InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

How verboten is this word?
He who must not be named....
(that’s a Harry Potter reference for you non-potterheads) :)

Happy New Year (late) and a big congrats on JOTM Shed, I had no doubts you would take the crown. :love:
I've already wished you a happy new year, @InTheShed. But I don't believe I've congratulated you on your JOTM win.

Who could have seen that coming? Well, Stevie Wonder & Jose Feliciano, just to name a few! :Rasta:
Just a notice to those who have already voted in the OTY contests: two of the contests had its votes reset to 0 today, so please go back and double check to see if your vote is one of them and needs to be recast!

Morning mate and Happy New Year
:ciao: Celt! Same to you!
Still waiting for at least one of your girls to sprout balls, if none produce viable pollen this round, my guess would be that this strain is contrary to reverse.
No wonder they're not selling any more seeds!

Oh yeah eBay... thought you’d get that. Oh well
LOL! I got it on the third try though.
there are many folks who swear by decarb’ing before smoking or vaping and say it is a more potent toke. You don’t lose anything.
Interesting, thanks Amy!
He who must not be named.... (that’s a Harry Potter reference for you non-potterheads)
Happy New Year (late) and a big congrats on JOTM Shed, I had no doubts you would take the crown. :love:
Thank you double H, for the Potter clarification, the new year's greetings, and the congratulations!
I've already wished you a happy new year, @InTheShed. But I don't believe I've congratulated you on your JOTM win.
Who could have seen that coming? Well, Stevie Wonder & Jose Feliciano, just to name a few!
Har, thanks GDB!
I second Fabulous Shed! Wicked Awesome!
Thank you otter!
Late Sunday update before I hit the hay. I decided that it was really time to get the Candidas out of the solo cups before @Baron Von Blurple got mad at me to start 2021, so I gave one away and upcanned the three remaining.

Since I chopped down the old mother, one of them went into a brand new 1 gallon velcro pot from GeoPot, and the other two went into 1 gallon plastic nursery pots:

Those two will be flipped at different times to try to line up the pollen drop on the GA3 reversed Candidas, if they ever actually reverse! They all need a serious trim. I don't usually top clones this small, and it's left me with something that resembles monstercrops.

And because these had been in solocups solong, I grabbed a razor blade scored the roots about ¼" deep down the sides and across the bottom:

That's all for tonight on the plant front. Monday I'll get some pics of the GA3 plants so we can see if anything is happening with those.

In other news, and for those of you keeping track of my rare movie watching, I'd like to take you back to March:
Office Space and the Big Lebowski. If this goes on long enough I may end up watching them, but I can't during normal hours anyway because of this place!
Office Space I watched a while back, but I finally watched the Big Lebowski this weekend. It was pretty good. Wacky for sure and a bit hard to follow (as it was by the Dude), but worth finally seeing. Does this leave me with nothing but Hot Tub Time Machine now?

I hope you all had a great new year's weekend, and that you all continue to keep safe and clear of hospitals. They definitely don't need any more business. :eek:
Late Sunday update before I hit the hay. I decided that it was really time to get the Candidas out of the solo cups before @Baron Von Blurple got mad at me to start 2021, so I gave one away and upcanned the three remaining.

Since I chopped down the old mother, one of them went into a brand new 1 gallon velcro pot from GeoPot, and the other two went into 1 gallon plastic nursery pots:

Those two will be flipped at different times to try to line up the pollen drop on the GA3 reversed Candidas, if they ever actually reverse! They all need a serious trim. I don't usually top clones this small, and it's left me with something that resembles monstercrops.

And because these had been in solocups solong, I grabbed a razor blade scored the roots about ¼" deep down the sides and across the bottom:

That's all for tonight on the plant front. Monday I'll get some pics of the GA3 plants so we can see if anything is happening with those.

In other news, and for those of you keeping track of my rare movie watching, I'd like to take you back to March:

Office Space I watched a while back, but I finally watched the Big Lebowski this weekend. It was pretty good. Wacky for sure and a bit hard to follow (as it was by the Dude), but worth finally seeing. Does this leave me with nothing but Hot Tub Time Machine now?

I hope you all had a great new year's weekend, and that you all continue to keep safe and clear of hospitals. They definitely don't need any more business. :eek:
I don't know what makes me feel better...the up canning or that you finally watched The big Lebowski!

