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Oh yeah, that works for sure, I have just had a hard time finding an appropriate sized something to use for the 2-3 gallon size fabric pots. I definitely use that technique with my 7gal bags.
Well explain topping procedure. Since I've come back to growing I see topping everywhere. It's an effective method for sure. Topping, lst, hst, twisting and cavorting, are all great. I'm a bender over kinda guy...:laugh:
I've never used the fabric pots. Opted for the cheap plastic bags and when they ran out I used the sacks the soil came in. I'm going to soak the reuse ones for next season in some hot bleachy solution.
Nice topping, nice stump, and nice clean pots! I tried washing mine the same way, I even did the pre-rinse. I never ironed mine like yours, and the washing machine still had some residue that I had to frantically clean out. From that point on I just pretended I was never there.
Geopot have those new versions of the smaller pots now too, that velcro shut so they can be easily removed for transplant - they look good!

Tip top top on the Durban. It was growing very vertical up to now wasn’t it? Hope you get some vigorous side growth now!

A question for you and any others (I’m hoping there are many) with a take on it:

If doing a short veg time - say, 4weeks veg - how soon after topping would folks say it’s ok to flip to flower?

I realise that will depend a little on how well the plant responds and how much it grows after etc.

I’m just interested in some ballpark responses. I’m thinking topping and then flipping on same day is not so desirable. But how soon have folks done it? Any anecdotes?
That's what I should call schlepping them twice a day ;).
I never ironed mine like yours
That's just one of the great things about GeoPots...they're permanent press :thumb:
Hope you get some vigorous side growth now!
This! The sooner the lowers get bigger the sooner I can top the other two.
If doing a short veg time - say, 4weeks veg - how soon after topping would folks say it’s ok to flip to flower?
I'm not sure I understand this question. If it's a 4 week veg you would be flipping on day 28 regardless of when you topped. Deciding when to top would be working backwards from 4 weeks unless I totally read that wrong.

I'll let others answer the question about the time between topping and flipping generally, since you know how I do it. :)
Deciding when to top would be working backwards from 4 weeks unless I totally read that wrong.
Exactly - or deciding not to top at all because there isn’t time.
If I wasn’t so moon influenced I’d top it now and it would get easily 2weeks before flip. Or, I wait for the new moon, top it then and give it an extra week before flip. It’s only going to be flowering in a small pot tho so I don’t want to veg it too long! I will try something I’m sure! Just canvassing the terrain of others’ experience before I do :)
^ What he said.

I've topped and flipped same day a few times and I don't think it slowed things down much. Especially with fast sativas. They'll just stretch from the lower tops.

Let's start with the topping of the Durban Poison (fem) on day 30.
OMG. Im in love with that Durban. Been looking at seeds lately... :high-five:
I'll finish breaking up the roots for the salve bin next weekend
OMgosh - that was hard! I think I need one more hard rinse on Pretyy Moma’s roots.
Nice topping, nice stump, and nice clean pots!
What a nice compliment. :love:
I never ironed mine like yours, and the washing machine still had some residue that I had to frantically clean out. From that point on I just pretended I was never there.
uh oh. :eye-roll:
That's just one of the great things about GeoPots...they're permanent press :thumb:
Whew! :slide:
They'll just stretch from the lower tops.
:thedoubletake: I think that’s a good thing, no?
Oh gotcha! That really seems like it depends on how the plant is growing, as evidenced by the difference between my Durban and the Colombian Gold's lower growth.
^ What he said.

I've topped and flipped same day a few times and I don't think it slowed things down much. Especially with fast sativas. They'll just stretch from the lower tops.

Awesome - thanks. I thought I had remembered seeing folks do that - esp w pure sativas so I’m pleased I wasn’t imagining it or misremembering. It’s a Sativa-Indica hybrid (70/30) and an experiment so I might top it soon, around 3weeks, and give it about a week before flip. See what happens!
Doing alright! Just filled out my ballot so I can drop it in the box this week.

All good by you?
Yes sir everything is good here. Took my ballot to the PO last week. Probably in a dumpster fire by now :passitleft:
Doing alright! Just filled out my ballot so I can drop it in the box this week.
Exactly why I'm putting mine in a ballot drop off box!
Make sure you drop it in the right one!

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