InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Here's the 1:20am Sunday update (which means it's 4:20 somewhere!).

Today I up-canned three of the four Candida clones. The smallest one will get the GA3 spray to make it male (they stretch a lot post-spraying), the tallest one will be flowered for seeds, the one in the cloth pot is the new mother, and the solo cup is a backup:

I topped the three after the pic to get more side branching. I also topped the Chocolope and Power Plant, for the record.

Happy Sunday all. :ciao:
Looking awesome Shed, wish I was able to keep a few like that in my garden.

Thought I smelled some hashish from the neighbors yesterday though... Don't know were they originate from but its some middle east country so its not that far thought, they often bring their habits here were this unfortunately is illegal. :straightface:
Hey, Shed. Sorry to read about your workload. Glad to see the plants are looking good. You have had your challenges lately, I hope you are holding up OK. All the best. :)
Nice little Sunday update, Shed!
That's some happy clones right there!
Hey Shed, hope all is well! As I close in on my first harvest I've been keeping a close eye on the trichomes, trying to time the flush so there isn't too much amber when the time comes to chop. Then I remembered your #noflushclub thread and took another look. After reading closely and then finding this video, I guess you could say I'm a new member of the #noflushclub. :thumb:

I'm not sure if everyone realized back before the lockdown, but my hours here were basically 10am-6pm Pacific time Monday-Friday, because my job allowed me to be here when I was at work. At night I would watch TV some nights and catch up here if the day was busier than usual.

Since the lockdown, I've been working from home, and lately I've been doing my job as well as covering for two others who got furloughed, leaving me with no time at all to be here during the day. And I'm so worn out at night (I haven't worked this much in 20 years) that I can barely lift the remote much less engage in all the great banter here.

So please do forgive me my absence, obviously from my thread, which I sometimes neglected in the best of times, but from your threads as well. I would love to be here as I had been, but until my workload/location returns to normal, I can only get here sporadically.

As usual this place isn't the same without you Shed. Oddly many people now have the schedule I've had for years. I'm fortunate to have the job and life that I do. Working from home and being a trustworthy self-starter has it's benefits now the only thing I have to deal with is kids in the workplace and an unrelenting plea from my youngest, "Dad... do you want to go swimming?"

BTW: we got an awning in the back yard and damn is it nice to have some shade and not getting blasted by the sun all day. After 4pm it's pool party time!

Nose to the grindstone Shed, no more 'procedures...'

My takeaway on the flushing study is that, since there’s very little difference, you can probably save 2 weeks of nutrients.

Excellent point Felipe! :thumb: I was just stressing about trying to time the flush for the trichomes to be at my desired ratio, it's a relief to know I don't really have to though, I can just harvest whenever they're ready. I also didn't like the idea of watering with multiple gallons at a time. I think I'll do a mini flush, just for a few days with not as much water.
I typically only provide water for the final week to 10 days, and then cut that off 2-3 days before harvest. Really dries them out and seems to increase the resin. Maybe it freaks them out, IDK.
I didn't have the corona virus that I know of but I did lose my dad earlier this month. Between that and working from home it's been difficult to stay caught up.

:thanks: otter!

Oof! Another one bites the dust. I'm running out of buds on my hermie AF-47 so its days might be numbered if it keeps this up.

Great roots indeed! Chocolope also got great node spacing as well (about 1"), so I'm thinking of letting it grow straight and topping once. The Power Plant may need to be bent over because it's getting a bit leggy. Still too early to tell.

Thought you'd get a kick out of that!

She's almost a full day ahead, so it's not surprising :).

I think pistil count is mostly genetics, all things being equal. Though each pistil should be coming out of an eventual calyx, so I kind of see it as a one-to-one ratio.
I’m so sorry about your Dad. Glad you are better.
I typically only provide water for the final week to 10 days, and then cut that off 2-3 days before harvest. Really dries them out and seems to increase the resin. Maybe it freaks them out, IDK.

Do you keep them in the dark for those last couple days too? That's my plan. Still not sure whether to cut the plant down as a whole or in branches. Trying to dry nice and slow which is a challenge when it's getting hotter by the day. :hmmmm:
Do you keep them in the dark for those last couple days too? That's my plan. Still not sure whether to cut the plant down as a whole or in branches. Trying to dry nice and slow which is a challenge when it's getting hotter by the day. :hmmmm:

Yes, I usually put them in the dark for the final 36-48 hours. Although I won’t be able to do that with this year’s big outdoor plants unless I get some light dep tarps.
Yes, I usually put them in the dark for the final 36-48 hours. Although I won’t be able to do that with this year’s big outdoor plants unless I get some light dep tarps.

Just get a tent and keep it with fans. Put the ladies in just before harvest, for the dark period. If you have the space that is.

of course those outdoor ladies can get tall in a hurry!
She’s not going in any tent I want to buy!
She’s not going in any tent I want to buy!
Beautiful shrubbery! I dont want to alarm you but that large one in the middle looks like cannabis. :passitleft:
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