InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Okay, how about a Monday update? I'm hoping you're okay with just flower pics today. :)

The Chiquita Banana (from @Weed Seeds Express) and Sour G are on flip day 29. Flowering time for the CB is listed as 56-70 days, and the Sour G I grew back in 2019 (when @Archiweedies, @Amy Gardner, @CraZysWeeD, @Derbybud, @Dutchman1990, and a bunch of others were still around) was harvested on flip day 58. Given what I know now about the ripening of outside plants, I expect this one to go at least 65 days.

Anyway, let's start with the really sticky CB:

And the Sour G:

And let's not forget the pollinated Candida on flip day 41 (that I still have no idea if it's seeded):

And finally, a pic that started off as flowers and is now topical CBD oil:

The CBD oil I take every morning is made with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), but the topical version is made with grapeseed oil. I remember that @Derbybud uses grapeseed oil for both, but for some reason I like to stick with EVOO for internal use. Must have been something Sue mentioned somewhere.

In other news, the pH on the Summer two is in the 6.5 range so needed to be lowered. I'm now giving it a blend that includes GrowMore 20-10-20 rather than MC. I'll do that for two or three waterings and then go back to my regular mix. For those who haven't been here long, nitrate-sourced nitrogen can raise the pH of the medium over time, and switching to a nutrient with more ammoniacal nitrogen will lower it in less than two weeks. Where MC is almost entirely nitrate, GrowMore is 1/3 ammoniacal and 2/3 nitrate.

Why the pH of my ProMix HP is so volatile (even with a fresh bag), I have no idea. But I'm thinking I will either need to change my nutrients or my medium (again). That's for another day.

In the meantime, have a great week and stay safe!

Hmmm...not a damn thing to quote. :hmmmm:
Okay, how about a Monday update? I'm hoping you're okay with just flower pics today. :)

The Chiquita Banana (from @Weed Seeds Express) and Sour G are on flip day 29. Flowering time for the CB is listed as 56-70 days, and the Sour G I grew back in 2019 (when @Archiweedies, @Amy Gardner, @CraZysWeeD, @Derbybud, @Dutchman1990, and a bunch of others were still around) was harvested on flip day 58. Given what I know now about the ripening of outside plants, I expect this one to go at least 65 days.

Anyway, let's start with the really sticky CB:

And the Sour G:

And let's not forget the pollinated Candida on flip day 41 (that I still have no idea if it's seeded):

And finally, a pic that started off as flowers and is now topical CBD oil:

The CBD oil I take every morning is made with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), but the topical version is made with grapeseed oil. I remember that @Derbybud uses grapeseed oil for both, but for some reason I like to stick with EVOO for internal use. Must have been something Sue mentioned somewhere.

In other news, the pH on the Summer two is in the 6.5 range so needed to be lowered. I'm now giving it a blend that includes GrowMore 20-10-20 rather than MC. I'll do that for two or three waterings and then go back to my regular mix. For those who haven't been here long, nitrate-sourced nitrogen can raise the pH of the medium over time, and switching to a nutrient with more ammoniacal nitrogen will lower it in less than two weeks. Where MC is almost entirely nitrate, GrowMore is 1/3 ammoniacal and 2/3 nitrate.

Why the pH of my ProMix HP is so volatile (even with a fresh bag), I have no idea. But I'm thinking I will either need to change my nutrients or my medium (again). That's for another day.

In the meantime, have a great week and stay safe!

Hmmm...not a damn thing to quote. :hmmmm:
Heya Shed!

That 2nd photo in the post: :circle-of-love::love:

I think I remember reading somewhere that the EVVO tested best for consistency in potency...or something along those lines. I'm thinking I read it on one of Sue's threads as well.
Heya Shed!
That 2nd photo in the post:
I think I remember reading somewhere that the EVVO tested best for consistency in potency...or something along those lines. I'm thinking I read it on one of Sue's threads as well.
Thanks Rex, and no filters were applied to the pics!

My recollection of EVOO was that it worked best to bypass the liver and get to the lymphatic system. Good for medical uses, not good for getting high. That's what coconut oil is for!
Does the Chiquita Banana smell like bananas yet? And, if yes, is it a fresh banana smell or a rotting banana smell?
Okay, how about a Monday update? I'm hoping you're okay with just flower pics today. :)

The Chiquita Banana (from @Weed Seeds Express) and Sour G are on flip day 29. Flowering time for the CB is listed as 56-70 days, and the Sour G I grew back in 2019 (when @Archiweedies, @Amy Gardner, @CraZysWeeD, @Derbybud, @Dutchman1990, and a bunch of others were still around) was harvested on flip day 58. Given what I know now about the ripening of outside plants, I expect this one to go at least 65 days.

Anyway, let's start with the really sticky CB:

And the Sour G:

And let's not forget the pollinated Candida on flip day 41 (that I still have no idea if it's seeded):

And finally, a pic that started off as flowers and is now topical CBD oil:

The CBD oil I take every morning is made with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), but the topical version is made with grapeseed oil. I remember that @Derbybud uses grapeseed oil for both, but for some reason I like to stick with EVOO for internal use. Must have been something Sue mentioned somewhere.

In other news, the pH on the Summer two is in the 6.5 range so needed to be lowered. I'm now giving it a blend that includes GrowMore 20-10-20 rather than MC. I'll do that for two or three waterings and then go back to my regular mix. For those who haven't been here long, nitrate-sourced nitrogen can raise the pH of the medium over time, and switching to a nutrient with more ammoniacal nitrogen will lower it in less than two weeks. Where MC is almost entirely nitrate, GrowMore is 1/3 ammoniacal and 2/3 nitrate.

Why the pH of my ProMix HP is so volatile (even with a fresh bag), I have no idea. But I'm thinking I will either need to change my nutrients or my medium (again). That's for another day.

In the meantime, have a great week and stay safe!

Hmmm...not a damn thing to quote. :hmmmm:
Hey Shed hope you are well.
Girls look great.
Stay safe my friend.
Shed these pics are so beautiful. You're a magician, really. I do think that the pollenated Candida is going to seed by the looks of that flower, so if I were a betting woman ...
Shed these pics are so beautiful. You're a magician, really. I do think that the pollenated Candida is going to seed by the looks of that flower, so if I were a betting woman ...
Thank you Carmen, how sweet of you! I feel more like a tight-rope walker. :)

And I have no idea on the Candida since it seems like I should really be able to tell by now. That said, if I do get seeds, you can come collect your winnings at the cashier's booth!
Tough days brother. Talking to yourself helps, until things pick up.
You are always spot-on with your advice and you are sorely missed when you are not around, which is way too often these days months.
Always thinking outside the box. Very smrat of you.
I'm always thinking!
Shugga shugga, the plants look terrific! I had to come back to mention that. Right, off I go.
:thanks: for circling back to that MrS!
Yes. They all look great. You can quote this... :kisstwo:
And I shall...thank you my dear. :love:
You are always spot-on with your advice and you are sorely missed when you are not around, which is way too often these days months.
I wholeheartedly agree.
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