Either way...The Baron has woken up with a good feeling inside, and feels a small piece of the world has been made safe from carpet pissers again.
It always makes me hapy when you do a drive by right after I post some pics! :ciao: Norcali and happy new year.
I don't know what makes me feel better...the up canning or that you finally watched The big Lebowski!
LOL! They're both uplifting. :thumb:
Either way...The Baron has woken up with a good feeling inside, and feels a small piece of the world has been made safe from carpet pissers again.
LOL! At the end I had to sort out who the carpet pisser worked for and who the marmot guys were! So many thugs. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Have you used the 1 gal velcro's before? I think I need some!
I keep my mother plants in the velcro 1 gallons to make it easy to get them out to root trim every six months or so. Tell 'em InTheShed sent you!
Congratulations on Journal of the month my friend! Looking solid as always, and i do always enjoy catching up! cya around
Thanks AH! Stop by whenever you have a chance...something interesting might be going on. :)
Highya Shed :green_heart:

I may have to pick up some one gallons in the future as well. I love the lil .5 gal ones. They have been great for bonsai mom's and clones.
I'm so pleased with their products that I can't see myself switching.

Have a lovely afternoon.:kiss:
Monday update of the GA3 sprayed Candida reversal attempt, and some news on the upcoming vape carts/QWET experiment!

Let's start with the pics. Here are the three Candidas on flip day 25, 30 days after the first GA3 spray:

And here is what many of the stems look like for some reason:

Little green bumps under the skin. Aliens?

Here are some macro pics of the spots where we would normally look for signs of gender.

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

72 PPM:

72 PPM:

72 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

As the Magic 8 Ball says, "reply hazy, try again." Thoughts?

Let's talk about the whole QWET-to-cart experiment I'm working on (parallel to @StoneOtter). While I wait for some vape products to use on the back end and chat with otter about what he's found, I thought I would reach out to MadDab in Alaska. He works for a cannabis concentrate business there and knows the process end to end.

I asked him why Otter is finding that once the alcohol evaporates from the cart it makes it impossible to draw through the vape. It turns out that the QWET process as we do it ends up with sugars and plant waxes in the end product, even if we start with everything in the freezer. In order to end up with just live resin, the temperature for the process needs to be at -40ºF, which is something I can't do. And like me, he doesn't trust what's in the various liquidizers out there in terms of lung safety.

His suggestion was to start with BHO (butane hash oil), and dissolve that in QWET, winterize that for at least 24 hours, filter twice, and then cook off the alcohol. Do I want to start down the BHO road? Who knows? I don't!

Seriously, I don't want to go down that road. I wonder if rosin from a press would create the same issues in a cart... :hmmmm:
Anyway, that explains the reason it's hard to do from QWET at home.

Highya Shed
I may have to pick up some one gallons in the future as well. I love the lil .5 gal ones. They have been great for bonsai mom's and clones. I'm so pleased with their products that I can't see myself switching.
Have a lovely afternoon.:kiss:
The 1 gallons are great for small plants and mothers. I don't think I have a need for smaller since I start in solo cups and go to 1g from there. I hope 2021 is off to a great start for you and your fam and your knee!
As I said before you are our standing MOTM and now JOTM! Hope you have a great start of the coming year Shed.
Thanks Crazy, very sweet of you! Happy new year to you and your wonderful family, and update your thread with all the cool things you've been laser-cutting :).
The GA3 looks better at 90 ppm. I still haven’t remixed mine to 100 ppm, but when I do I will select a branch to give further sprays once every five days after flipping the lights. Something I read on CS vs esters gave me the idea. I’ll let you know.

Vaping. Why are you so determined with these cartridges? What is the advantage? The health risks are enormous.
Dynavap is an analogue vape for flowers and/or rosin and works a charm.
The GA3 looks better at 90 ppm. I still haven’t remixed mine to 100 ppm, but when I do I will select a branch to give further sprays once every five days after flipping the lights. Something I read on CS vs esters gave me the idea. I’ll let you know.
Do let me know, as I won't be trying this specific process again if it doesn't work. But I'm keeping all my dilutions in small bottles in case future explorers discover new methods to try.

Vaping. Why are you so determined with these cartridges? What is the advantage? The health risks are enormous.
Dynavap is an analogue vape for flowers and/or rosin and works a charm.
I don't think there are risks associated with vaping resin as opposed to smoking flower. From what I have read, the concern with vaping is what else is added to the resin to keep it vape-able, like PEG and VG and who-knows-what other liquidizers. The issue with coil vapes is constant cleaning, and with the Dynavap is both the flame and the need to keep refilling it, unlike a cart that you fill and forget. I'm looking to replicate plain live resin carts in a battery powered vape.
The 1 gallons are great for small plants and mothers. I don't think I have a need for smaller since I start in solo cups and go to 1g from there. I hope 2021 is off to a great start for you and your fam and your knee!
I just start mine in the .5 gallons now. I only have a few Solos for cloning purposes.

