InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I try to give away as unneeded many plants as I can, but I can't find takers for CBD. :(
I'd give it a go. CBD isn't my fave as I like getting stoned as well. But I would use the CBD weed as a base for my usual smoke. Similar to making a joint with tobacco but replace the tobacco with the CBD. You'd get the health benefits of CBD and high aof the weed. Win win hehe
I'd give it a go. CBD isn't my fave as I like getting stoned as well. But I would use the CBD weed as a base for my usual smoke. Similar to making a joint with tobacco but replace the tobacco with the CBD. You'd get the health benefits of CBD and high aof the weed. Win win hehe
You don't get anywhere near as high with CBD in the mix as CBD blocks the effects of THC on the brain. In addition to its other health benefits, it can be used for those THC side-effects like racing heart, anxiety, etc.

My wife takes a lot of CBD and can never get as high as she'd like because of it. She has to smoke much more than she otherwise would, but she won't give up the CBD because of the long-term anti-inflammatory benefits she gets from it.
You don't get anywhere near as high with CBD in the mix as CBD blocks the effects of THC on the brain. In addition to its other health benefits, it can be used for those THC side-effects like racing heart, anxiety, etc.

My wife takes a lot of CBD and can never get as high as she'd like because of it. She has to smoke much more than she otherwise would, but she won't give up the CBD because of the long-term anti-inflammatory benefits she gets from it.
Cbd is wonderful. :love:
I take some every day along with RSO I'm a so much better now.
I recommend it to everyone.

Stay safe
Me too! We'd get along famously.
Hell yes! :love:
Drink some green tea and admire your turf.
What else do old people do when they get together? I'm new at being old....
U welcome friend
You know I keep thinking about that leaf in that picture. That's a perfect looking leaf bro. I never heard of Doug's Varin. Does it have good potency level?
You know I keep thinking about that leaf in that picture. That's a perfect looking leaf bro. I never heard of Doug's Varin. Does it have good potency level?
Thanks leaf on any plant I've grown so far...certainly the biggest!

DV is a plant bred to be high in THCV rather than THC. THCV (to quote Virgin Ground from her opening post here) "is said to have various beneficial effects such as appetite suppression, improving bone density, and blood sugar regulation, among others." It's still pretty new so not a lot of folks have reviewed its effects, so VG and I are seeing what the fuss it about.
Thanks leaf on any plant I've grown so far...certainly the biggest!

DV is a plant bred to be high in THCV rather than THC. THCV (to quote Virgin Ground from her opening post here) "is said to have various beneficial effects such as appetite suppression, improving bone density, and blood sugar regulation, among others." It's still pretty new so not a lot of folks have reviewed its effects, so VG and I are seeing what the fuss it about.
I'm mostly interested in the purported anti-anxiety effects.
Skipped ahead a little to get caught up. I didn't know I got behind by 420,000 pages in only a couple weeks...get a life or something dude!!!
And as soon as one of my Candida clones gets big enough for a 1 gallon pot, this gets tossed.
Curios how long you keep them going in a 1 gallon before tossing. I want to start learning how to keep mothers or make a dedicated space for mothers.
Seems easier than constant trimming and semi-annual root pruning.
I never thought of it like this but makes sense to me now. After getting roots, in theory you can get another good mother plant in a few weeks.
she won't give up the CBD because of the long-term anti-inflammatory benefits she gets from it.
I NEED to start getting more CBD into my routine. Any chance you have an estimate of how many mg she medicates with? Has it affected her tolerance of CBD the way THC changes with more usage?
blood sugar regulation, among others." It's still pretty new so not a lot of folks have reviewed its effects, so VG and I are seeing what the fuss it about.
Damn...another one I NEED to get into the grow rotation!
I'm mostly interested in the purported anti-anxiety effects.
Damn...another reason to try it!
I'm mostly interested in the purported anti-anxiety effects.
We use CBD flower (Candida) for immediate anti-anxiety effects, so it will be interesting to compare that to the Doug's Varin. Oh, and :welcome: to my perpetual journal!
Curios how long you keep them going in a 1 gallon before tossing. I want to start learning how to keep mothers or make a dedicated space for mothers.
Off the top of my head, this one was cut in the spring and I may have done a root prune on it once since then. I've trimmed it back a few times as well. Otter is keeping a bonsai mother along the lines of this thread:
After getting roots, in theory you can get another good mother plant in a few weeks.
I'd wait a bit longer than that, otherwise you're on a never ending cloning mission!
I NEED to start getting more CBD into my routine. Any chance you have an estimate of how many mg she medicates with? Has it affected her tolerance of CBD the way THC changes with more usage?
She's been taking around 30-36mg of CBD/day (10mg capsules, 3x/day) for a long time, so I think her tolerance for THC is pretty set at this point. She can smoke and vape off and on for the better part of the evening and night and never come across as stoned at all. I think she misses it, but doesn't want to give up the medical benefits of the CBD.
Damn...another one I NEED to get into the grow rotation!
Not a bad idea pending testing! VG should be finished first, so she'll be the guinea pig here.
Damn...another reason to try it!
LOL! We'll see...
Thanks leaf on any plant I've grown so far...certainly the biggest!

DV is a plant bred to be high in THCV rather than THC. THCV (to quote Virgin Ground from her opening post here) "is said to have various beneficial effects such as appetite suppression, improving bone density, and blood sugar regulation, among others." It's still pretty new so not a lot of folks have reviewed its effects, so VG and I are seeing what the fuss it about.
Hell yeh. Good job.
From personal experience I have seen a strain lose potential but it was mothered for over 3 years. Maybe it was a bad example or something but it definitely wasn't as good as it used to be and it was grown the same. Many people agreed too as it was a shared mother.

Theoretically it is a genetic clone I do agree but due to this experience and other stories of similar situations Ive always just thought it was so lol.

Be interesting to see in a few years shed. I expect updates!! Hehe :)

Oh and btw I've put some pics of my ladies split up now shed take a gander when ya get chance.
I could see a possibility of this if there is poor management of the clones with lack of nutrition or such?
I'd give it a go. CBD isn't my fave as I like getting stoned as well. But I would use the CBD weed as a base for my usual smoke. Similar to making a joint with tobacco but replace the tobacco with the CBD. You'd get the health benefits of CBD and high aof the weed. Win win hehe
Since I've gone from not-growing (in a LONG time...) to having a few lbs of prime herb in just 2 years I've found that I get a better buzz when I combine two or three strains...usually one being a CBD dominant strain. Maybe my body is regulating (i.e. building a tolerance) and switching it up makes it harder?
I could see a possibility of this if there is poor management of the clones with lack of nutrition or such?
The clones where the same. It was as if the strain had lost something. It's like when you get a batch of seeds with different phenos but they where all clones from literally same mother same everything.
Since I've gone from not-growing (in a LONG time...) to having a few lbs of prime herb in just 2 years I've found that I get a better buzz when I combine two or three strains...usually one being a CBD dominant strain. Maybe my body is regulating (i.e. building a tolerance) and switching it up makes it harder?
I always find if I smoke even the best bud it's good to have a change for a day or two every 2-3 week. It refreshes your taste and I seem to get a different effect and refreshes the original weeds effect.
You don't get anywhere near as high with CBD in the mix as CBD blocks the effects of THC on the brain. In addition to its other health benefits, it can be used for those THC side-effects like racing heart, anxiety, etc.

My wife takes a lot of CBD and can never get as high as she'd like because of it. She has to smoke much more than she otherwise would, but she won't give up the CBD because of the long-term anti-inflammatory benefits she gets from it.
Really good to know this shed. Ty again for your head hahah
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