

In it goes:

That's the minimum you can make in the MB so for smaller batches, see above!

When the buds are done, the pouch goes in the fridge for a quick cool down to allow the terps to settle back into the flowers (allegedly). Then they go into the MB:

Where they just sit on top! That's no good, so grab an implement:

And start smashing the buds into the oil. The more bud there is the more smashing needs to be done:

That's better! Then the top goes on the MB where time and temperature is set:

If you are running this in the oven, grind your flowers after decarb and get as close to 160º as you can (my oven starts at 170ºF) and shake periodically. The MB machine has a spinning blade at the bottom so it grinds and mixes in the oil every so often.

After 8 hours, the machine goes off (or the jar comes out of the oven) and I let it sit for 24 hours. Why? I'm doing a loose approximation of what @Derbybud described here. Short but interesting read!

After a 24 hour rest it gets another 8 hour run as before.

As soon as it's done (and well before it cools), it's time to mix in the Liquid Sunflower Lecithin (LSL). It's mixed at 1 tablespoon/cup of oil and it's very thick, so it will really only mix while the oil is hot:

LSL is an emulsifier that evenly distributes the cannabinoids throughout the oil and increases their availability to the body. And why after infusion? Because @Cannasavvy ran tests adding it before and after, and after was much better. Her posts on it start here.

Now, let's go back and get the oil from the MB. The grinding throws bits of plant up the sides, so a flexible spatula will push it all back in:

Then I pour it through the included straining bag, twist it closed, and use the silicone heat-proof glove to squeeze the oil out of the mash

If you really want to get as much as possible, you can use a homemade press like this for extra squeezing (this mash was in cheesecloth):


Here is the mash after I got as much oil out as I could:

I guess you could find a use for it (apparently you can put small amounts of oil in a compost pile), and Sue used to actually use her THC mash when she cooked brownies!

Anyway, here is the oil after stirring:

There is still plant matter in the oil that makes it through the mesh (from all the grinding), which you could re-filter through a tighter mesh if it matters. This oil is going into 1ml capsules so it's not a concern.

It gets covered and put in the fridge overnight for the LSL to work its magic, and here it was this morning, transferred into a jar for longer-term fridge storage:

I have 4 bottles of oil in the fridge so labeling is important.

By my rough calculations, this oil should be around 13.7mg CBD/ml, and I use @Oldbear's spreadsheet to run my numbers. PM me if you're interested in how that's done.

That's it for me today. I hope it's helpful even if you don't have a Magical Butter machine!

:thanks: for stopping by.

Great tutorial!

I love my MB. That's how I make my RSO...err..I guess they call it FECO now. 😏

What kind of oven is that and how consistent is the temp? I use an old convection oven when I decarb and I have to babysit it the whole time. I use 2 digital meat probes one that came with the mb and the other a Bluetooth ink bird. They never read the same but that might be because one goes inside the MB decarb box and the other is just inside the oven.
Congrats on a super harvest Shed. And I really enjoyed the tutorial and the links, thanks a lot.
Many thanks for the oil making tutorial Shed, great stuff!
Thanks Stunger! Just killing time until you start your next journal. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Great tutorial!
Thank you stardawg!
I love my MB. That's how I make my RSO...err..I guess they call it FECO now.
It greatly simplifies my life since I make oil pretty often. Keeping the oven on and shaking it every 30 minutes for 8 hours (x2) would be a pain in the butt!
What kind of oven is that and how consistent is the temp? I use an old convection oven when I decarb and I have to babysit it the whole time. I use 2 digital meat probes one that came with the mb and the other a Bluetooth ink bird. They never read the same but that might be because one goes inside the MB decarb box and the other is just inside the oven.
It's an old GE Profile double oven (small drawer oven at the bottom like this only in white). I've never tested the temps other than with a basic hang-from-the-rack oven thermometer, and it's pretty close.