The first time I tried to transplant I almost destroyed the plant. Second time I realized I could just run my hand around the inside of the pot and under the root ball. Then I could just lift it out. I was trying to peel back the pot instead and messing up the root ball.
Not enough brain power that day.
The issue with coil vapes is constant cleaning, and with the Dynavap is both the flame and the need to keep refilling it, unlike a cart that you fill and forget. I'm looking to replicate plain live resin carts in a battery powered vape.
A minor point here, while the dynavap began as a flame heated vape, there are now a number of small induction heaters available specifically for it, both mains powered and portable, so one doesn't have to use a flame, it is just an option.
As for cleaning, I feel it is pretty easy, mine is all metal (titanuium) so it can be soaked in Iso if the o-rings are first removed, or don't bother removing the o-rings and just replace them more often because they'll degrade quicker from the Iso but they are a cheap part anyway. So far I have removed them first then left it overnight in a ziplock bag in Iso and perhaps shaking it from time to time if I remember. I think some other portable vapes can be more involved than that when it comes to cleaning.
I also use mine thru a small water bubbler which smoothes out the vapour nicely.
I just clean mine with hot, soapy water.

We used to say with joints the rule is if you can’t roll one you don’t need to smoke it. I guess the same applies to the vape. If you can’t fill it, you don’t need it.

The risk of liquidisers to your health for the mighty pay-off of the convenience of less frequent fills isn’t worth it.
Monday update of the GA3 sprayed Candida reversal attempt, and some news on the upcoming vape carts/QWET experiment!

Let's start with the pics. Here are the three Candidas on flip day 25, 30 days after the first GA3 spray:

And here is what many of the stems look like for some reason:

Little green bumps under the skin. Aliens?

Here are some macro pics of the spots where we would normally look for signs of gender.

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

60 PPM:

72 PPM:

72 PPM:

72 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

90 PPM:

As the Magic 8 Ball says, "reply hazy, try again." Thoughts?
One of the pictures of the 60ppm gave me the impression that it might have took...and the last 3 pictures of the 90ppm are promising mate. Producing viable pollen will be the true indicator. My PC produced sacs (@180ppm) but very little ‘viable’ pollen.

Fingers crossed this works :thumb:
A minor point here, while the dynavap began as a flame heated vape, there are now a number of small induction heaters available specifically for it, both mains powered and portable, so one doesn't have to use a flame, it is just an option.
As for cleaning, I feel it is pretty easy, mine is all metal (titanuium) so it can be soaked in Iso if the o-rings are first removed, or don't bother removing the o-rings and just replace them more often because they'll degrade quicker from the Iso but they are a cheap part anyway. So far I have removed them first then left it overnight in a ziplock bag in Iso and perhaps shaking it from time to time if I remember. I think some other portable vapes can be more involved than that when it comes to cleaning.
I also use mine thru a small water bubbler which smoothes out the vapour nicely.
Thanks Stunger! I may end up having to go a coil/dynavap route, but having a filled cartridge is completely different from putting a couple of hits of shatter in the cap of the dab rig. Pipes are always soaking in iso in a sink at my house, so cleaning isn't a major problem. But having a pen sitting on the coffee table that anyone can pick up and hit over the course of an hour of Dutch Blitz and a two hour movie, and then the kids staying up until 3am watching Ink Wars...that's the goal.

It might not be attainable, but I won't know until I've explored all the possibilities short of hydrocarbon extraction.

I just clean mine with hot, soapy water. We used to say with joints the rule is if you can’t roll one you don’t need to smoke it. I guess the same applies to the vape. If you can’t fill it, you don’t need it.

The risk of liquidisers to your health for the mighty pay-off of the convenience of less frequent fills isn’t worth it.
Iso is back to readily available now, so cleaning is a breeze. And my son rolls all the joints as he is an expert, and loves to collect all the kief in his grinder :cheesygrinsmiley:.

And yes, liquidizers are exactly what I don't want in the process, though I may be able to add up to 5% liquid terpenes (nothing but actual terpenes) and have it be enough to keep the shatter vapeable in a cart. We'll see as we go through the process!

I am trying to steer my family away from inhaling smoke, and onto inhaling easily vaped extract from my flowers, as pure as I can get it to them.

One of the pictures of the 60ppm gave me the impression that it might have took...and the last 3 pictures of the 90ppm are promising mate. Producing viable pollen will be the true indicator. My PC produced sacs (@180ppm) but very little ‘viable’ pollen. Fingers crossed this works
Promising is always promising Celt! How long would you say before I should flip the first of my recipients, knowing that I have three possible plants to flower? And if this doesn't work, that just means I have more Candida flowers!
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