InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Lovely to see some life on the little lime, Shed. Good that the aphids are on the run. Still holding thumbs for ripe seeds!
Thanks Carmen! I went back to see when I normally harvest Sour G's and the last one came down at 76 days. If I want these really done I'm hoping to get at least another week after that.
That's still quite a wait... another 3 weeks isn't it for the one, and a whole month for the other? :meditate:
That's still quite a wait... another 3 weeks isn't it for the one, and a whole month for the other?
For the pollinated ones, yup! For the STS one it's another two weeks. Not sure they'll all make it that long but as long as they're still alive I'll see how long they can push it.

My first pollen collection pic was taken on April 30, so it's been 48 days since I first pollinated the two flowering ones. That's beyond the 6 weeks @BeezLuiz mentioned for seed development, but I did keep pollinating for a while after, so I'm going to sit on my hands while holding thumbs at the same time. :)
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:bravo: :bravo:
That's a rough looking Sour G alright, but I'll bet she's loaded with seeds!
Remember folks, ridding your plants of pests is not a one-and-done situation.
Exactly! If you see any aphids, just figure on spraying for them from then on- ideally to annihilate them before the buds show up- once they get in the buds, it's impossible to get them out...even if you do kill them, they end up stuck deep in the buds, and even bud washing won't wash them out...
Probably wouldn't hurt a person to smoke a few dead aphids...but most folks would rather not..
Happy belated anniversary Shed. :party:Everything is looking marvelous over here. I’m curious if you’ve ever tried any of the SNS products on your leaf aphids? I used the SNS 209 product on all of my plants during my summer grow last year and they were relatively bug free. I am currently using it on the four plants I’m growing right now And so far so good with all of them. The 209lists root aphids on the label but I’ve seen other products that are for leaf aphids (and they may contain peppermint oil vice rosemary oil?). Just a thought.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy belated anniversary Shed. Everything is looking marvelous over here. I’m curious if you’ve ever tried any of the SNS products on your leaf aphids? I used the SNS 209 product on all of my plants during my summer grow last year and they were relatively bug free. I am currently using it on the four plants I’m growing right now And so far so good with all of them. The 209lists root aphids on the label but I’ve seen other products that are for leaf aphids (and they may contain peppermint oil vice rosemary oil?). Just a thought.
Thanks Boo! I get my neem from HomeDepot (so it's all one trip with everything else I need there) and it probably works out about the same price/gallon as the SNS 209. It's also easier to deal with a bottle than a pouch, and I don't think the SNS works better than the neem. Their label says 3-4 days for 21 days, so the application rate is the same.

Either one isn't going on my flowers!
Thanks shoes!
That's a rough looking Sour G alright, but I'll bet she's loaded with seeds!
I sure hope one of them is!:nervous-guy:
Exactly! If you see any aphids, just figure on spraying for them from then on- ideally to annihilate them before the buds show up- once they get in the buds, it's impossible to get them out...even if you do kill them, they end up stuck deep in the buds, and even bud washing won't wash them out... Probably wouldn't hurt a person to smoke a few dead aphids...but most folks would rather not..
I can guarantee that a most of my jars have dead bugs in them, of various species! I wash off what I can but I'm sure I don't get every insect from every corner. I've read that "the FDA allows small amounts of insect matter in our food" so I'm sure inhaling them can't be that bad. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They can't be as bad as the paraquat we smoked in the 70's...
Hell, in some countries, smoked aphids might even be a delicacy.... :)
Last for the day is the post-stretch thinning on the Candida. First is the measurement for @BeezLuiz' spreadsheet:
Here you go. :cool: Candida is still looking great!

Shed 03.jpg
Monday update and a belated happy father's day to the fathers here! :ciao:

I had a shit ton of gardening to do including about 2+ hours of trimming a podocarpus tree outside the kitchen window so I didn't get here yesterday, but I appreciate all the good wishes!

I've got a couple of things to share from this weekend, starting with the Friday upcan of the Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express on day 59:

I did the bottom half of the pot with about 80/10 FFHF to perlite, but the top half (which is about as deep as the pot it was in) was straight HF out of the bag. More drainage at the bottom and less where the sun beats on the top all day was my theory.

You can see that I did a nice lollipop on this one too, because I couldn't come up with a single reason not to!

In other news, it was time to split the Candida clones that came out of the perlite with roots on May 22nd. I split them the old fashioned way (knocking, shaking, banging, and cajoling) rather than doing it under water because I'm loathe to use water for anything I don't need to these days.

Here they are living in tight quarters:

Tangled roots:

After knocking, shaking, banging, and cajoling:

Replanted in a blend of mostly FFHF mixed with the ProMix HP they were in:

I watered them with the 4.5g equivalent I give all my vegging plants and have them in full shade while they get used to the new digs.

That's it for me! I hope you all had a great weekend with fun and sun. :cool:

They can't be as bad as the paraquat we smoked in the 70's...
Hell, in some countries, smoked aphids might even be a delicacy....
LOL I'm sure they are way better than smoking paraquat! And I'm sure @Cannasavvy could come up with a recipe for infused smoked aphids...she was quite the cannachef.
You are correct! Had to see how the 50/50 was working.
Happy 5th Cannaversary Sheddy!!
Oh good! I'm glad you found it worth your while. ;)
Had some catching up to do. That first plant looks pretty close, yes? Love the lime tree! Also - you said “noice!” Noice!
If by first plant you mean the fading Sour G STS one, I'm pretty sure that is coming down at the end of the week so I can start the seed hunt!

And I say "noice" because Jake Peralta says "noice"! Sometimes I even say "smort." :)
Here you go. Candida is still looking great!
Thanks, and thank you so much for doing these BL! It warms my cockles to know that you have a spreadsheet dedicated to the stretch of my plants.
Aww Shed, you’ve got such a good heart
But we already knew that!
Happy belated 5 year anniversary. The 5th year is wood, maybe a Beez specialty pipe is in order? I know you don’t smoke, but still.
Thank you double H! But if my wife still won't smoke out of the amateur pipe that I made back in 2019 (she doesn't want to "ruin" it) I don't think she would put a BL masterpiece to work.
Happy Fathers day big boy !!
Thanks sb, a belated back atcha!
Happy Father’s Day to you,
Happy Father’s Day to you,
Happy Father’s Day dear Sheddy,
Happy Father’s Day to you.
Hope you have a great day Shed!
Thank you for the lovely song double H! I hope Mr H had a good one as well.
Hope you had a lovely Fathers Day Shed.
Thanks Boo! I got a card from each kid on the actual day which was a definite plus, since that's all I really want (both my kids make their cards, and my son actually did his on a surgical mask :cheesygrinsmiley: ).
Nice work on the TW upcan and the clone split, Shed!:welldone:
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