InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Run three! GF straight, GF with Purp, and MC straight. Let the games begin (if you have the room :cheesygrinsmiley: )!
I'll have to see if space permits. I kinda wanted to leave the MC in the dust but that's tempting.
LMAO! I start everyday brushing my hair from front to back. But where I start brushing in the front, there is no hair. Guess I just like the bristles against my skin! :rofl:

...hehe...another year older another inch of forehead... ;) :rofl: ...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...

...edit...I should add the struggle is real brotha'!...
Your three Candidas remind me of tiny Italian Cypress trees.

We used to have an enormous Leyland Cypress (similar?) growing outside out front door, but it eventually blocked the view from the windows and the roots started to lift the concrete so we took it down. It must have been over 30 feet tall!

We planted it when it was about 3' as I recall. Didn't spray it with GA3 though, and it's a damn good thing :).
In other news, and for those of you keeping track of my rare movie watching, I'd like to take you back to March:

Office Space I watched a while back, but I finally watched the Big Lebowski this weekend. It was pretty good. Wacky for sure and a bit hard to follow (as it was by the Dude), but worth finally seeing. Does this leave me with nothing but Hot Tub Time Machine now?

I hope you all had a great new year's weekend, and that you all continue to keep safe and clear of hospitals. They definitely don't need any more business. :eek:

I got The Big Lebowski out of the library but then I heard it was really violent so I never ended up watching it. I don't like violence in movies. I don't mind people shooting at each other but I don't do gore. Medical TV shows have gotten far too graphic for me to enjoy any longer but I did love them when I was younger.

Have you seen Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure? It's a fun movie. I watched Dazed and Confused this year for the first time, too and I must say I was extremely disappointed with the direction of the story. It was far more violent than I expect stoners to act when high.

I've been keeping a movie diary since May 1st so if you want anymore recommendations that aren't "stoner movies" but that I loved watching while I was high, let me know. :battingeyelashes:

From what I've been told, it's 1 Tbs/8oz oil, and let the whole mix rest in the fridge overnight.

A previous member told me that she just pours it in and approximates how much she uses because she figured more wasn't a bad thing so that's what I've doing since she said that.:)
I heard it was really violent so I never ended up watching it.
I don't recall any real violence. Only actual fight scene is at the end and it's more comic than anything.
Have you seen Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?
I have not. I'm not sure it's in my wheelhouse.
Dazed and Confused
It was far more violent than I expect stoners to act when high.
I can't watch stoner movies as I live with three of them. :cool:
that's what I've doing since she said that.
I'm much more precise in my doings so I go with actual measurements, but that should be obvious by now. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Not with these thumbs clumsy things
Well done DD!
I got The Big Lebowski out of the library but then I heard it was really violent so I never ended up watching it. I don't like violence in movies. I don't mind people shooting at each other but I don't do gore. Medical TV shows have gotten far too graphic for me to enjoy any longer but I did love them when I was younger.

Have you seen Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure? It's a fun movie. I watched Dazed and Confused this year for the first time, too and I must say I was extremely disappointed with the direction of the story. It was far more violent than I expect stoners to act when high.

I've been keeping a movie diary since May 1st so if you want anymore recommendations that aren't "stoner movies" but that I loved watching while I was high, let me know. :battingeyelashes:

A previous member told me that she just pours it in and approximates how much she uses because she figured more wasn't a bad thing so that's what I've doing since she said that.:)
I'd like to see Candida lined up like the 20' cypress around my neighborhood! LSL. for sure! It makes a difference when I make coconut oil. Stoner movie: Smiley Face..
non-stoner movie: Valerian and the city of a thousand Planets
Smile and stay stoneder
I got The Big Lebowski out of the library but then I heard it was really violent so I never ended up watching it. \
somebody switched tapes...

try the milagro beanfield war. loads of heart and a message. robert redford's director debut.

almost disney but more real and fun. with actual believable folk who aren't fantastically rich, and need to deal with everyday stuff. it's getting dated now, but the themes are absolutely current. loads of great actors like musician ruben blades, john heard, chris walken, daniel stern
watch it again. it's fun. your wife would approve. don't invite hardcore maga over though. there's happy poor mexicans.
i was in film school in the 80's. there's a pile of movies from the time i can recommend. it was a really screwed up time for loads of stuff.

apocalypse now. yikes. total vietnam. actually the last movie of the 70's. no one from that movie felt sane after it.

brazil - directed by the monty python animator - hilarious and depressing.

blade runner - the original -1930's hardboiled detective meets star wars in a hopeless future we are racing toward currently.

repo man - explains nothing and the punk ethos at the same time. with loads of fun.

adventures of baron von munchausen - same guy as brazil. he needed to get happy again.

then all the teen stuff like ferris buelluers day off, st elmos fire, breakfast club. there was oddly subversive stuff goin on in even that pablum stuff that never happens in film now.

then there was dazed and confused which was about everyone i knew in school. it was really an early 90s movie, but capped the end of 80's movies.
i was in film school in the 80's. there's a pile of movies from the time i can recommend. it was a really screwed up time for loads of stuff.

apocalypse now. yikes. total vietnam. actually the last movie of the 70's. no one from that movie felt sane after it.

brazil - directed by the monty python animator - hilarious and depressing.

blade runner - the original -1930's hardboiled detective meets star wars in a hopeless future we are racing toward currently.

repo man - explains nothing and the punk ethos at the same time. with loads of fun.

adventures of baron von munchausen - same guy as brazil. he needed to get happy again.

then all the teen stuff like ferris buelluers day off, st elmos fire, breakfast club. there was oddly subversive stuff goin on in even that pablum stuff that never happens in film now.

then there was dazed and confused which was about everyone i knew in school. it was really an early 90s movie, but capped the end of 80's movies.

I had a nice, long chatty reply all typed up when I decided to move it to my off-topic journal because it seemed like a more appropriate spot for it. If you are interested, here's the link:
Happy new year, dear Shed! I managed to find a good amount of time so I could enjoy catching up on the 10 pages I missed. Hope you have had a nice transition to 2021!:green_heart: :thumb:

Apropos of the variety vote, I'm curious about the Amnesia. Seems like Europe's OG, in that it often gets outcrossed to add potency/numbers. But also very different, as it's a Haze child. Wonder if it make head go fast like this brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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