I would think that the temps inside the decarb box and the oven would be different for a while, which is why I do 90 minutes to get the buds in the foil to the oven temperature.
Thanks for that super tutorial Shed! I'll be on it soon!
Thanks Otter! Looking forward to seeing what you're cooking up. 👨‍🍳
I am glad the law didn't take my MB Thanks i may have missed some of the strokes it's been so long i don't remember There going to try and do something in the legal depart. next year again , fingers crossed
It really was nice of them not to tear apart your cupboards while they were tearing out your grow. :thumb:

I do hope you can get on the legal side and feel safe growing again. 🤞
Congrats on a super harvest Shed. And I really enjoyed the tutorial and the links, thanks a lot.
Thank you LKA! It's rare that anyone comments on all the linking I do, so it's nice to know that they're appreciated. :)
re: 420 AK-47 & Gold Leaf - 1st Try With Clones - Soil - In/Out - Vegging Till Fall '18!

In 3, 2,


Last night I went to my friend the uninformed-indoor-grower's house after work and he pulled his plants out to take clones from. I took 2 AK-47 fem and 1 Gold Leaf fem (both 420). He said this is how he had done his clones and got 9 of 10 to grow, so I did it the same way. He cut the branches and I stripped off the lower leaves, cut the tips across, sliced the bottom at a sharp angle, and stuck them in wet potting soil. Unfortunately he had already decided to flip them so the AK-47s have pistils. I had to identify them for him as he had no idea which plant was which strain. The sativa vs indica leaves seemed to be a dead giveaway but he doesn't do any research.

Anyway, to start, I put them in the shed with the lights that my autos are under.

All the plants:





In a panic, I posted HELP on my auto journal because I had no idea if this was a good idea! Four fellow growers jumped in and offered great advice...
I never cloned. Why do you snip off the leaf tips? Stimulate transpiration?
I never cloned. Why do you snip off the leaf tips? Stimulate transpiration?
Leading off with the formalities, :welcome: to my perpetual journal Jv! It's always nice to have new folks stop by whether for a day or for years. :)

The post you're quoting is from the first day of this journal over 5 years ago, so I hope you're not planning on reading from the beginning! :eek: That said, feel free to ask about anything that strikes your fancy along the way.

Back to your question, cutting the leaf tips off seemed to be something that folks did when they cloned, and the belief was it somehow quickened the growth of roots. And since this was my first attempt at rooting cuttings I figured I would do what they did.

I later watched some growers clone with great success and never take a scissors to a single leaf. It turns out that the only reason I can find to cut the leaf tips is to fit more cuttings in a small area without the leaves overlapping each other. I still do it because I will sink up to 5 cuttings in a single solo cup, so space is at a premium.
Leading off with the formalities, :welcome: to my perpetual journal Jv! It's always nice to have new folks stop by whether for a day or for years. :)

The post you're quoting is from the first day of this journal over 5 years ago, so I hope you're not planning on reading from the beginning! :eek: That said, feel free to ask about anything that strikes your fancy along the way.

Back to your question, cutting the leaf tips off seemed to be something that folks did when they cloned, and the belief was it somehow quickened the growth of roots. And since this was my first attempt at rooting cuttings I figured I would do what they did.

I later watched some growers clone with great success and never take a scissors to a single leaf. It turns out that the only reason I can find to cut the leaf tips is to fit more cuttings in a small area without the leaves overlapping each other. I still do it because I will sink up to 5 cuttings in a single solo cup, so space is at a premium.
This might be a good read for some, depending on your thoughts towards trimming leaves or not.
Many swear trimming the leaves helps retain moisture in the plant since the plant gets its water through the leaves via transpiration. Once the roots are developed it makes no difference.
I cloned once and didn't know any better at the time, but I personally would leave them alone if I was to do it again.

Stupid phones. I'll be back.
:popcorn: (since it's not your mess to clean up)...
This might be a good read for some, depending on your thoughts towards trimming leaves or not.
Many swear trimming the leaves helps retain moisture in the plant since the plant gets its water through the leaves via transpiration. Once the roots are developed it makes no difference.
I cloned once and didn't know any better at the time, but I personally would leave them alone if I was to do it again.

Oh good, you made it!

Great link to someone who did an experiment using actual control subjects (rarely seen here ;) ) to show that cutting leaves isn't necessary.

Isn't transpiration the leaves exhaling water rather than taking it in? I'm sure you meant absorption but were distracted by the phone issues.

