InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Please excuse the interruption but I wanted to let you guys know I just started another sponsored grow (with about 30 days left in the current sponsored grow) that features a ton of sponsor products and I'd love to have you all tag along here:

420 Magazine Sponsor Showoff With Dope Seeds, Bomb Seeds, Homegrown, Budget LED, PhotonTek & Gorilla

And, if you're not sub'd to the current sponsor grow, here's an example of what you're missing ;) :

Thanks for letting me commandeer the thread for a minute Brother Shed
Please excuse the interruption but I wanted to let you guys know I just started another sponsored grow (with about 30 days left in the current sponsored grow) that features a ton of sponsor products and I'd love to have you all tag along here:

420 Magazine Sponsor Showoff With Dope Seeds, Bomb Seeds, Homegrown, Budget LED, PhotonTek & Gorilla

And, if you're not sub'd to the current sponsor grow, here's an example of what you're missing ;) :

Thanks for letting me commandeer the thread for a minute Brother Shed
Must be nice to get all those perks
Must be nice to get all those perks
It's got its pluses & minuses. I can't really grow what I want, when I want and can't really "dial in" a grow when everything is constantly changing. Then, there's the responsibility of keeping the journals updated, etc. But, I'm not gonna lie...It doesn't suck! :rofl:
It's got its pluses & minuses. I can't really grow what I want, when I want and can't really "dial in" a grow when everything is constantly changing. Then, there's the responsibility of keeping the journals updated, etc. But, I'm not gonna lie...It doesn't suck! :rofl:

Worth it just for the budget led’s. Damn nice lighting there.
Me neither- here ya go...
Didn't have a chance to trim the mothers and take cuttings of the Candida, but just to show you that my winter grow is still growing, here is a quickie Monday update.

I transplanted all three from solo cups to my new 1 gallon pots (from Amazon) on Saturday (day 15). They're the same height as the old ones that came with plants in them, but about 2" wider.

The sprouts could have easily waited another week, but I thought I would try something different this time since the rootballs looked like they would hold the soil during the process. All went smoothly, and here they are:

I soaked them with 1.9g/gallon of the 20-10-20 fertilizer since this was the expired ProMix HP. Next time they need water they'll get ~3g/gallon MC.

I hope you all had a great weekend! :ciao:
No problem MrK!

I'd say that every job should come with perks (perqs?), so why not Grow Journalist!

Nothing since 1981, but I'm hoping you're not down to smoking the trichomes stuck to the inside of the containers yet! I"ll check out your smoke reports later. Thanks for the link!
I'm just being green... you know, reduce, reuse, recycle. Can't let those wonderful cannabinoids go to waste.

Woke up to some of my Hash Plant this morning when I woke up. I'm having a real attention-deficit day and it made me right stupid and useless. So now I'm smoking sativa "to counteract it", yeah, that's it, only to counteract the indica and nothing else like the amazingly smooth smoke, the outstanding taste of the terpenes, and not even the brain-clearing headrushes that leave me feeling like a rubber band. Don't mind me, just one of those days.

Gotta love Amazon. The wife's been using it lately so I looked through and got my new hand lens in 6 days; part of the order came in 3. But back to what I was getting at. Beautiful plants. They're off to a good start.
Certainly hotter than Massachusetts, that's for sure!

I stopped by to post a link that @Alafornia originally put in another thread, on the topic of cannabis and dementia. He has been an excellent resource on the subject, and proves it once more with this:

I'm not even going to summarize it as it's really jam-packed with good information, and I encourage you to read it when you have a moment.
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