Nice to have you stop by, as always. :love:
MrSauga, google "how to use a cell phone." Plenty of helpful sites out there!
It's been so long since he's been here he was probably trying to use his home phone. ☎️
It's time for a Wednesday update because the Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express has been sealed in jars for curing! Yes folks, it was 21 days post chop and the RH was close enough to 62%, so it was time.

Let's take a look at all 329g of goodness:

Yes sir, yes sir, 8 jars full (from 3 bags...which is a 62.5% reduction in the amount of burping work)!

Now let's go back and take a look at the plant on harvest day that produced those 11.6 ounces:

Pretty good sized plant at 41" post stretch (and probably 36" wide before I tied it up), but let's get a gander at the trunk:

I know a lot of folks end up with very thick (even pipe-worthy) trunks that look like elephant legs, but this goes to show you that even those with skinny gams can produce well!

You know how I say that no one gets to test my harvests until they've been in the jars for at least three weeks? Well while I was jarring the Trainwreck, my wife was heading out the door to a Sunday brunch with some friends and asked to take some with her. So I gave her a few buds and told her to make sure they knew it was uncured!

And now I actually have a smoke report to report. :eek: This is what I got back:
"I was wasted"
"Giggly and energizing"
"Tasted like meat" :hmmmm:

That last one was from someone who likes that flavor and occasionally finds it in other varieties, odd as that may sound.

And the only person who found it to be harsh was a woman with asthma who coughs no matter what she's smoking!

(I hope @Heavenly Hybrid makes it back here to see be impressed with that. :) )

Anyway, that puts the Trainwreck grow to bed and just leaves the Purple Urkle wrap up. Stay tuned 📺 and thanks for stopping by!
Woo hoo, impressed indeed! A good report too, glad to hear it. You don’t get the kudos you deserve, my dear Shed. Trainwreck was my first experience with homegrown and it f*cked me up! Aptly named that’s for sure. Purple urkle is the one that sounded intriguing to me. Has anyone sampled that lil baby yet? Prob too soon. Keep on keeping me posted, please!
And now I actually have a smoke report to report. :eek: This is what I got back:
"I was wasted"
"Giggly and energizing"
"Tasted like meat" :hmmmm:
Please let that same crew do a review of the PU!

Loved it! :laughtwo:
Woo hoo, impressed indeed! A good report too, glad to hear it. You don’t get the kudos you deserve, my dear Shed. Trainwreck was my first experience with homegrown and it f*cked me up! Aptly named that’s for sure. Purple urkle is the one that sounded intriguing to me. Has anyone sampled that lil baby yet? Prob too soon. Keep on keeping me posted, please!
Why thank you double H! I decided to grow it after my wife enjoyed a TW Stiiizy cart so I'm glad it's living up to everyone's expectations.

No one has sampled the PU yet but I will definitely tag you if I get another quality report. :)
Please let that same crew do a review of the PU!
Loved it!
I'll do my best GDB! It's a group that gets together pretty often.
Isn't transpiration the leaves exhaling water rather than taking it in? I'm sure you meant absorption but were distracted by the phone issues.
Yup, it should have, or could have said that it helps with moisture retention since the plant loses 90% of its water through transpiration. I blame the phone. Thanks for catching my oopsie!
IKR? I said "Meat? Really?" Apparently it wasn't the first time she's gotten that taste from weed, and she never tastes anything else like sweet or fuel. Who knows!
Somebody knows! 🤪
Hey InTheShed and company finally getting a break around here . I’m back down on the river watching college football and drinking beer flushing for a doc’s appointment Monday . The sunflower lecithin and CCO always throws him off says my kidney is failing but it false so I clean out before I go . If everyone could see my bookmarks which I just added another from you to help everyone and already passed it on .
I’ve been farming sunup to Sun down through the drought then the flooding rains tore it apart plus destroyed the house (which is a new house now) and then resently Covid . I don’t wish farming on no one because I’m not cut out for it pay me by the hour and clock out and go home . I got seeds ordered I gave the critical purple autos away those guys got two different kinds of trees and a bush out of them . I’d been so busy I hadn’t kept up on a regular basis checking with the guys on there grows . I put pics HERE to see the difference. Looks like TCU is on top of WV . I’ll be catching up soon and get to grow with everyone.
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